Where I can find complete manual about style of dialog window? [closed] - android

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Where I can find complete manual about style of dialog window?
I've create custom dialog
dialog = new Dialog(this, style);
As result i want to change background of title and buttons region(footer).

I guess that the official documentation is the best way to know about dialogs.
Moreover, just browsing the web with the keywords android, dialog, custom, design should give some good results.
I don't really think there is the perfect manual about how to style a good dialog window.
Moreover, a dialog window is an android widget, so you can easily create a loyout using XML or directly in your code. The official documentation is still the best manual for that.


How to create a Color picker like this image of color picker [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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This picture is a screenshot of an exiting app.
Uses color picker both of steches and round selection.
anyone help me how can I create a color picker like this one.
As i can see that you need recent color at bottom part.
Well there is many libs are available.
Here is one of them.
if you don't need same design of the lib. then setup code of lib in you system and customize the design as per your requirement.
For Simplicity you can use the existing library for color pickers, it's better not to reinvent the wheels and use the existing one.
Here is some top library for this.

Android and iPhone topbar/Statusbar changing Pragmatically [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am new to App development I am trying to make an app which needs to access and change top bar/status bar on both iOS and Android. I have Searched many Sites even StackOverflow but all I get was It shows how to change colour of text in these bars, there are tremendous Coders are out there working fantastic on both platform, please can any one give me is it could be done? if yes then what is the approach. For more clarification I am uploading Images for top bars.
And Iphone
This is what I want to do. Change items or add items in the statusbar
Any Help will be highly appreciated.
In iOS:
Change in info.plist the row View controller-based status bar
appearance and set it to NO
Change in appDelegate.swift in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent

Circular dotted Progress Bar like windows in android [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to make custom circular dotted progress bar like we have in the windows.
i am able to make simple rotatory progress bar but not the similar one. Thanks in advance.
I have searched for two minutes on google and see what i get.
you could try the following library, and I would really recommend that you extract only the progress animation you need as there is no need to have all that animation code inside your app when you don't need it

Show instructions on how to use an app on Android [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How do you show the user, how to use the app. Is there a tool or something which allows the user to learn how to use it, like a tutorial.
Or what would you do?
By the way, in my app, the user just needs to understand which button needs to be clicked. Basically, he must pick the correct button according to the background color.
To show or introduce your app to the user is called as show casing your app/views(we can say aka tutorial).
You can make your own showcasing animations but there are some libraries for that purpose
spotlight(my favourite one)
You can easily implement that by reading some more stuff about showcasing app or views

Alert and keypad display is not good [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In my app ,i am using phonegap. I am using javascript alert .But the thing is the alert is displayed as shown in the below image.
The brown color image is the splash screen. and also there is another problem with app.
that when i open the keypad the splash screen is seen just before the keypad displayed.
you aren't suppose to be showing an alert on a splahscreen. before you costumize your alert or switching to navigator.notification.alert you should first cancel the timer on your splashscreen and hide it explicitly when the device is ready (onDeviceReady). Moreover, i would recommend using one of the numerous frameworks for mobile web development and using that framework's alert function, its usually better. good luck

