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Closed 8 years ago.
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In my app ,i am using phonegap. I am using javascript alert .But the thing is the alert is displayed as shown in the below image.
The brown color image is the splash screen. and also there is another problem with app.
that when i open the keypad the splash screen is seen just before the keypad displayed.
you aren't suppose to be showing an alert on a splahscreen. before you costumize your alert or switching to navigator.notification.alert you should first cancel the timer on your splashscreen and hide it explicitly when the device is ready (onDeviceReady). Moreover, i would recommend using one of the numerous frameworks for mobile web development and using that framework's alert function, its usually better. good luck
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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to make an app to open another app and click on a coordinate.
I know it is possible in the windows app I'm just looking for a way for android.
I designed an app that opens another app.
+I'm the only user of my app, so it could have any permission that requires.
I won't say it is impossible, probably with some hack, but it is impractical and raises a whole lot of issues. There are ways that Android allows for apps to share data and to communicate, but clicking button in another app, NO.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Android animation keyboard open.
whenever i click done in the keyboard i want keyboard close slowly with animation.
Can i implement it on default keyboard to make this type of stuff or make custom keyboard for that.
please suggest me: i am just new android beginner.
thanks in advance.
An app receives no notification of when a keyboard appears, and the android framework itself is responsible for either sliding the app or laying it out again. So customization isn't really possible. Which is probably a good thing- a keyboard is a separate app, and having written one I wouldn't want to even try to write the keyboard half of such an animation, we'd never get it to look right with all the various ways the app could do it.
The closest you'll get is to specify the fields to pan rather than resize when the keyboard is opened.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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When launching the android emulator it stuck in the following state (A Black Screen), only when the API is Gingerbread Level 10 here is the image, what should be done ? another emulator with higher API is working good what might be the problem
It looks like your views have inflated but have nothing to show or they have zero height and/or width, so won't display anything.Make sure you add some test text or something, just to get you started.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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i recently created a application so i want to give a descreption or help to the application .
Like a hint or alert so that user can refer this and if he want this show every time or on first time
like this
so after installing the app should give this notice if user dont want that notice he can hide it for ever..
How to show this kind of alert.. i tried with alert but it always displays i want it just like this
You are supposed to create simple custom alertdialog with the custom layout as show HERE
did you check this library, i found it really usefull :
The second one is quiet easier then the previous one and its nothing but an AlertDialog and you may keep track of it by persisting its state via shared-preferences or Sqlite Db.
And for the previous case without googling for an opensource project I would recommend you to create your own RelativeLayout and place some imageViews at the respective positions and for persisting the states go by the above mentioned methodology.
use one transparent layout and maintain your help text on it, using images to draw the layout.
check this link it gives some idea for that help layout.
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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm implementing a pawn promotion for a chess app. When the pawn reaches the end of the board, an alert dialog comes up with 4 items representing chess peices the pawn can be promoted to. The problem is, the alert dialog can be dismissed if you click outside of it and the pawn ends up not being promoted which is illegal.
How can I solve this issue? I've tried deregistering the listeners on the buttons behind the alert dialog but It still does not work.
Try this,