Android In-app subscriptions purchaseStatus not changed after refund - android

I'm trying to implement in-app subscription in my application. Everything seems to work ok, except for refund. I made a test account, and bought test subscription. In response got "purchaseState" : 0 (purchased). I immediately issued a refund through a Merchant Console, in response I got same "purchaseState" : 0.
Shouldn't I be notified of refund, so i can cancel subscription on my end? How do i handle refunds for subscriptions? I understand cancellations - state will be changed after expiration date. But refunds..

Refunds are not supported for subscriptions. I recently implemented subscriptions in our Android app and had some of the same questions and saw the same results but confirmed that 'refund' state is never sent for a subscription. Mostly because Google does not give you a refund (unlike in-app billing).


Test subscription is revoked by GooglePlay

I'm working on a subscription renewal feature, in test mode, with testing payment methods. Problem is that we receive cancelation subscription webhook, GooglePlay makes subscription revoke. ​​
From params:
​"cancelReason": "1"
Status code from the docs,
Subscription was canceled by the system, for example, because of a
billing problem.
Also from the docs
Revoking a subscription instantly removes access to the subscription
and is usually done when you or Google suspects fraud.
Usually, it sends cancelation webhook immediately after renewal, even when it was successful, so there are cases when I got two e-mails, about renewal success and cancelation. In my case renewal called after 5 minutes (doc)
Have someone idea, what could be the reason? Is it some "Google anti-fraud system". Because for testing purpose we have short subscription period but the big price. But probably anti-fraud should not be executed when we do testing, with testing payment methods, when there is no real transaction.
The problem was, that we didn't acknowledge new subscriptions.
From the docs:
If you use the Google Play Billing Library version 2.0 or newer, you
must acknowledge all purchases within three days. Failure to properly
acknowledge purchases results in those purchases being refunded.
Regarding subscriptions:
For subscriptions, you must acknowledge any purchase that contains a
new purchase token. This means that all initial purchases, plan
changes, and re-signups need to be acknowledged, but you do not need
to acknowledge subsequent renewals.
Test acknowledging purchase with license testers:
For purchases made by license testers, the acknowledgment window is
shorter. Instead of three days, purchases are refunded and revoked if
they are not acknowledged within five minutes.
changes in documentation
You should also verify that purchases are properly acknowledged as
described in processing purchases. For purchases from license testers, a > purchase will be refunded after 3 minutes if your app does not
acknowledge the purchase and you will receive an email about the
cancellation. You can also check the Orders tab in the Google Play
Console to see if an order was refunded after 3 minutes.

Android In-App Subscription PurchaseState is always 0

In my android app using in-app subscription monthly plan. I have purchased a subscription product with test account. After one hour I cancelled it manually from my phone.
After I query using inventory.getPurchase(monthlyplan), I always get purchase state is 0.
I waited more than one day; still getting response of purchase state is 0. Can any one help me on this?
You may want to check this document - Subscription Cancellation:
Users can view the status of all of their subscriptions and cancel them if necessary from the My Apps screen in the Play Store app. Currently, the In-app Billing API does not provide support for programatically canceling subscriptions from inside the purchasing app.
When the user cancels a subscription, Google Play does not offer a refund for the current billing cycle. Instead, it allows the user to have access to the canceled subscription until the end of the current billing cycle, at which time it terminates the subscription. For example, if a user purchases a monthly subscription and cancels it on the 15th day of the cycle, Google Play will consider the subscription valid until the end of the 30th day (or other day, depending on the month).
Important: In all cases, you must continue to offer the content that your subscribers have purchased through their subscriptions, as long any user is able to access it. That is, you must not remove any content while any user still has an active subscription to it, even if that subscription will terminate at the end of the current billing cycle. Alternatively, you can use the refund and revoke API to revoke each subscriber's subscription (one by one) and refund their subscription payments. Removing content that any subscriber is entitled to access will result in penalties. Please see the policies document for more information.
There are some good insights regarding the following (also found in the same document):
App uninstallation
Refunding and revoking subscriptions
Here is a related SO question that also talk about cancelling subscription in-app.

google in-app subscription unexpected behavior

I trying to test Android In-App Billing V3 to make subscription purchases.
Im aware of the following:
"Test subscription purchases recur daily, regardless of the product's subscription period."
but I noticed the following behavior:
A user buys a monthly subscription through google play, the client passes the information to the server. On the server side, I make an API call to google to get more info about the subscription.
I go to the Google play dashboard and cancel the subscription. (it changes from renewing on X to expire on X).
I buy the same subscription again but I have the following behavior:
Purchase token is the same as in #1. My assumption that the purchase
token will be different.
autoRenewing is still set to false (even
though google play dashboard shows "will renew on x").
expiryMills still shows the original expiration which is in the past (I resubscribed a couple of days later so I would expect the expiryMills to be updated)
Im not sure if this is the correct beahvior or not ...
I would expect the following: If im in within the period, so after the user cancels and then resubscribes, the autoRenewing will "true", and if im after the period, I will get a new purchase token so that the information I get from google api will match the google play dashboard.

In-app subscriptions remain "purchased" after cancellation

I know it has been asked a few times here but still there's no answer explaining why it happens:
Buy the subscription. (subscription is added in my beta draft of the app in the developer console)
Cancel it in my phone's google play account
Query the inventory and get:
Obviously the purchase state should be 1 (Cancelled). I tried querying after 12 hours - still same. Am I missing something?
Might be this reason..
From Developer Docs -Subscription Cancellation
When the user cancels a subscription, Google Play does not offer a
refund for the current billing cycle. Instead, it allows the user to
have access to the canceled subscription until the end of the current
billing cycle, at which time it terminates the subscription.

V3 in-app billing - static testing, null purchase response

I am doing the static testing using the 'android.test. ...' purchase items.
'Purchased' seems to work OK.'Cancelled' and 'refunded' always produce a null purchase response when it gets to the listener. Is this what they are supposed to do?
Other response information tracing back through the calls seems OK.
According to my knowledge:
android.test.cancelled and android.test.refunds both are called when if user has been cancel the purchase or subscription or if user has been refunded by the google wallet. so purchase was cancel for both the cases so that you will get response as a null.
When you make an In-app Billing request with this product ID Google
Play responds as though the purchase was canceled. This can occur when
an error is encountered in the order process, such as an invalid
credit card, or when you cancel a user's order before it is charged.
When you make an In-app Billing request with this product ID, Google
Play responds as though the purchase was refunded. Refunds cannot be
initiated through Google Play's in-app billing service. Refunds must
be initiated by you (the merchant). After you process a refund request
through your Google Wallet merchant account, a refund message is sent
to your application by Google Play. This occurs only when Google Play
gets notification from Google Wallet that a refund has been made. For
more information about refunds, see Handling IN_APP_NOTIFY messages
and In-app Billing Pricing.
check this link for more information.
Hope it will help you.

