InAppBilling is not reliable - android

I do have an App at the PlayStore and a major problem with the current version. Everyday I get a lot of mails from customers saying that they paid for the InAppItem, but didn't get it.
There are two manifestations:
The customer receives a confirmation mail from google including the order number. But the order number is NOT in my Google checkout account. So Google is billing the customer, but I do not receive the money and my customer is not receiving the item. Even so it has been paid! If he tries to buy the item again an error message occurs, stating: 'failed: you already own this item"
The customer receives the item two days after purchasing it. But much earlier than that I can see the successful withdrawal on my checkout account.
Case 1 is very irritating and troublesome, as the customer wants money back, which I never received! In my opinion it's obvious, that this error is caused by Google, since in general this is not a problem and Google is sending these confirmation mails.
Is there someone, who had or have similar problems?
How can I contact Google regarding this matter? I did receive an answer asking me for details, but after describing it, I didn't get any response. Now I feel like they left me alone with my problem.

I would suggest to upgrade your app to the In App billing v3 api. It is way more reliable that the version 2.


Google play iap customer details

I recently launched mobile app I found a purchase made by the user for some reason for this transaction my app could not capture customer details nowhere I could find in console customer details like mail id phone number I was under impression iap report from Google play will provide all these details & hence in my app not annoying my users to provide their details at time of purchase but it looks like Google does not share these details
What is my next step?
Please help, don't want to keep my customer waiting
Thank you
Google does not provide the developer with customer details in the course of processing an IAP. This is probably "by design"; after all, if you don't need someone's personal information to complete the purchase, why should they give it to you?
Also note there are legal concerns here, such as GDPR. You may prefer that Google deals with all that heavy stuff, so you don't have to.
If you happen to have certain information at the time the order is made, you can supply it as the developerPayload member of the purchase. That will attach the information to your order. Otherwise, you're pretty much stuck with what you have.
Or, if you'd like to implement Google Sign-In in your app, you'll find that you can get a great deal of information about your user, at the cost of a single button press.

in-app purchase error [DF-CPA2-07x8]

I have a problem on developing subscription plan.
Doesn't find the answer from
How to solve DF-CPA2-07 PlayMarket error?
It could work on first purchase when no plan is subscribed but fail on upgrading one plan to another. Got the error [DF-CPA2-07x8] from Google server. Clear data and cache for Google Store App doesn't work. Need some advice, thanks
This means the process took too long when doing the upgrade and timed out. It is a problem at the Google Play end. If it is happening frequently and repeatably for you then you should contact the Google Play Console support team and ask them to report it to the Google developers. They will collect some more information from you, and be able to look at exactly the request that is causing the problem. They will be interested in the exact error code, the app, and the account that was making the purchase, as well as the logs from your device.
You can contact support under the help menu in the Google Play console.

Is there a way to give an Android in-app subscription to someone for free?

I've seen similar posts from a while back that say that the only way to do this is to have the person actually purchase the subscription, and then I can process a refund. Is there any update on this, or is that still the only way to give a specific person a free subscription?
A friend of mine has a solution with an iPhone app... The person that requests the app for free gives my friend their UDID, and my friend puts it into a database. The app checks the database for the specific UDID each time it is run, and if it is there, the subscription content is provided. Otherwise, it must be purchased.
But this doesn't seem feasible for Android, because Android devices don't really have unique IDs; and I don't know how a user can find this device ID on an Android, anyway.
Not a subscription to the best of my knowledge, unless you set them up with a test account. For refunds for in app managed items, you can control what a refund does however and hence it's up to you.
Set the user up with a test account. The test accounts work based off of email address. If you provide their Google email address, it should allow you to do anything, including giving them a free subscription.

Android users which download app

Is there any way of getting to know who has bought your app on the Android Market? I currently haven't got an account on the market, my app is still in development so i'm asking you guys.
I'd like to know and make a list of the people who purchased, or downloaded for free, my apps. Not their email addresses or anything, just some unique usernames, maybe from the Android Market itself. Is that possible?
If not, is there any way to get this information AFTER the app has been bought? The in-app billing system i'm guessing is anonymous as well, as it's still part of the Google/Android Market billing system. But if i were to use PayPal to make "my own in-app billing" would that work? I'm guessing i can see any PayPal transactions from where/who it originated, no?
If someone can offer me a suggestion on how i could get this information, with the user's willing participation of course, i'd be grateful.
To track users, people generally use some kind of Analytics app:
Google Analytics for Android and Flurry are popular, to name a couple.
I know of no other way to track general downloads, other than the Android developer dashboard/console
To answer your first question:
Google Android purchases (market and in-app) show up in the Merchant section of Google Checkout.
EDIT: Also, once a purchase is made, it is not anonymous and you as a merchant have freedom to contact the customer directly.
EDIT #2: To address your second comment:
From a merchant can see the following information for each order:
Google Checkout Order Number
Total $ (or other currency) Amount
If they've yet been charged/pending/or other Credit Card/Other processing problems and current status.
Order Details (Include user name - which is Full Name - and App Name)
Additionally, within each order you get:
Customer's full name
Billing Address
Full email, not masked
Sold on, Charged on, Confirmed on Dates/Times
App name ID
So, Quite a bit information.

In-app billing fails with "Took too long to deliver"

I am in the process of integrating In-App Billing in my application for unmanaged products. I've configured my application in the market already to implement the BILLING permission. I've published the product ids as expected by my in-development version of my application. I've used test products so far, but for quality assurance have been trying to test with real products, charging to an AMEX card as well as personal VISA/Mastercard cards.
When I have a transaction go through, everything in my application works without a hitch. I'm even confirming all of the notification ids, so no problems there.
Throughout the process though, I have run into an issue where there is an inability to purchase the products.
The Market application responds to the user with a dialog with text
"Purchase canceled
Your payment could not be processed. Sign in to your Google Wallet account to request support."
This issue is seen on 2 Galaxy Nexus 4G devices as well as an HTC Sensation 4G. The issue occurs on WiFi, 3G, and 4G networks. The accounts purchasing initially receive an "Order receipt" email, followed by an "Order cancellation" email. The order receipt email properly includes the full information for the transaction including product name, cost, order number, date, etc. The order cancellation also includes all of this information and describes the reason for cancellation as, "Took too long to deliver". The application gets a broadcast of a purchase state change at this time, which is the cancelation of the transaction.
Any insight into what's happening and why I'm having all of my transactions fail to complete?
Through email feedback from an Android Developer Advocate, I have confirmed that this is a risk/settlement issue.
Full response from him:
I'm sorry to hear that you've been having difficulty getting adequate support for this issue. My apologies.
The issue you describe is currently a known issue. Your assessment was correct when you said that this was a settlement/risk issue.
Specifically, these users are being flagged by Google Checkout as being in a "risk bin" by our automated systems. These users' orders are temporarily delayed while we manually investigate the account. In the majority of cases, the orders are released for processing within 24 hours without problem.
In-app billing is a special case, as all in-app billing orders are subject to a 45 second processing timeout. (This was based on feedback from several prominent app developers.) Unfortunately, this means that any user who is placed into a risk bin will have their order canceled. Attempting the purchase again 24 hours later should work correctly.
In particular, all the orders mentioned in your bug report are from the same user, whose account is currently listed as "On Hold" while a risk review is completed. (Note that accounts used for developer testing are much more likely to get flagged for risk review, as they tend to display anomalous purchasing patterns.)
Again, the Market team is aware of this issue and is actively working on improving the customer experience.
Thanks for your patience.
Apparently, this is a Google Issue. Please check this link for more info:

