Record audio on mobile through web - android

I would like to be able to record audio on mobile phones by having the user trigger the recording through a button press on a web page. Based on what I've read, audio recording is supported (kind of) in HTML 5, but not all browsers implement it yet. Many similiar questions are 6-15 months old and it seems like support for audio recording is moving forward quite rapidly.
So what I wonder is, can this be done today or in the next 3-6 months, or do I have to create native apps for the various phones?

Probably Cordova-like framework is a way to go for you. You'll be able to create html app and Cordova build will create native packages for all platforms for you.
Cordova (PhoneGap) home
Special audio recording shim


Flutter (Screen recorder) Securing Music stream App, IOS & Android

Is there a flutter solution to securing music app from screen recorder (Even the app runs in the background), like apple music app did, stop the music when you start screen recorder. We have tried windowmanager package & secure application but no one works in IOS.
We have a mobile app to stream music, the app implement in-app purchase, every song should be bought before listening, and the content is exclusive for the app. that's why we need to secure the app, we have searched a lot for flutter packages and native implementations but we haven’t find a solution for IOS specific .
You should implement this natively for iOS.
Use isCaptured property in UIScreen to know if screen recording is happening (you can do this for iOS 11+)
You can use Key-Value Observing to know when isCaptured changes
Apple says:
To prevent the system from recording the audio portion, observe the isCaptured property and take appropriate action in your app as described...
see the documentation
I've found this library flutter_forbidshot it is helpful, and I think it is suitable for this problem.

How to do video conferencing using WebRTC in android?

I wanted to do a demo application of video conferencing using webrtc in android.I found some link for video conference using webrtc but its just for one to one not one to many.
I had the same issue with my video consultation app, if you want to add multiple users to video calling using Webrtc, you have to modify the opensource Webrtc project according to your need, which is not quite easy.
So I have implemented inside my Android Webview, which works very fine, I can add upto 8 users in a single room. Its absolutely free of cost until you buy an specific room. also uses Webrtc for their video calling, they have optimized it very well. Video & Audio quality is good.
The only thing, you have to do before rendering the webview, ask Camera & Microphone permission from user(Above 6.0).
Try this, I think it will help you.

Audio Recorder Player Rails Mobile Friendly

I may have found the solution, I can probably make a mobile app with phonegap that talks to my rails app and make a lighter version of a mobile version of the rails app
I may be getting an educational rails application to work on soon. The client is an educational consultant, she wants to build a rails application and one of the feature is that a teacher can record a feedback that belongs to a particular student for an assignment. The app needs to be able to record an audio and play an audio.
I have been researching this feature both on stackoverflow and google but I don't find the answers very complete.
I got a couple of options,
1) I have found this blog, a developer built an audio recorder/player with flash
and basically its teaching me to grab the audio from a browser with a microphone with flash (needs user permission) and then send it to the server therefore you can escape using red5 (media server).
She wants it to be mobile friendly. I don't think the recording works on the android phone because of flash and I am sure the android phone lacks a microphone. I don't know much about ios either because I don't specialize in mobile. I got my android phone to download flash so it can play the sound.
2) using red5server but I think the player/recorder will still be flash and it doesn't work on the phone
3) and jrecorder
I got some solutions for rails but is there a mobile friendly solution ?
I am sure the android phone lacks a microphone
A phone without a microphone would be pretty useless! :)
With Android you can use MediaRecorder to record and save an audio file. I'm sure it works, I've done it before.
Although I have never tried, I think you can do it in PhoneGap with the Capture options and on iOS with the Audio Video Foundation framework.
That's for the mobile part. You don't need flash there, there are much better options.
On your web application, you can surely use Flash to record audio from the computer's microphone.
However, if you're lucky enough your users will use recent browser that support HTML5 audio recording and playback. Check out capturing audio tutorial and libraries such as audio.js.

Play an HLS audio only stream on IOS and Android but keep audio controls

Here the short of it.
I'm using an HLS stream with JWPlayer6 for an iOS/Android app I am working on. JWPlayer works well and fallbacks to other streaming and player types gracefully. The problem is this, when I want to securely play back audio only in iOS the player is just a condensed black rectangle with a play icon in the middle if I click on the audio it plays fine but it launches the file in quicktime window, and the quicktime player window completely covers the app so you can't listen to the file and continue to use the app.
Is there any possible way to play an audio only stream that utilizes an actually embed-able player instead of the default mechanism of launching audio media types on iOS and Android.
I have already used JPlayer to achieve the functionality I want by placing the js/css player at the bottom of the app in a fixed position so that you can still browse the app while the file is being played, but this is only demo solution for my boss to show him how it would work, but in the end we will need a solution that can securely stream the audio with a player that lets you keep the controls in-app on the page rather than launching quicktime which even after playing the file does not return you to the apps other views.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Lol...anyway finally figured out a solution that works for me in my particular case. Since the html side of things for our application resides in a webview on iOS, thanks to phonegap, I was able to do the following.
HTML5 inline video on iPhone vs iPad/Browser
and now the player finally plays inline just like the iPad. I tested this and it works flawlessly. I also tested it without added the obj-c flag in the app code and it does not work. This means the solution I've provided only works if you are packaging you application using html and obj-c like with phonegap or Titanium etc. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Now I can use all of jw's awesomeness and still play nice with iOS and give a great user experience to all of our members...thanks for you time and patience. As a side note the inline audio only player even works flawlessly with Android to write of of the box not java code needed to edit anything. Surprised me because I know how HLS is not really all that well supported yet on the Androids.

How to create a multi track player (like a dj mixer) for iOS and Android?

I would like to create a multi track player (like a dj mixer) for a website.
I've tried to create it with html 5 but it doesn't work on safari iOS (iPad, iPhone) because it's not possible to play several sounds at the same time with <audio>
<audio src='audio/son-AMBIANCE.mp3' id="yourAudio" preload='auto' autoplay loop></audio>
<audio src='audio/son-MUSIQUE.mp3' id="yourAudio" preload='auto' autoplay loop></audio>
<audio src='audio/son-VOIX.mp3' id="yourAudio" preload='auto' autoplay loop></audio>
On iOS, only the first mp3 is played.
I think about this solution : create an app.
Do you think it's possible to create a dj mixer in objective C ? Or even better for me, create a dj mixer with flash and export it for Android and iOS (better for me because i know actionScript 3).
Do you think it is a good idea and it is technically feasible?
You can create an AIR application with the latest Gaming SDK from Adobe which will work well on Android and IOS. It will give you everything you need to create a smooth DJ mixer sort of application and run multiple sound files at once. However if you have any very large lists, some users might complain about the sluggishness of the large list (over 30 items)
You can also create the application in IOS and provided you use the correct file formats, you can play multiple layers of Audio.
I recommend using AIR if the application is visually simple with only a few objects in a list being displayed at a time, and Objective C for IOS or Java for Andorid if you have very heavy animations or extremely large lists of songs.

