So I have a listview with an image and some text hooked by a custom array adapter. The problem I am facing is that the image is still loading a little bit too slow for my liking. I've watched the google tech talk and attempted to optimize my list by resusing the view by the convertView (if it's null then inflate, if not, resuse). I've also spawned AsyncTasks to load the bitmap with BitmapFactory.Options inSampleSize set to a power of 2, since the image is relatively small. I've also used the ViewHolder pattern to reduce findViewById calls.
However, even with this, when I scroll through my list, it is very noticeable how the convertViews are being reused because the image constantly gets updated as I scroll up and down.
What I noticed in the stock Android photo gallery is, with the hundreds of photos that I have, when I scroll through quickly, the photos initially load slowly, but then get cached. The amount cached is MUCH more than what the screen is capable of showing, so as I scroll, initially the photos load seamlessly until I scroll pass the amount of photos cached, and then the reload of photos is noticeable again.
Is there a way to do this with the ArrayAdapter? Basically, store more than the 9 views within my listview (What my screen is capable of showing) for the purposes of when a user scrolls down quickly, the user would have to scroll down a lot before the convertView is reused and thus the noticeable image reloads?
Thanks in advanced!
Load the images in the background, using multiple parallel threads.
For example: Sending Operations to Multiple Threads; the sample app downloads thumbnails from the Picasa Featured Photos RSS feed. Hope this helps.
In my app I'm displaying images on a grid view. In some cases there are a a lot of images on a single grid view (up to 1,000). This is driven off user data and is unavoidable.
It's impractical to load all images in memory. I tried that and was hitting memory errors fairly quickly. So to avoid this I create AsyncTasks in the getView() method of my array adaptor which load the image in the background. This works very smoothly so far.
The problem is that the set of images can change. notifyDataSetChanged() will trigger getView() to be called on every item on screen. The result is a lot of CPU time spent re-loading images which don't need to be changed.
Is there any way to detect if getView() is "reusing" a view to display the same element as it's already displaying? Alternatively is it possible to detect if an ImageView has already has a Bitmap assigned?
I'm using Android-Universal-Image-Loader in a ListView of mine and I'm trying to find the best solution to following:
using resetViewBeforeLoading is necessary or else I get the same image in my ConvertViews, but this causes jitter, unless..
I use PauseOnScrollListener which is otherwise great, except that it shows a blank in some ConvertViews even for images that are already downloaded (I'm using memory and disk caches), so it's confusing to the user who sees a blank for an image they saw only 2 swipes ago
So it seems that I can't get an instant image load (for already-downloaded images) on scroll without jitter, even for images in memory, is this about right? Is there a better or more standard way to do this? (Vertical list-view showing screen-width images, sort of like the Instagram app, which does it buttery-smooth)
Otherwise, is there a way to lengthen the number of convertViews in my ListView to prevent unnecessarily aggressive re-use?
Thanks in advance
I am bulding up a grid of images for an app I'm building. It works like so:
Build up a list of Image IDs, which I must query using a different content provider each (these are images from MMS threads)
Create new activity, which hosts an ImageGridFragment. This fragment has a custom adapter that takes the grid of images, and loads each one as a bitmap asynchronously.
After images are loaded, they are cached in an LRU cache so I don't need to run unnecessary computation
So far, everything works quite well. However, I would like to pre-buffer images so that when the user scrolls down, s/he doesn't have to wait for images to load. They should already be loaded. The stock Android Gallery accomplishes. I've had a look at the source, but think there must be a more straightforward way.
To answer members' questions
Images are loaded one by one using the content://mms/part/xxx, where xxx is the ID of an image. These are MMS images, and to my knowledge, cannot be loaded as a batch process (though, maybe I'm wrong). I use a content provider in an AsyncTask to load each image
I've tried the following:
Pre buffer 30 images or so right when the fragment is created. This is not ideal because the massive I/O request, actually prevents the on-screen images from loading quickly (but the buffering does work well!)
Detect when the requested view to load is at the very bottom-right hand corner of the screen, which could work, but then would fail in the case that the GridView takes up only part of the screen. It also seems like there should be a cleaner way to do this
Thought about, but did not try, an OnScrollListener, but this will not pre-buffer images until I start scrolling, which is not ideal
So, my questions are:
Is there a good way to detect when the last GridView item is requested to load? I found that the GridView.getlastvisibleposition() method is not useful here, because it is actually returning the last element for which Adapter.getView() has been called for. If I can do this accurately, I can launch the buffer request at that time
Is there a better way to do this?
you can do right this
if(GridView.getlastvisibleposition() = mAdapter.count()-1)
how you load the images?
is it from URL or from sdcard?
are you using a image loader library?
In my Android App I have a listview containing 30 rows, and each row consists of several textviews of which one is spannable and sometimes contains a lot of formatted text and images.
Those images are loaded from the web asynchroneously: A placeholder is displayed until the image has been downloaded is then replaced by the image.
Unfortunately, the rows of the listview are loaded when I scroll over them. This makes the whole thing very slow. Also, those images are loaded from the web again and again, whenever I scroll over the row.
How can I turn it off, that the ListView rows are loaded when I scroll over them? They should be loaded once when I start the activity and never again.
Best regards and thanks in advance,
Jan Oliver
When you do a lazy-loading ListView, is because you want to speed it up your app. Turn it off is not the best solution. So, what you can do is implementing a basic cache system in order to avoid downloading and setting the ImageView again and again.
The easiest way to do so is implementing a HashMap with URLs as keys and Bitmaps as values. Something like this:
Map cache = new HashMap();
// then, on your lazy loader
Bitmap image = cache.get(urlOfTheImage);
if( image == null ){
// download and decode the image as normal,
// then assign the decoded bitmap to
// the 'image' variable
If those images will be the same always, meaning that each time you open the app the same images will be downloaded, then you better save those images in the filesystem and use them from there.
On the other hand, if the images tend to change, you could implement some interesting stuff: use SoftReferences. There's an explanation in this video. This can also be used if you are loading images from the filesystem.
With regards to your comment, I highly recommend you watching the video I posted. It's one hour long, but it really worths the effort. When using an adapter, checking if the convertView is null is just a simple way to improve performance, though there are some other techniques that will improve your app even more. Also, if you had have problems while using that trick, is because you are probably implementing it the wrong way. Remember: even if you don't re-inflate the views, you do have to set the value of each one of the children views, otherwise you will experience some problems.
If you can, start with an Image Array full of the "placeholder images", then download the images in to an Array firing an AsyncTask during on Create. During row view building just refer to the array. That way if it has the new image it will load it, if not it will get the placeholder.
If you have a lot of data its gonna get real slow and be a crappy expirience for the user.
Create a list of objects that represent each row. Create a loader as a background thread that updates the objects as it loads the data. Your list view will draw data from the objects.
(Not a good idea if you have hundreds of rows and a huge amount of data in each row - in that case, you should only load data within a few rows of the currently active row and have some sort of MRU cache).
For anyone who's wondering, the gallery is
My app uses the Spore API to get the 100 newest creations, then displays them in a GridView. The text data about the creations is easy to store, but the images present a problem.
As far as I know, I can either keep the images in a Hashtable or grab them every time they are viewed. Neither of these will work - the Hashtable quickly presents an OutOfMemoryError, and the constant reloading causes a lot of load on the server and a lot of lag on the client.
Is there a better way to store the images?
First Don't get 100 at a time, there is no way your displaying 100 images in a gridview and having them be a usefully visible size. Retrieve the images asynchronously and get a screen full or a screen and a half at a time. I'm guessing you can display 6 to 9 images of a decent size per screen with supporting text/UI elements, you may even want to choose how many to display based on the handsets screensize/resolution. So you should probably be getting 9 to 12 images at a time.
Second, i don't know what resolution these images are coming in at, but it sounds like 'big'. If the API supports it receive only a thumbnail version for you grid view. If not, what i would probably do is: when you receive an image from the API, first create a new image scaled down to the size needed for your thumbnail that goes into the grid view, keep this in memory. Then create a new image scaled down to the size you would need for your 'detail' screen (if you have one) and cache this to the SD card and free it from ram as well as the original source image, this scaling should probably occur in a separate thread to avoid it impacting the responsiveness of your UI thread. Depending on the usage pattern, I would probably also cache the thumbnails to the SD card so it would be cheap to free the ram they use in onStop/onPause and reload them in onStart/onResume. IT also sounds like you downloading a 'top 100' or something of the sort. Since i wouldn't expect an entires new top 100 on every application use you could save a lot of network traffic by caching the images and information to the SD card and only downloading new entries each time the program runs.
Alternatively a process like:
Receive Image -> Scale in place to detail size -> cache detail size -> scale detail size to thumbnail size in place -> display thumbnail in gridview while caching thumbnail asynchronously
Would use even less memory since there is only ever 1 copy of the image in memory, but it would slow the response of the gridview as the image has to be scaled twice before it gets displayed. It may be fast enough to not matter or you may be able to play tricks with the grid view by having it display the large image (scaled internally) while the thumbnail is generated in the background, switching the gridview to the thumbnail when its ready. You'll just have to try it to determine if its fast enough.