Android App Server [closed] - android

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've done some searching however I haven't really found anything as general as what I'm looking for. I have an idea for an app and all I know is that I will need a server. My plan is to "lease" space on the server for my clients to update their information. Then, it will allow other app users to view their information both on the app and I want to push out a web app/interface. Where do I start as far as server space. Do I implement my own, what kind of expenses will I need for that? Do I buy space available from a host? Is my idea feasible at that?

Look for a "virtual server" rent.
Typical prices are around $10/mo for a Single Core + 512Mb RAM + 20Gb HDD
Amazon EC2 allows you to pay by-hour and by-gigabyte basis, but will be more expensive in total $/mo.
They have a free period around 6 months AFAIR for tiny instances.


How to design Apps secret storage inside a Mobile Application [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying to describe the architecture (or understand existing patterns) for a (trusted/self made) Mobile Application that needs to hold private keys to sign some information presented on the screen (let say it's finally presented as barcode). Let's asume we cannot avoid it and need to store private keys (RSA or ECDSA) securely as possibly.
I haven't found any standards for TEE that or Hardware Security Module that would for sure work on the "normal" Smartphones out there?
I'm wrong here and Hardware+OS(Android/IOS) support this somehow meanwhile?
I'm aware of White-Box-Cryptography
But how far can i go with White-Box-Cryptography? How to estimate it cryptoresistance? Any examples of the implementations?
Additionally the supporting backend can be designed as needed here. So e.g. exchanging of secure information onbehalf of the user (OAuth is used) can be done flexibly if it would improve the security...
So let say, i we can exchange Keys in the app monthly or so (more often would be problematic). However getting any information from server is possible, but the solution has to work some offline time too
Typical case: NO Internet for 10, 15 Minutes should be supported as far as possible.

Will Cloud Computing ever cost me more than what I am getting from ad revenue? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I made an app and it is a bit CPU intesive. So I want to delegate some of the work to cloud computing.
Hypothetically, if my only source of revenue is Admob ads, will there ever be a situation where I am paying, say $200 a month more than I am getting from ad revenue, on a pay-as-you-go plan? Or will I need funding at first or something?
I'm using this -> "Google Compute Engine"; pricing:
Thank You.
Only emprical results can answer your question. There is no theory about your specific setup.
For a clue, I have a GAE webapp where the only source of income is adsense ads and the only cost is appengine hosting. This application runs at a profit now, but it didn't when volume was lower. So according to my experience there seems to be some "breaking point" going from low volume to medium when the app starts the become profitable.
If you ask whether your chances of monetizing your app has increased with cloud computing, then I'd definitely say the answer is yes.

Android:Statistics Number of installed app [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to get statistics such as the number of the installed apps and the number of active installs in a day.
How can I get the unique information of each mobile device?
When I have this unique information I can save it in MySql db with php and show statistics.
thanks all,I mean unique information Like UUID of Android phone
Most of the data you're looking for is provided by the Google Play service. Once you upload your APK, you'll start getting statistics on your app.
If you need more granular data, look into 'Flurry'. It's free, easy to set up, and quite powerful.
You can use this framework to track app statistics across various platforms:

What makes apk updates take so long? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When I post an update of my app to the android market it takes hours to become available. Some times half a day why is this?
This happens even if it is just a one changed in the code or xml.
Probably the sheer number of apps that are uploaded to the Android Market per day. I bet most of the process is automated but they must scan the app for malware etc, and as Ramhound said, there is probably a human element to the process as well.
Count yourself lucky. The iOS App Store processing line is 10 + days minimum wait, but that's much more human oriented.
To be exact, only Google knows. But at least Googles bouncer needs to test your app for any malicious content. It will also take some time before everything is updated on their servers as they should be updated in a managed fashion. Also I've noticed that apps can be browsed on the web much sooner than they arrives on mobile. Besides that I don't know what slows down the process. I would believe the process being completely automatic.

How does the Android Market search engine work? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How do you improve the position of an app in Android Market search results? The apps don't seem to be sorted on downloads.
Edit: The scope of this question is limited to working with the Android Market search engine, of which there's little or no information. I changed the title to make it clearer.
Make an app everyone wants, that gets high user ratings and lots of downloads
Update your app frequently, since it shows up at the top in the "Just in"-tab on every update
Use your Social Media Network (Create Facebook groups, start promoting smart on Twitter). Set up a user wiki where everyone can add content, discuss your app and get a real buzz around it.
Buy Google listings
Create a Blog discussing the app and its outstanding performance
EDIT: Almost forgot: Your app should be free, with a possibility to go pro (= paid).
I would add to the answers:
make your app in a way that can be extended with plugins by 3rd party coders, that means they create and submit their apps to the Market as extensions to your app, and that will raise the results

