Stretch button with unstretchable central region - android

Is there any way to stretch the button so that the central part remained intact? 9-patch doesn't allow to do this.
EDIT: I used 9-patch as Benito recommended. And it works fine. It is strange that the first time I couldn't get it.

You could do something like the image below
But make sure you make the background transparent.


Android How to change text color according to background image

On Android, I have a header with a background image (Random image according to API).
On this header I have texts with some data. My text is every time black but sometimes image is black too. So, we can't see the text.
I'm looking for library or snippet for resolve this problem.
You can use the palatte library for this. Please see the following:
I encoutered this problem months ago and was not really sure how to approach it. First of all you need to use a Layout where you can put View over View for example Relative or Frame. After that you need to make the ImageView thats behind the TextView to be a little bit Lighter or Darker (like a shade) at the place of your TextView so you can choose a color for your text which will always be readable since the shade will be in contrast with the text. What you can do is put something behind the TextView and the ImageView which will be Light or Dark and make the ImageView a little bit transparent using set.alpha(int) if i remember correctly. So at this point you will have transparent image with a light or dark rectangle behind it. It will be visible that the part where you have the rectangle is darker/lighter. Then you put your TextView there with contrast color to the Rectangle and you will always be able to see it. It is kind of complicated, but it will work. Hope it helps.
I think palatte is not available for android. So glide will be a better option. Link

9patch with custom background image

I've been working on this problem for 2 days now. What I'm trying to achieve is to make a bitmap fill the complete non-transparent background of a 9patch drawable (a speech bubble in this case).
Instead of this
I want something like this
(Yes, bad photoshopping, but serves its purpose.)
Is that even possible? I cannot provide any code, as I don't have any that would make my problem more clear. Sorry about that.

Android 9-patch image usage

OK, I've read a lot of tutorials and even downloaded some examples, but for the love of Stackoverflow, I can't get my image to stretch like I want it to and I'm hoping that someone can help me out here.
I create an image that is to be the background of a button object in Android. Here is the image:
Now, I'd like for it to stretch to the desire size of the button, whether the button is 50x50dp or 200x100dp. One thing I don't want is the border to stretch as it will look distorted, so I want to specify not to include the border, but stretch everything else to the desired size of the button.
Can someone please show me where the black lines need to go in order to achieve my goal? Do I have to change my original image in order to achieve my goal?
Thank you in advanced.
It's very simple using this tool Android Asset Studio: Simple 9-Path Generator. Although no matter how you do it you will have stretching and distortion due to the textured (non-patterned) background. I would stay away from that style both personally and for usability.

Where are the options to control a Button's background?

I would have thought that there would be a variety of options in connection with a button's background from an image, for example the image could be tiled, or stretched or centred etc etc, but when I list a button's methods I can't see anything. Now I'm suspecting that it could be a two stage process, perhaps getting some kind of view first and then using a method of that view. Or maybe there is simply no control whatsoever concerning a button background. Please advise.
Note that any View's background is something that fills the area covered by that View, so you can't have it centered.
Stretching the the default behaviour, that's why a state list of 9-patches the the best thing to use for Button's background.
If you want tiled background, you may use XML Bitmap with tileMode="repeat". See also other kinds of Drawables on this site. You can for example make something that feels like centered background image using Inset Drawable.
And finally the functions are there: setBackgroundDrawable and setBackgroundResource.

Creating a 9 Patch with repeatining pattern

iam stuck with the creation of a nine patch for a progressbar background.
It has a repeating pattern like a ruler-scala and that given me headache.
here is a image of what i want(at the bottom) and what i have (top).
can someone give me a hint how to acomplish my goal?
edit: or is it generelly possible to do this with a 9patch?
my other attempt was to make a with android:tileMode="repeat" but there i get problems with the height of my image (repeating in the second line), i need something like repeat-x.
Thanks in advance
edit2: ok i managed to do my repeating 9patch by stretching the whole repeating pattern, but its not ideal :(
You seem to be overestimating the power of 9-patches. The most you could do is have a ruler image with expanding space between the ticks. You can't, however, make a 9-patch that automatically tiles parts of your image.
On the other hand, if you create a BitmapDrawable programatically, you can set the tile mode separately for the X and Y axes.
I used to do this in my webview project using border image which provides both options (repeat, stretch, fill).
As webview has kind of it's own problems in android (mostly fixed element) I decided to be more android for the next project and I found out that it's not possible to have the repeated border using 9Patch. It's so awkward as it's needy but not implemented.
In a word android development area makes me crazy, one option here one option there is a usual thing here.

