I would have thought that there would be a variety of options in connection with a button's background from an image, for example the image could be tiled, or stretched or centred etc etc, but when I list a button's methods I can't see anything. Now I'm suspecting that it could be a two stage process, perhaps getting some kind of view first and then using a method of that view. Or maybe there is simply no control whatsoever concerning a button background. Please advise.
Note that any View's background is something that fills the area covered by that View, so you can't have it centered.
Stretching the the default behaviour, that's why a state list of 9-patches the the best thing to use for Button's background.
If you want tiled background, you may use XML Bitmap with tileMode="repeat". See also other kinds of Drawables on this site. You can for example make something that feels like centered background image using Inset Drawable.
And finally the functions are there: setBackgroundDrawable and setBackgroundResource.
I made a TextView which has attributes of background, gravity and so on.
and i made a drawable resource file for the TextView's background.
and this is the xml.
and i added the drawable resource into background of the TextView.
but the problem is, the background doesn't fit in Textview's bound.
please look at this photo.
there is a gap very slightly.
the background color area is upper than TextView's area.
so i tried to use includeFontPadding attribute but it didn't work.
how can i fix it?
I would advise you to check this on real device/emulator, not on preview in AS. use Show Layout Bounds option from developer options for verification, make some full-resolution screen shot and check on it. it will be properly placed
content of any View, including its background, is always places inside its bounds. really, always, its just impossible to get outside with a single pixel (due to layout building and drawing mechanism)
Nothing is wrong with the code. In the Design Editor, it shows like this when we use any background drawable with any view. There is not any kind of a glitch.
In my app, I have ConstraitLayout with a gradient background. In a runtime, this ConstraitLayout can be resized. The problem I faced is that gradient drawable "isn't scaled". I will show an image to explain it better:
In the green circles, You can see that the color before and after resizing at the and of ConstraitLayout is different. Is this possible to force an app to set a gradient in the full range of colors?
The only way I have found to do it is to set ConstraitLayout background every time its changes. I think it is not the best way to do it, especially in my case when ConstraitLayout size was changing in on onTouch event, so my App has to change it so many times. But I didn't see any problems while using this solution.
I have an imageView that uses an alpha channel, is round and basically made up only from black outlines. In a simple instance, I need to, however, display the imageview not as black, but as white. Everything else needs to stay the same. After a bit of googling, this is what I came up with:
ImageButton btnHeader = new ImageButton(this);
btnHeader.SetColorFilter(new Color(Color.White), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
This should at least have some effect on the ImageView , but it just doesn't. It is, as if the 3rd line of code just gets jumped. Can anyone maybe explain to me if this is a bug or me?
Setting a color filter directly on the ImageButton will affect only its source image, not the background. That is, it will affect those images set with the SetImage*() methods. If that's what you mean to do, then simply change the SetBackgroundResource() call to SetImageResource().
If, instead, you are trying to filter the background specifically, you'll need to set the filter directly on the background Drawable. For example:
btnHeader.Background.SetColorFilter(new Color(Color.White), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
Furthermore, separate Drawables created from the same resource will share a common state by default, so if you have multiple Views using the same resource image, then setting a filter on one will affect all of the others, as well. You can force a new, separate state to be created for a particular Drawable by calling Mutate() on it first, before applying the filter. For example, with the background image:
btnHeader.Background.Mutate().SetColorFilter(new Color(Color.White), PorterDuff.Mode.SrcIn);
Basically What I'd like to try is to have all of my content in an image. I looked up some stuff but what they do is always use an imageView and text. But I'd like to use it as a background image.
Can someone give me an example how this exactly works? And how will the support be for using this with different screensizes, because the content always has to stay in the image?
To clarify what I want, I added an image. The green space is a background drawn in android xml, the white is the actually image and the text should be all of my content. I'd like to keep everything in the white, even if I get more edges.
The easiest way will be to have 3 layers
The mask will be an imageview (in your case only the green parts with the rest transparent).
The base image can be anything, but it would make sense that it complements the masking layer.
The content will be the tricky part. You will need to figure out the bounds of the masking layer so you won't go under the mask. I would suggest centering the content.
Alternatively, if the shape will change in size or is complex I would suggest using a canvas with a clipping pattern. On Android how do I make oddly shaped clipping areas?
I'm using a layer-drawable and inside it I have one BitmapDrawable that repeats only horizontally. But I need to add borders for this drawable.
But I didn't find any solution for this!
I tried to create a ShapeDrawable and set my BitmapDrawable as background of my ShapeDrawable, but it's not possible.
I tried to find a method that add borders for my ShapeDrawable, but I didn't find it.
I also added 2 other images, that would be the box_top_left and box_top_right.
With this idea, I only need now to make it appear in this order:
box_top_left, box_repeat, box_top_right.
But i'm also having trouble to do this!
I've found a several ways to change a drawable's padding in my xml but not during the execution. I can't just set it on my xml because I don't know the total width.
And I didn't find any way to make my drawable the exactly width of my image.
Can somebody help me, plz?
I'll post some images to help you to understand what I want to do.
The first image is how it should be:
Inside my Dialog, at the top, above the text "Acesso ao sistema" I have my image that sould repeat.
I used a layer-drawable for my Dialog's background with a item that is the shape for my dialog and another item that should have my BitmapDrawable repeating only horizontally.
This second image is only missing to add my box_top_left and box_top_right.
This third image is what happens when I don't use borders:
And the last image is third image expanded for you to see the problem:
Thanks for your attention.
I think using a nine-patch for this will make your life a lot easier.
I think you can try Layer List, and define two items. One item is a shape which you can add stroke to be the border, and the other one is a bitmap which you can set tileMode to be "repeat" to repeat.
I used this method to implement my task. And I ran into one problem which already was fixed.The bug is that the repeat area seems have some lines between images.This may be caused by the shape having default black background. So I set the shape item's color to transparent.
Hope this will work for ya~~