I am a newbie in android. I have developed few applications, but all are plain and simple, just used the built in features of android.
I was asked about push notifications, in one of my interviews and I decided to have a look at what Push Notifications are. I understand the concept of Push Notifications(I think), but whenever I read the term "Server", it's freaking me out.
I understand all the client side coding, but I don't get how to implement the server side coding. I have seen some people use XMPP, MQTT, etc., What are those? Here is my scenario and what I want to know..
Scenario ::: Let's say I have a website, with a table (the values are retrieved from database), where I update a few columns every day. I want these updates to be reflected in my android application. So, as I have read, push notifications can tell the application that there are updates available. Good. I am fine till here..
When the application gets the notification, should my application, contact the website and get the latest information? or will the updated information sent through Push Notification? I guess, my application would be contacting the website and get the information. Now, how do I get the data from the website? Should I get the source of the page and do some kind of parsing or something?
I will be asking more questions, as the experts clear my questions...
Sorry, if my questions are too naive, but this is the only place that can help me...
Push Notifications means Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) is a service that allows you to send data from your server to your users' Android-powered device.
You can refer to this documentation
Google Cloud Messaging for Android
GCM: Getting Started
And there is also Demo App Tutorial given
in your case you need to create HTTP web service for getting data from the server.so when you get notification about update on server side.you just need to call this web service and get the data you need to update
A long time ago I've been reading and watching tutorials about Android, reading about Push Notifications and GCM, but I don't understand.
I have a Order's table in my SQL Server database and an Android application. On every order status update, the application must be notified.
But I don't understand how it works.
I've created an app by GCM in the developers.google, I've got the key, id, etc, but how do I do this integration?
Should I change my database? Should I create a ASP.NET system for notifications when I update my database?
I've tried the Azure push, but it provides a JavaScript or asp.net code. Why this one? Can anyone explain this to me?
I've implemented many codes from tutorials and internet, but there's no SQL Server and Android tutorial. I searched here, someone talked about using trigger, but I don't know how to integrate this.
You need to write a web service to sit in between the application and the database
You can find some information on web services Here
The database doesn't actually matter.
In order to achieve your goals, you need:
Regiester the user's device to GCM, and get his token.
Know when you need to send the Push.
Send a request to GCM in order to send the push to the device.
You can use any techonology you want, and if you use .NET, you might want to try PushSharp
I am developing an app in android in Eclipse IDE. The app modality requires that any user can challenge his/her friend to do a certain activity. Whenever a user does so, the friend will immediately get a notification in his/her phone. Even more, the user who challenged the friend, will also receive a notification when the friend accepts the challenge. Is there any particular way I can provide this functionality? I know how to generate notifications. But the server side interaction is quite confusing. Should I check the server database through the app at frequent intervals and check for such activities in database? I think the procedure will hamper the performance of the app. I would be very grateful if anyone can suggest a good way.
But the server side interaction is quite confusing.
As you're pointing out, it's the server part not the Android one what's confusing here. If you don't have any constraints on the server part, I'd recomend to use Socket.io http://socket.io/ They have a tutorial for connecting socket.io with Android: http://socket.io/blog/native-socket-io-and-android/
It seems that you don't really need an interaction between the differents users but only a way to notify them. I always used Google Cloud Messaging to do so. It enables you to receive push notifications. As you said, checking the server periodically is battery/data consuming and not the best way to do it.
This link might help to set up GCM : http://www.androidhive.info/2012/10/android-push-notifications-using-google-cloud-messaging-gcm-php-and-mysql/.
I see that apps like facebook for example are getting push notifications in real time. When someone writes a message to me from a pc ill get the message to my android device as push notification just a second later even when my facebook app is not running.
Im wondering how it works because for my app i need a quite similar behaviour. There is also a messaging and an alert mechanism between server and client but i cant imagine how i could implement it so that i can get real time updates from the server to the client even when the app is not started.
Does someone know?
Yes, use Sync Adapter with GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) :
Read the tutorial i provided, you will at least know what to use.
And check this SO question, it has good answers (especially the accepted one) :
Sync data between Android App and webserver
I have asked this question before but no answer. I successfully integrated Pushwoosh into my android application and their service has been wonderful, but now I want to make it automated because in one of the section in my app, there is a blog that is constantly updated using a Json Webservice. What I want to achieve is this, I want a push notification sent to users on the app, when there is an update from the Json web-service. Is there an online tutorial on this and how to achieve this, I would prefer if its very explanatory. I have searched online for a while now and i have been unable to come up with anything meaningful.
I learnt from Pushwoosh pricing site that we need to pay minimum 39Euros for subscription and only then we get access for RemoteAPI with which we can push data from our server. This facility is not available for free version. In case you have implemented this, kindly share some steps for the same
I want to push new data to the apps on user's device after a couple of days, like news update service. It's NOT APK update. Where do I get some clues to start with? tks in advance
(sorry if this question is dumb, but why can't I search for it on stackoverflow, I must miss something?).
You can accomplish this in many different ways. One option is to design your app to periodically query a server-side REST API and download new information in an JSON/XML format. That information can be stored in a local SQLite or flat file database on the device. You could also integrate with Google's Cloud Messaging service to send push notifications to the device. When your application receives a push message it could spawn a new background process to download any updated content from your server.
You can use push notification (search for c2dm) which will notify users whenever, content/data is updated on server. Whenever, android application will receive push message from server, it will update the local database (say, news database in your case) from server.
Hope it is helpful information for you.
Just upload the new app, with the same key that you used it previously and also increment the version code.