I am developing an app in android in Eclipse IDE. The app modality requires that any user can challenge his/her friend to do a certain activity. Whenever a user does so, the friend will immediately get a notification in his/her phone. Even more, the user who challenged the friend, will also receive a notification when the friend accepts the challenge. Is there any particular way I can provide this functionality? I know how to generate notifications. But the server side interaction is quite confusing. Should I check the server database through the app at frequent intervals and check for such activities in database? I think the procedure will hamper the performance of the app. I would be very grateful if anyone can suggest a good way.
But the server side interaction is quite confusing.
As you're pointing out, it's the server part not the Android one what's confusing here. If you don't have any constraints on the server part, I'd recomend to use Socket.io http://socket.io/ They have a tutorial for connecting socket.io with Android: http://socket.io/blog/native-socket-io-and-android/
It seems that you don't really need an interaction between the differents users but only a way to notify them. I always used Google Cloud Messaging to do so. It enables you to receive push notifications. As you said, checking the server periodically is battery/data consuming and not the best way to do it.
This link might help to set up GCM : http://www.androidhive.info/2012/10/android-push-notifications-using-google-cloud-messaging-gcm-php-and-mysql/.
Can I use Onesignal to send a notification of order changes to an Android device then if the user already opened the application on order's page/view the notification will be not shown but the order status on that page will be changed?
If yes, can I know the reference of documentation/tutor? If no, what are alternative ways to do it?
I have a project using Onesignal to send the notifications to the android devices. Currently just Simple notif, but my boss asked me to make the mobile app can auto change status order without user action. I'm a backend engineer, not an android dev so I don't know what really works of Onesignal in android. I just know Onesignal can be used to send the notification but what about data process after notification sent?
This is what I understood: Your app has some kind of market or something from which people can order stuff. So, you want to know if OneSignal can send automated notifications as the order status changes?
If I have got it correct, my best guess will be, no. OneSignal can only manually send out notifications. The closest one can get with OneSignal to automations is scheduling notifications to be sent later. To achieve your purpose, your Android devs will probabaly have to write some code on their own and integrate it some way with the order status and all. Or else, your boss will have to appoint a few people who can track the order of the people and manually send out notifications to them using OneSignal (but, identifying the correct device might not be so easy).
That's my guess. But, OneSignal's support team is pretty nice. They might take a few days to answer, but, it's worth asking them if they can help your developers integrate the order status and OneSignal's notifications in some way.
I am trying to implement a shoutbox for Android app. I am following the tutorial below and works perfectly for me:
My problem is that right now, I get a list of all registered users on Parse and then send a message to each one of them using Sinch:
messageService.sendMessage(groupUserIdList, messageBody);
I may potentially have thousands of users so the groupUserIdList will be huge. This looks inefficient and I am looking for a better way to do this.
Does Sinch offer a broadcast, such that I can send messages to all registered users without creating the groupUserIdList everytime?
You are right, that would be ineffective.
We are not really a mass communication platform like that. WE are more about user to user and small groups. So I would not use our messaging to send a IM to thousands of people.
I want to know the complete working mechanism of the mail apps for android.
Actually I build an android app for big data product.It has a feature which will shows the notifications (list view) .
Now I want If new notifications come in the DB It should ring a bell and in notification bar of the android phone it should show, As in case of Mail apps, as soon as we got new mail a notification comes in notification bar.
NOTE: android server which needs to be queried may not contain internet.This App works on intranet also.within a company network.(without the internet)
So I want to know the mechanism to implement this feature.
1) Whether i should run a background service which will send query to server on regular time interval.
2) Or any other services like push notification.
I just need a clear idea about working of these type of system.So that I can implement this in effective manner.
Obviously the best solutions would be to use PushNotifications. This is how GMail does it, and this is how every email app, or messaging app has to do it.
Polling the server will drain the battery, and will also make extra (unnecessary) data traffic, which is something you don't want your app to do .
You should get started here : Google Cloud Messaging. In my opinion it is very easy to setup, and I recommend using GCM, instead of all the other alternatives like Parse and so on.
I am finding difficulty to know about in-App messaging.
And how to do it.
I have the following things in my mind,
in-App messaging:
Is an idea to receive contents from a server only the app is alive on screen.
This is possible only the app is active.
App should make a call to server and needs to receive contents.
Push messages
Is an idea to receive contents from a server even though the app is not active.
This is possible at any time, we can notify users while our app is closed and running also.
App do not need to make a call.
But the app should have code implemented to receive push notifications.
We can use GCM for Android and Push Notification for iOS.
Am i right with my understandings ?
If i am not and i missed something , please give your hand to take me out of this confusion.
When I think of in-app messaging, to me it means that you're sending a message from one part of your app to another. "Sending a message" is a very generic term that can be accomplished in a number of different ways. Among others:
Sending a broadcast to a message receiver. You'll need to call sendBroadcast to a BroadcastReceiver.
You can pass a Handler to another component and it can post messages to your handler where they're processed
You can use a third party library such as the open source "otto" library
You can build your own version using the observer pattern.
For push messages, your understanding seems about right. However, look at this post for details on the last item, "We can use GCM for Android and Push Notification for iOS".
You are right, though I would change the term in-App Messaging to Pull Messages, since you are referring to the app pulling messages from the server, while in-App Messaging implies that the application is sending the messages.
You points are mostly correct, though Pull Messages does not require the app to be in the foreground (on screen) - a part of your app can run in the background and fetch messages from the server. This is more doable on Android, since iOS limits the operation an app can do in the background.
Another point that should be added to your list is that Push messages also have the advantage of conserving battery life.
In-App Messaging can also be viewed from another standpoint. AT&T has an API for In-App messaging that allows you to send SMS cross carrier. The API can be found here. along with others. From this you can imagine the ability to message from within an app, say a game or a social app and retrieve responses. There are examples for all the platforms you have added as tags. It might be good for you to look this over as it can expand your understanding of the concept in a different direction than the other answers, Somewhere in all of these you will find what you are looking for.
I am a newbie in android. I have developed few applications, but all are plain and simple, just used the built in features of android.
I was asked about push notifications, in one of my interviews and I decided to have a look at what Push Notifications are. I understand the concept of Push Notifications(I think), but whenever I read the term "Server", it's freaking me out.
I understand all the client side coding, but I don't get how to implement the server side coding. I have seen some people use XMPP, MQTT, etc., What are those? Here is my scenario and what I want to know..
Scenario ::: Let's say I have a website, with a table (the values are retrieved from database), where I update a few columns every day. I want these updates to be reflected in my android application. So, as I have read, push notifications can tell the application that there are updates available. Good. I am fine till here..
When the application gets the notification, should my application, contact the website and get the latest information? or will the updated information sent through Push Notification? I guess, my application would be contacting the website and get the information. Now, how do I get the data from the website? Should I get the source of the page and do some kind of parsing or something?
I will be asking more questions, as the experts clear my questions...
Sorry, if my questions are too naive, but this is the only place that can help me...
Push Notifications means Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM) is a service that allows you to send data from your server to your users' Android-powered device.
You can refer to this documentation
Google Cloud Messaging for Android
GCM: Getting Started
And there is also Demo App Tutorial given
in your case you need to create HTTP web service for getting data from the server.so when you get notification about update on server side.you just need to call this web service and get the data you need to update