Show the last few items on ListView - android

How could I keep the just last few items in a ListView shown? Currently, I'm using the following line to achieve this.
However, smoothScroll() is annoying because it has to scroll through all ListView elements to get to the end.

Use ListView.setSelection() with your preferred position.


Android - Adding Last item in the end of a list ListView

I am having a custom list view. In general it shows some 5-6 data depending to the data. i want a small message in the end of a ListView saying "End of list of results". How to achieve that?
Use addFooterView method of ListView.

How to show listview items and limit them to have pages like?

I'm using Android Studio, and I have a listView that musts display an important amount of items. showing all of these items have a huge impact on performances. SO I would like to show them 10 by 10, and with a button show the 10 next items. After some researches, I found this android How to limit list items display in ListView and a button show more and this How to limit list items display in ListView by 10 and next 10after clicking next button. But these didn't lead me to a success. The 1st link looks easier but I didn't know where to put the code samples to make it work. Thanks for help !
You dont need to show "Load More" Button always. You can use Android's Recycler View for this. It will load only the data which can be shown on screen. Rest of the data will be loaded as you scroll down. And the view which is scrolled up (Vanishing views) are recycled automatically.
Check this links
First link question have a simple answer, If you made a custom adapter for populating listview then there will be a getCount() method which will return the number of items you want to show on listview. if you have not getCount() method then simply override it.
there i(variable) have that value which number if items you want to show on listview, on refresh button click increment the value of i(variable) that will again refresh the whole listview and add the total number of items in listview which is the value of i(variable)

Android - how to add progress bar after the last item of Horizontal Listview?

I have a Horizontal listview display a list of product. This list is gotten from server.
I want to load 10 items first. When user scroll to the last item of listview, the progress bar stay in here then I will load the next 10 items and so on.
With the ListView (Vertical), we have the attribute: horizontalSpacing to padding at the last item, but in Horizontal Listview I can not find any similar attribute or function.
Please help me to solve this problem.
Take a look at Android documentation for swipe-to-refresh
you should use recyclerview instead of listview, then you can customize each row in your list based on position

Get RecyclerView to stop scrolling when I add items to the Adapter

How can I stop RecyclerView from scrolling to the bottom of the list whenever I add items?
Even when I insert something at the top of the list and call notifyDataSetChanged or notifyItemInserted the list scrolls to the bottom.
The one feature that works as expected is notifyItemRemoved(index)
I think I was calling notifyRangeInserted() with the entire list and that was scrolling to the end of that range.
If you're having similar issues, just cut the Adapter functionality back to its bare essentials and build up from there.
The problem was I had an item in the list, a ProgressBar to indicate that data was loading, but when the new items loaded I added them to the list, this moved the "focused item," the ProgressBar down and if there were enough items to move it off the screen then the RecyclerView would scroll down to keep it on screen. The problem being 1. I didn't want it to maintain "focus" and 2. The very next thing I did was remove the ProgressBar from the `Adapter.
So the solution is to remove the ProgressBar or other items before adding items earlier positions in the Adapter.

List focus on a particular item in that list dynamically

In my project i have a ListView for handling the list of a product. In that i have a list of 100 Items in that List view. Each and Every time i have been seeing the first row of the ListView..
If i need to see the data in the ListView Means, i need to scroll down, Can i focus directly to a particular item by any function by passing the position(ID) of the ListView..
For Example this is my ListView that contains 11 items in it..
I'm seeing every time the ListView as the following,..
And my try is, If i give the ListView position as ID=5 means, can i get the Focus of the ListView as follow, in the opening itself...
Can we get this by ListFragment method or anything else?
Suggest me for the Best..
try this, use setselection
Don't know about ListFragment but in listview, you can use listview.setSelection(position);
This method will help you to achieve this
for example: listview.setSelection(5);

