How to show listview items and limit them to have pages like? - android

I'm using Android Studio, and I have a listView that musts display an important amount of items. showing all of these items have a huge impact on performances. SO I would like to show them 10 by 10, and with a button show the 10 next items. After some researches, I found this android How to limit list items display in ListView and a button show more and this How to limit list items display in ListView by 10 and next 10after clicking next button. But these didn't lead me to a success. The 1st link looks easier but I didn't know where to put the code samples to make it work. Thanks for help !

You dont need to show "Load More" Button always. You can use Android's Recycler View for this. It will load only the data which can be shown on screen. Rest of the data will be loaded as you scroll down. And the view which is scrolled up (Vanishing views) are recycled automatically.
Check this links

First link question have a simple answer, If you made a custom adapter for populating listview then there will be a getCount() method which will return the number of items you want to show on listview. if you have not getCount() method then simply override it.
there i(variable) have that value which number if items you want to show on listview, on refresh button click increment the value of i(variable) that will again refresh the whole listview and add the total number of items in listview which is the value of i(variable)


Recyclerview with X items and View more button

I would like to know if there is any way how to implement RecyclerView with only part of the collection. For example, the ArrayList would have 10 bitmaps in it, but only 6 can fit the screen without scrolling. So I want to show only 5 of them, and the 6th would be a clickable Button/ImageView which would say 'View 5 more'.
Is it possible to achieve this? Thanks.
one way would be having 2 lists in your adapter, one is the list that you actually show (show list) and the other one the full dataset. as long as you're not showing the full dataset, add a row at the end with the button show more, when clicking the button add a new batch of items from the full dataset to the show list.

Android - Adding Last item in the end of a list ListView

I am having a custom list view. In general it shows some 5-6 data depending to the data. i want a small message in the end of a ListView saying "End of list of results". How to achieve that?
Use addFooterView method of ListView.

Get all data of one row by click on a Button?

I use below code for get data of one row
View vListSortOrder;
TextView edit=(TextView)vListSortOrder.findViewById(;
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), edit.getText(), 1).show();
But My problem is item that not shown in the listView
for Ex: I have 20 item .In MyPhone Screen 10 item of ListView displays.
when MyPositionOfRow set to 0_9 not problem.
when MyPositionOfRow set to 10 or above my program will be crash
How fix it?
Or other way to get data of one row in listView.
You have to use Adapter for interaction with ListView
Your application is crashing, because during UI execution in memory existed only 9 items of ListView.
If you will scroll list to the up - upper item moves to the bottom for memory reducing. And we have to use adapter for correct changing of the item's content.
Really nice article you can find here:

android Listview

i am using list view to store date in sqlite database. In that the driver taking one trip.In that trip contain number of stops( Delivery, Begining of break, End of break, Begining of lunch, End of lunch, End of Trip). If i add the Begining of trip, all other stops will be added inside the trip,,,,, until the end of the trip......
Problem is
I have 2 pages first page having some listview.when i click the first row of the listview it show another set of listview in 2nd page. so each row in the main listview(1st page) have corresponging set of sub listview(2nd page) in the secong page.
All the stops are showing in the same page... any one help for my problem
I got the point regarding your problem. I think you want to have listview where you click on any trip item from trip listview and it display sub-items related with clicked item.
If my above assumption is right, then you should implement ExpandableListView.
Here are the examples which you can refers to and get more idea:
Problem is I have 2 pages first page having some listview.when i click the first row of the listview it show another set of listview in 2nd page. so each row in the main listview(1st page) have corresponging set of sub listview(2nd page) in the secong page.
In your case you have to use ExpandableListView
check below below links, hope it will help you!
How to use ExpandableListView
Custom Expandable Listview
Android Expandable ListView simple Example in android.
How to create a custom ExpandableListView

Adding a row to a ListView that displays "Loading" while information is downloaded. Like in the Market

I've tried, but have had no luck trying to find this answer elsewhere.
I want to add a row to the bottom of my listview that displays "Loading..." and maybe a spinning progress indicator.
My program already loads additional information into the listview once the user scrolls to the bottom. But I want the user to be able to see that the program is indeed loading something.
Example: If you go to the android marketplace and scroll to the bottom of one of the lists, the last row will say "Loading...". Then once the data is loaded, that bar is replaced with the first item of the new data.
Sorry, it's a little hard to describe. I am NOT trying to add a footer to the bottom of the list view. I want it to be an actual item in the listview.
Take a look at the following library:
It does exactly what you're looking for and it's also very easy to use.
I've used it myself on one of my apps: WorldSpeak. Take a look on it to see the result.
Assuming you have a TextView in the list items, you could add a new item to the end of the list that says "Loading..." and then remove that item when you update the list. I.e., if "hashlist" contains the data as declared in the adapter,
ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>> hashlist ;
HashMap<String,String> loadingitem ;
loadingitem.put( "line1",getString(R.string.loading));
hashlist.add(loadingitem) ;
and then...
// remove "loading..." list item if it's there
hashlist.remove(loadingitem) ;
// then add the new items

