Adding source files to android - android

Ok, i've wasted an hour trying to figure it out, even though it's something really simple.
I've downloaded some code from github. I'd like to use this in my android application. How do I go about adding it? It's not a jar file, and i tried drag dropping it and linking the files, and it didn't work. Importing and refreshing / cleaning the project didn't work.
I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated!

If this is a project you want to import in eclipse, right click on eclipse left pane (the project list), import, android project from files, select the repository folder.
If this is a library you want to use in you app, there is another step : go to the properties of your project, android tab and in the library section click on add, then select the library project.
By design, android code that contains layout resources (for example ActionBar Sherlock) can not be embedded in a jar. So you have to use it as a library project. It is very convenient though, since it allows you to look at or modify the library code very quickly.
You may also need to let Eclipse know that your library project is a library and not an app. To do so, in the same Properties/Android screen you just have to check the "is a library" checkbox.
Reference on that topic : official documentation

In Eclipse:
File->New->Other->"Android Project from exiting Code"


Github project import into my own project

Here it goes.. I am a bloody beginner in programming! So i am also new to android studio..
Here is what i've got:
I am playing around with those fragments and the navigation drawer, everything works just fine, but is it possible to import, lets call it a "whole" github project as fragment class ? Just copy and paste gave me too many errors for me to understand..
(A bit more detailed, i want to build a calendar app, and the android studio calendarview gives me no access to customize the view, so i wanted to use CompactCalenderView just for some testing..
Greetings PatPat!
Add this line to your app's build.gradle's dependency block
compile 'com.github.sundeepk:compact-calendar-view:1.7.9'
From Gudin's comment:
On the left side in your android studio open the "Project" tab, if its already open then you should see a file/folder structure on the left side, in the same tab there is a drop down which when you open there should be an option called android just click on it, Now you will be able to see a folder called Gradle scripts, expand it and open the build.gradle(Module:app)
First get take a good look the image ive provided
can you see that there are 2 build.gradle files? Saw that ??Good..
Now select that Gradle build with module:app file
Next put the dependencies in the dependency section just as i have done sync or rebuild the project and that pretty much it ..Hope this helps

How to resolve the error "No resource found that matches the given name" when adding library v7 AppCompat in Eclipse?

I have a project target to API Level 10 and i want to implement the new ActionBar support library.
After follow all the instrutions in the Support Library Setup, when adding the library to my project I came across with dozens of error messages like this:
android-support-v7-appcompat\res\values-v14\styles_base.xml:24: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Holo.....
OK, i know that they are many answers to this question, but, after trying all the more obvious, i still could not solve the error.
I kept searching and found the cause, which is not so obvious, at least for newbies like me.
My intent is provide a full answer to help all those who are like me and do not master all the secrets of the Android development.
This is what you have to do for use the ActionBar support library correctly.
Follow the instructions in the Support Library Setup - Adding libraries with resources.
One thing that can bring some doubt is add the library to your aplicattion project:
(1) In the Project Explorer, right-click your project and select Properties.
(2) At the left pane select Android.
(3) At th bottom of the right pane click Add
(4) Select the library project android-support-v7-appcompat and click OK.
Click OK to close the properties window.
If you not get any of the errors I mentioned it´s all done.
However if you are like me, you dont´t followed the advice of Android team that suggests you always compile your source using the latest SDK, you get the error.
The error ocurrs because my Project Build Target was Android 2.3.3 and need to be at lest 3.0.
It was not immediately clear to me because of the fact that I'm specifically developing for Android 2.3.3 and I'm using support libraries.
OK, I hope this helps.
You should add that support library to your project. To add:
Right click on project, then go to :
properties > Java Build Path > Libraries
here Add External JARs...
add android-support-v7-appcompat.jar (path/to/sdk/extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\libs)
Additionally you also have to copy that jar to libs folder of your project, if it is not there automatically.
and you should use the #style/Theme.AppCompat theme for your application for support-v7 to be working
also keep one thing in mind you should change min sdk version to 11 if you want to support("android:windowActionBar")property in your project.

Can not include source library in project in Intellij IDEA

I've created library project in IDEA with common helpers, which I use in my android applications.
Then I've created android application and included in it my library project like this tutorial said.
Everything seemed okay, code autocomplete worked fine, IDEA recognize that library and all classes and methods in it.
But then I compiled application and saw error "'' does not exist". However as I said IDEA acts like everything okay before making/launching project.
Here is similar question, but answer is trivial, of course my library has checked "Is Library Project" option but I still can not launch my application which use my library.
I've just saw an error: "UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lorg/my/helperlibrary/Helper;" when I removed all usages of library in my android application. So it's just included in my app and not used.
It turned out that I should not add dependency manually in that window
I rather should add new module in my Project window at the left
Then I should choose iml file in the root folder of android library project I want to use
Then I pressed finish and from that point I had two modules in my project
After that when using classes I can press Alt+Enter on any class from SampleLibrary and tell IDEA to add module dependency
Then I could see that IDEA made all I need without me. I can now use SampleLibrary from SampleApplication!
Try to select library project, then click Build -> Compile <your library project name>.
Then back to you project which use this library and click Build -> Rebuild Project.
After that try to run project again.
Hope it helps.

Android - cannot use external library

I was asked to make a project work in Android and I am a complete noob in this aspect and, well... things are not working...
I have created a little code in Java which uses libraries - this code works perfectly. I am now trying to make this code work on Android but I have problems...
It seems I cannot use any element from the libraries I imported to my Android project. The project loads on the phone perfectly fine when no instance of the library is created, but when I make use of the library the app crashed and I get errors.
Here is what the project package looks like
The part with the arrow is what I think makes the program crashed. When I remove this line, everything works fine.
I checked online about problems with Android and external libraries but I could not understand everything... Could you help me pinpoint exactly what is wrong and how to solve this?
I got this issue when I first started android development.
Key to this is to the external library seems to require them being another android project itself, instead of java project. After creating this android project, right click on the "external project" and choose properties. Under Android Tab, there should be something to check to denote that it is a library instead of application. After doing this, the linking is quite similar to how we link normal java projects to external java library
If you are using eclipse, than just create a "libs" folder in project root and drop your external libraries there.
Alternatively you Right-click on the jar file > build path > add to build path

Action Bar for android < 3.0

I want use ActionBar for my application but i found it can't use for android < 3.0.
I found this to solved my problem but I get error at
Give ActionBarSherlock a try. I use it for one of my projects and after some reading of the docs and the samples it just worked. The samples are easy and straight forward, you should be able to extract what you need from them.
To see what it's able of just download the sample app from the market: Sample App (requires at least Android 1.6)
You should add the code to a library, and add the library to your project.
To do this in Eclipse create a new project, using the same package name as the github project (so In the properties select the project to be a library under the Java Build Path tab. Then, in your project, go to its properties, and select the library.
I think your including files are missing (JAR libs) , Click on error icon and then select fix project setup.
I spent around 10 hours trying to fix this problem. All the above ans does not work. Actually what is missing is android support library. To fix this, right click on project, >Android Tool> Add Support Library. Hope this save alot of time for other who came across this. just add support library both on your ActionBar library and the current project.

