Can not include source library in project in Intellij IDEA - android

I've created library project in IDEA with common helpers, which I use in my android applications.
Then I've created android application and included in it my library project like this tutorial said.
Everything seemed okay, code autocomplete worked fine, IDEA recognize that library and all classes and methods in it.
But then I compiled application and saw error "'' does not exist". However as I said IDEA acts like everything okay before making/launching project.
Here is similar question, but answer is trivial, of course my library has checked "Is Library Project" option but I still can not launch my application which use my library.
I've just saw an error: "UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lorg/my/helperlibrary/Helper;" when I removed all usages of library in my android application. So it's just included in my app and not used.

It turned out that I should not add dependency manually in that window
I rather should add new module in my Project window at the left
Then I should choose iml file in the root folder of android library project I want to use
Then I pressed finish and from that point I had two modules in my project
After that when using classes I can press Alt+Enter on any class from SampleLibrary and tell IDEA to add module dependency
Then I could see that IDEA made all I need without me. I can now use SampleLibrary from SampleApplication!

Try to select library project, then click Build -> Compile <your library project name>.
Then back to you project which use this library and click Build -> Rebuild Project.
After that try to run project again.
Hope it helps.


Being to foolish to correctly implement a module library into my project

I recently started developing my really first Android Project using Android Studio 3.1.2.
Therefore I implemented a module library into my app, by cloning it from github, imported it as module library and added a dependency via right-click on app > module settings, switch to dependency tab, hit the +, select imported_module.
Additionally I checked my build.gradle(Module:app), if the dependency has been added correctly, there this line appeared:
dependencies {
implementation project(':imported_module')
Also in the settings.gradle file it says:
include ':app', ':imported_module'
Now if I want to access features of imported_module any of them can't be resolved. I browsed the official and the common forums for hours to find the one step I obviously missed but wasn't smart enough to find the solution.
Synching the project with gradle files didn't cause any visible effects
What do I still have to do to be able to use all the fancy stuff fro imported_module inside my app? Do I have to import it in a certain way?
Or do I have to modify my AndroidManifest of my app somehow? Thanks in forward!
EDIT: could it be that my app and imported_module obviously have different package names? The Project File Tree says com.domain.example.my_app for the app and com.domain.example.imported_module for imported_module. Do I have to squeeze the one into the other?
It could have been much easier, if you had mentioned what exactly you want to access in main app. May be access specifier of the member in your imported_module is private.
I kinda worked around the whole thing, by just adding a remote dependency in my build.gradle file of a new project, pasted my java classes and my res into this new project, synched it and now it runs. Nevertheless thanks for thy help!
That should be really all. Be sure to sync your project with Gradle files (File - Sync Project with Gradle Files).

How do I import* in Android Studio using a Gradle build?

I have followed the procedure as described here : Setup
I have clicked on the little 'Sync project with Gradle' button. Gradle and Android Studio seem to find everything but then I can't actually use the gms code. If I try to import, I will get autocomplete for but no further. I have updated all the packages with Android SDK Manager.
I'm running Android Studio 0.4.2.
My minSdk is set to 9
my build.gradle includes compile ''
As far as the procedure is concerned I should be ready to code, but it just doesn't work. Any ideas?
[Edit, added info]
I can find the ComGoogleAndroiddGmsPlayServices3265.aar file in my exploded bundles directory. Inside of that file I also find the common directory and inside that I find the GooglePlayServicesUtil.class (which is what's not being found in my app)
I am lost.
[Edit 2]
The problem is not specific to Google Play Services OR Android Studio. I tried adding another library (HoloColorPicker) and had the same results. However, I was able to add the library's resources to my project! I was able to add them in my XML layouts and view them in my application. I was able to interact with them, they worked fine. The problem arose again when I tried to reference them in the code. Exactly like the case with gms, I had code completion when trying to import up to the point of the actual class, and I could not declare the class in the code.
I was able to use the library by cloning it and importing the project.
Also, this is not an Android Studio problem because the same thing happens on the command line with "./gradlew clean build"
This is a current bug in Android Studio: to be fixed this week.
The workaround is to close the project, delete the .iml files and .idea project and re-import the project.
Keep Your compile '' as very first line in build.gradle dependencies like
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
Open File> Project Structure and do the following steps
Select your main module in which you want to add dependency and click on OK.
Now try to import.
I think the most important question is what you want to achieve. Not all code is under this package. Not even sure which one is.
As noted before, this is a bug with Android Studio. It just don't recognize the path for classes and shows you like if there is an error. If you try compiling you'll see that everything just work fine.
A googler recently said it'll be addressed in this week release, so, be patient and lets see whats coming.
The fact that AS is in Preview mode tell us this sort of things are going to happen :)
Android studio is crazy one, I think.
It's removed "Import module" function and you can do "New module" only.
If you are developed on Eclipse, you need export all your projects to Gradle before switch to Androids studio (WTF?)
I prefer "IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition", although It's similar Android studio but it's better than Android studio (at least until now). You just import your project as eclipse format, IntelliJ IDEA will detect dependences libraries automatic (May be you need import jar libraries by hand) and rebuild project. That Done.

Error while running Calendar project

I have downloaded calendar project from and now I'm trying to run that project. I imported the project to eclipse via new --> Android project from existing source, it imported successfully but I'm getting a red exclamation mark in project, like this:
When I went to properties > Android I'm seeing this:
It looks like the project is using some libraries but is not able to find in the workspace. How can I fix this?
You may to add the following dependencies as well.
I was able to build the AOSP Android calendar.
Ye Lin Aung give you almost all the neccesary, but you will need also "chips" library. This library is not included in the last master aosp necessary packages , but its in their repository in the old versions.
You can find the neccesary libraries in the next repository:
Or in the Google repository (as say Ye) you can find chips and common values:
remove all the library from here and import each and every one in your project workspace and then after add the library.

Using Android library in eclipse and jumping to class files instead of source file that is within eclipse workspace

I found this bug that is resolved but it did not fix this exactly, but I see in comments that this is mentioned there as problem. Is there some way in eclipse to setup dependencies in project somehow , that I will be able to normally jump to source when I am in eclipse editor ? I tried numerous ways to solve this.
My setup is:
Android project that has Android Library setup in Android>Library
Android Library project that is within workspace and have dependency on Java library project
Java Library project that is within workspace and is opened as class file instead of source !!!
Including java library project through build path normally (this is causing build to fail)
[2012-03-13 11:07:21 - Taxicar Driver Android] Dx
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lrensoft/java/collections/GenericIterator;
[2012-03-13 11:07:21 - Taxicar Driver Android] Dx at
[2012-03-13 11:07:21 - Taxicar Driver Android] Dx at
Not including , project runs ok , but editor is jumping to library class files.
Note that I have to include Android Library project through build path , even though it runs ok without it (it is enough to set is as dependent android library) , but when I remove it I get also those files as class files :) .
So I think that right way is not including projects through build path at all but how then setup project to jump to source ?
I had a similar problem - Open Declaration command would bring up the .class file instead of the .java file. My problem however was occurring when I would use Open Declaration in my Android app project to goto some source in my Android Library project. By following some instructions from a comment on this blog post Eclipse now takes me to the .java file (instead of the .class file) when I use the Open Declaration command.
The instructions are:
Right click on your project, select Properties
Select Java Build Path page
Select Order and Export tab
Select each library project your project depends on, and use Top or Up to move it above the projects outputs. Eg. move all library projects to the top.
That fixed the goto .java instead of .class file issue for me.
(Unfortunately though, after making these changes, this issue appears (at least it did for me): Could not find Library.apk!)
I then setup my workspace as you describe in your question (Android App depends on Android Library project depends on Java Library project) I find that Open Declaration is always taking me to .java files, so it all appears to be working ok in this respect.
I tried to refactor a method which is defined in a class in the Android Library. A popup with a "problem" of
Binary references to a refactored element have been found. They will
not be updated, which may lead to problems if you proceed.
However after pressing Continue the refactoring took place without any issues.
I then tried to refactor a method which is defined in a class in the Java Library. I didn't get any popups this time, and the refactoring worked.
The java library aspect might just work these days because the bugs you guys mentioned have been fixed... (I am using Eclipse 4.2.0 with ADT 20.0.3). I thought I would add this answer however incase it helps someone out with issues of Open Declaration jumping to .class instead of .java file.
I found solution. I have to create Android library from my java library as well and then include it as android library as well as Java library , Then I have to reorder build path export items so Android "Library Projectsā€¯ are last . And well not much work, Now even rename refactoring works , with some warning but works :) , Well I am happy developer again.

Referencing Android custom library cause runtime class not found error in Application

I am working on a custom Android library. I start off with a java project (in Eclipse) with another UI testing Android project.
In my UI testing project, I reference the library project in build path, and everything is good and I can test the library codes in the UI.
Later on, I decided I need to have the 'Gen' code (for custom styles attributes), so I try to change my library to an Android project (via Android-tools -> convert.. ), and disasters happens! After fixing up all the compile time problems, it finally 'let' me start the UI testing application, and bangs! When I try to create any objects from the library class, it said (in the Log) that Class not found.
Two questions:
Any idea how to fix this? I tried but seems it is for referencing another .apk that need to install separately.
If I just keep it to be java project (not android) for my library, can I use the resource generator? and how?
PS: the dependency (my library) is installed before the UI test application, according to the Console of Eclipse said.
Update: I tried to compile the library project to jar and reference it from the UI testing, and in this way, it works. But I don't want to use this approach since it is very slow in terms of testing.
for those who are doing same mistake like me
when library project is an android project
got to
properties > android > click add button at bottom of the popup inside
library section
and add project, instead of
properties > java build path > project > add
later approach is for pure java projects only .
Finally I found the answer to my own question. This is actually mentioned in official documentation.

