Selling Android apps without being on the merchant list [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to register a merchant account, but my country is not on the list. But I have a bank account in the US. Can I just use that when setting up merchant account or is it not possible?

There are legal issues if you use just the Bank Account and are not a US citizen.
My solution was to register a company in USA, open a bank account under the company and sell through that. I've been using this for close to 2 years now, and have had no problems so far.


Free Play account and using AdMob in apps [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am from a region where I cannot open Google merchant account but I have a free Play account means I cannot publish paid apps. I want to ask, can I earn money if I publish free apps with ads in it, like using AdMob.
Yes you can!
Instructions, tutorials and more information at

Whats the cheapes price you can charge for a android app in google plays market [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Whats the cheapes price you can charge for a android app in the google play market
$0.99 is the minimum for the master price. For non-US markets, probably per-country limits exist; I didn't test them all.
The price is a free entry field on Google Play, but there's a validator that won't let you specify less that 0.99.

Billing error in publishing the application in android market [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have made an application and want to release it in android market using google play.But whenever i choose the billing option,it does not show the option india in the choose your country option.Please tell me how to solve this problem.Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately you cannot sell apps on Google play from India. Check out the List of supported locations for merchants

How many apps can be published in google play? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm developing android applications. I haven't created a publisher account yet.
I want to publish my own created android apps in Google Play. There is fees of 25$. How many apps I can publish from my account? Is this one time fees (25$) or may I have to pay again in the future for this account?
This is a one-time fee (25$).
you can publish as many apps you want with one account & the One-Time-Fee
As many as you want, and Google doesn't test or really regulate what you put on the market. So if it's a half-broken demo you can still post it.

Details to setup Merchant account [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I need to open an account in android market and also need to setup merchant account so can any one please tell me the details need to setup Merchant account.
As i know the procedure to setup account for free applications.
Before I answer this question, I would recommend you only ask coding related questions here, otherwise you may find your answer id downvoted.
As for my answer: Have you looked at the help guides Google provide? There is an entire section dedicated to setting up a merchant account, which can be found here Set up your Merchant account
. It tells you what is required to setup your account.

