Details to setup Merchant account [closed] - android

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I need to open an account in android market and also need to setup merchant account so can any one please tell me the details need to setup Merchant account.
As i know the procedure to setup account for free applications.

Before I answer this question, I would recommend you only ask coding related questions here, otherwise you may find your answer id downvoted.
As for my answer: Have you looked at the help guides Google provide? There is an entire section dedicated to setting up a merchant account, which can be found here Set up your Merchant account
. It tells you what is required to setup your account.


Can't display country India when trying to open a merchant account [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Indian developers can’t publish paid apps,I want to publish an application on the Android market with some amount, and for that I have tried to create a merchant account, but 'INDIA' option is not available on drop down.
With effect from 18th Oct 2012, you can publish paid apps from India. Your developer console should be showing that information by now. See this post from android dev blog for details, you should find the information you need there.
I live in India and I have tested this myself. I am sure it works.
Note: You need to be in OLD developer console to see this. The new version was not showing this for me.

Oops! Unfortunately, this merchant no longer accepts payments through Google. We apologize for the inconvenience [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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when i try to pay 25$ for Google play console developer account , this message
Unfortunately, this merchant no longer accepts payments through Google. We apologize for the inconvenience."
can any one explain! what this , and how i can solve it?
Unfortunately many of the members are getting this error. Google hasn't personally commented on this. This could be because of checkout server faliure, maintenance or maybe they are completely working on implementing something new, like android market to google play.
All these are just possibilities, nothing is for sure till google personally declare the reason, but since its google, the outcome of this will be sweet :-)
Hope that helps. :-)

How many apps can be published in google play? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm developing android applications. I haven't created a publisher account yet.
I want to publish my own created android apps in Google Play. There is fees of 25$. How many apps I can publish from my account? Is this one time fees (25$) or may I have to pay again in the future for this account?
This is a one-time fee (25$).
you can publish as many apps you want with one account & the One-Time-Fee
As many as you want, and Google doesn't test or really regulate what you put on the market. So if it's a half-broken demo you can still post it.

Android: developer console - Google Play [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have a problem with my DEMO application, which is for free. I can't see my app from US market - I think only from US market. Please check. There is only FULL app TrainBrain, but no FREE app. Does anybody know, where is the problem? And how can I check the availability in other countries?
This is a picture from developer console, where is the USA label crossed.
Use this link and submit the ticket to google.
Google will give you proper response shortly and help sort out your issue.

What kind of information does google gether about my computer when i sign an app? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Google have been suspended my android market account. I will get a new one but i don't want to google relate my new account with suspended one. So my question is what kind of information does google gather about my computer when i sign and upload an app to market? Is a new key for signing all i need?
I don't think Google gathers anything about your computer, at least nothing to identify that you used the same computer that a suspended user did. However, It is possible, I think, that using your key and, for sure, your Google checkout account they can identify who you are.
That said, I would recommend resolving your problems with Google rather than create a new account.

