What is the best way to Connect an external database in my android application and retreive data from it? i am trying to develop a simple Quiz application where the questions and their options should be retreived from database. i have created the database using SQLite Browser.
I have seen lot of tutorials which tells how to create database and use it in android. But i couldnot find any tutorial which teaches me how to retreive from already created database.
Your question is not clear
If you are going to connect to a pre-created and prefilled database then you should embed that SQLite Database file in your APK and connect it and proceed like you’ve seen in tutorials. have a look at Ship an application with a database
And if you want to retrieve data from a database exists on a remote machine then you have to expose data using one of web service technologies (for instance, XML Web Services) and consume it in your Android App.
guys I'm a beginner Android development, and I want to create a static database and then connected to my android application my Wishes:
user register from the application and that database should perform CRUD operation
I don't know how do I create it that database
I need help someone help me
If you want to Learn about database CRUD Operation then there are Videos of Slidnered Link for examples in Sqlite performing CRUD Operation,
Another from the Examples of Androidhive click this link.
For getting Proper understanding with multiple tables then you can try this example from the link for Multiple table example.
I hope you will get better understanding from these examples about the CRUD operation on Sqlite database.
I want to create a static database and then connected to my android
The things you probably looking is SQLiteDatabase
SQLite is a open source SQL database that stores data to a text file on a device. Android normally comes in with built in SQLite database implementation.
Here is one of the Android SQLite Database Tutorial
P/S : If you have uninstalled the app, all the data will de gone/deleted together.
Another approach is using PHP script then connects to MySQL database to perform the operation. User still able to get back his/her data as long as he/she still remember username and password.
Example: How to connect Android with PHP, MySQL
This is my first post on StackOverflow. So I apologize if such a post exists already.
I have created a Movie Database using WAMP MySQL that is currently saved on my computer HDD. I'm currently working on an Android app that can manipulate my database (update tables, delete rows, fetch information) & will also show which DVDs contain which movies (I have over 1TB of movies stored in DVDs).
So how do I go about it? Do I create a completely new database online using those free Database hosting sites available or is there a way I can connect my android app to my WAMP Database server & access it from anywhere I want with the help of Internet?
i want to create an android application but i don't know how to use the sqlite database i already have.
In fact, i have an existing sqlite database using by an existing software application for computer. The database is stored on a server.
I want to know how i can read the database stored on the server to be always up to date when using the android application ?
I don't know if i'm clear, my english is not really good and i tryed my best to explain.
You can imagine that like a restaurant. The main application is already created but i want to develop an android application and each server has an android tablet with the application so they can access to the database when they have to.
Thank you.
you have to have the following:
Call Webservice from your android app.
the Webservice has all methods and functions that you need to interact with database on database Server.
the Webservice must return the data you need from the database server back to your android app.
Here is a good tutorial that you can start with to get clear idea in how can you use Webservice with android apps.
Im developing an android app, and would like to have a database stored somewhere online. My app is a native app. I checked the android development page and it just shows how to store to the SQLite database.
Are there any resources out there that would help with this? Are there any framework such as the ADO.net entity framework that can with with doing databasing?
The safest and easiest way I know of, is using a webservice which would interact with the online DB (PHP and MySQL works great together, and also many free web host provides them.
Then you can perform POST or GET requests from your app to the webservice, which will query the DB (update it, read from it, etc)
Links to get you started...
I am new to Android Development and I'm developing an application for my Final Year Project.
I am a little confused as to when it comes to setting up the database. I read a few things and most people seem to use SQLite.
Basically I am developing an android app which has too different aspects to it.
1. admin inputs data on the app and saves to a database. 2. users open app and view data from the database.
The data is going to have to be input and viewable over the 3g/wifi network.
Do i need to host my database online and which database would be best to use? from reading it seems SQLite is hosted on your local disk so should i use MySQL?
Any help would be grately appreciated.
Android includes SQLite. So, if you save data in a DB on an Android system itself, you use SQLite. If you store your data elsewhere, you are free to use whatever you like, Oracle, DB2, Mysql or even SQLite.