connect static database into my android app - android

guys I'm a beginner Android development, and I want to create a static database and then connected to my android application my Wishes:
user register from the application and that database should perform CRUD operation
I don't know how do I create it that database
I need help someone help me

If you want to Learn about database CRUD Operation then there are Videos of Slidnered Link for examples in Sqlite performing CRUD Operation,
Another from the Examples of Androidhive click this link.
For getting Proper understanding with multiple tables then you can try this example from the link for Multiple table example.
I hope you will get better understanding from these examples about the CRUD operation on Sqlite database.

I want to create a static database and then connected to my android
The things you probably looking is SQLiteDatabase
SQLite is a open source SQL database that stores data to a text file on a device. Android normally comes in with built in SQLite database implementation.
Here is one of the Android SQLite Database Tutorial
P/S : If you have uninstalled the app, all the data will de gone/deleted together.
Another approach is using PHP script then connects to MySQL database to perform the operation. User still able to get back his/her data as long as he/she still remember username and password.
Example: How to connect Android with PHP, MySQL


Connecting an already existing database in Android

What is the best way to Connect an external database in my android application and retreive data from it? i am trying to develop a simple Quiz application where the questions and their options should be retreived from database. i have created the database using SQLite Browser.
I have seen lot of tutorials which tells how to create database and use it in android. But i couldnot find any tutorial which teaches me how to retreive from already created database.
Your question is not clear
If you are going to connect to a pre-created and prefilled database then you should embed that SQLite Database file in your APK and connect it and proceed like you’ve seen in tutorials. have a look at Ship an application with a database
And if you want to retrieve data from a database exists on a remote machine then you have to expose data using one of web service technologies (for instance, XML Web Services) and consume it in your Android App.

Local mySql DB for testing on Android?

I want to use mySql Database from my site to create an android app, what is the best way to do this?
I think to use my database local on my computer and after i finished to programing the app, connect to the real database.
how to export the real database? with phpMyAdmin? or another way?
Thanks a lot.
If you want to work import your current DB directly I don't think that it's a good idea. Android works only with SQLite database. Moreover you should implement Android specific logic to make it work in your app.
The best choice I think, it's access your data via HTTP from REST service on your site where you can easily communicate with MySql db.

Android Database SQLite or MySQL?

I am new to Android Development and I'm developing an application for my Final Year Project.
I am a little confused as to when it comes to setting up the database. I read a few things and most people seem to use SQLite.
Basically I am developing an android app which has too different aspects to it.
1. admin inputs data on the app and saves to a database. 2. users open app and view data from the database.
The data is going to have to be input and viewable over the 3g/wifi network.
Do i need to host my database online and which database would be best to use? from reading it seems SQLite is hosted on your local disk so should i use MySQL?
Any help would be grately appreciated.
Android includes SQLite. So, if you save data in a DB on an Android system itself, you use SQLite. If you store your data elsewhere, you are free to use whatever you like, Oracle, DB2, Mysql or even SQLite.

Android - reading/writing to online mysql database

I've just written a short Android app which stores userdata in the phone-side sqlite database.
What I'd like to be able to do is to add this to an online database (I currently have a mysql database with my webhosts, but if there's any easier way then I'm open to suggestions), but it'll be subject to condition (Such as if a certain value doesn't already exist). I'd also like to be able to get data from this online database too to be added to the sqlite database on the phone.
I've had a look around and people seem to suggest using php as a go-between for that, but is that the easiest way? there aren't any mysql helper classes that could just interface directly or anything?
Newbie question I know, but the project was to teach myself how Android works so getting stuck in is the way to go..
Yes; using PHP is an example of an easier way to go. You need to create web services which allow you to interact between the android phone and a MySQL database. To my knowledge you can't go directly to a database hook; as you need to have something that can hook in. Also it would be a security issue if you put on each and all of your phones the connection information for your database.
Think if you had to change the host of your DB as your traffic grew large that you needed to upgrade; this would be a new update in the store and all clients would need to update this; otherwise you would be maintaining two code bases.
By using PHP you are able to create that middle level and easily interact with the DB.
Here is a quick article on creating REST PHP Web Service. Tutorial
Good Luck!

Existing SQL database android help

I am new to android programming and i am trying to make an app that will interface with a website i have. It is a movie website with all of its information stored in SQL database. I know how to write the requests and queries in .asp but dont know how to get information from the database in my app. I want the user to be able to enter a movie title, and through a couple of stored procedures that are in my SQL database, return the info on that movie(actor, budget, genre....). I would like to have little info stored on the device, have all of the queries being sent to my SQL server and just have the info being returned.
So my question boils down to, how do i link my existing SQL database with an android app.
Any help would be great.
You would have to expose an interface for your existing database that an application on the device could access.. Now how you do that is up to you, there are a ton of possibilities. The main thing to keep in mind is that you are not likely going to do any direct database connections to a public database through the device and expect to query natively. You can alternatively look on for JDBC or the like if you really would like to remotely connect to the db directly, although this is generally not recommended and most of what you will find is more hacked together works than full solutions.

