phonegap 2.6 and android API 2.2 - android

I'm started with a new phonegap application and I want to use the 2.2 Android API.
I've got error even in the initial project.
I can resolve these problems using a major version of the API (4.x).
Is there a way to build application with PhoneGap 2.6 for android API 2.2?
maybe I do somenthing wrong in the
./create <p1> <p2> <p3>
using oracle-jdk7U21 and android-sdk-linux
the ANDROID_BIN is set to
It's everything fine for compatibility build with Android API 16 and using a device that support API 8.
so i figured out it's ok using the android sdk 4.x and run on device with andorid 2.2 (until now)

for downloading android sdk follow the link Android
and for phonegap eclipse


Including Android Support in Android Studio (2.3.3)

I had Android Studio 2.3.3 for a while and never had to use it until now. So I installed some Android plugins on it, like JForm designer, WiFi ADB plugins and the rest to get started but it keeps telling me that Android Support (plugin) is not available. Please what can I do about it? Do I need to install any other plugins first, like JUnit? Or if I download the latest version of Android Studio, will it integrate Android support and tools for Android development?
I can send screenshots if they will be of relevance. Thanks in advance.
Please check this answer:
In android studio,cannot load 2 facets-unknown facet type:android and android-gradle
If you couldn't find the Android Support plugin, checked for Android APK Support.

How SDK platforms work in android studio?

I am confused about how SDK platforms work in android studio.
I have only a few SDK platforms installed, yet i am able to run my app for MeMu android 4.4.4 emulator.
When creating the project i set min version to android 4, i assume that's why it can run on android 4+. but then what are these SDK platforms and what will be missed if i dont have them installed?
Those are different versions of the SDK released for the different versions of the platform. Generally you just install the latest and use that for a new project. However not all projects jump right on updating it, so if you're working on a pre-existing app you may need to download whatever version they were using at the time.

which android studio version have Android 5.1 (API level 22)?

I have downloaded some projects of android apk to learn from it ..
i try to open it using the latest version of android studio (2.2.3) , but it's take too long time and then stop ,I looked for a solution to this problem and found that these applications were built on previous versions of the sdk So to solve this problem, I should use an earlier version of Android Studio, so I want to know what is the Android studio version which have Android 5.1 (API level 22).
You can have a single installation of Android Studio and all the SDKs you want to use (partially or fully installed)
You have to download the sdk via sdk manager download the latest sdk

Build Phonegap 3.3 project with Android 4.2.2 (API 17)

I have recently updated my phonegao version to 3.3.0 and when I create and build a new project with Phonegap in Android the project builds using my highest Android SDK version (Android 4.4 - API 19 in my case), but I want to build my phonegap 3.3 projects using Android 4.4.2 version (API 17).
Any ideas about how to perform this action?
Thanks a lot in advance!
So you do not want API 19 in your project, It means you want your project to run upto android version 4.2.2 only.
Make following changes in your config.xml
<preference name= "android-minSdkVersion" value="7"/>
if you want restriction on versions then you can include target version as
if you dont include target version then there will be no restrictions.

Using Phonegap Build 2.1 with Phonegap Version 2.2

I have upgraded phonegap version to 2.2 but I checked the build is still 2.1 version. Will there be any issue in upgrade of the project and running the cloud build with the version 2.1
There might be some problems. If they changed anything on how the js calls native functions from version 2.1 to 2.2, wich I believe they did because of the changes on the plugins api, some functions that you might use on your app might not work on 1 or more platforms because of the version difference.
Basically, you would be making calls from the 2.2 js version that the 2.1 native version might not understand. You might need to wait for the update on the cloud build, or revert your project back to 2.1.

