I´m experiencing a weird problem with SlidingMenu Library and ViewPager when they are running on devices with Android 3.2 (Honeycomb).
The problem appears when we "toggle" the SlidingMenu to show the Menu that is hidden on the left of the app. When we do this, both ContentView and BehingContentView stops responding to touch events.
Thinking that this was a problem related to my application, I downloaded the last version of ABS and SlidingMenu library and configured a new project using the built-in example that comes with the SlidingMenu and, for my surprise, the same behavior occurred with the ViewPager example.
These are the steps that I did:
Configure an Emulator using API Level 13 and 7" WSVGA (Tablet);
Download ABS and SlidingMenu from GIT;
Setup a new Project, using the compatibility library android-support-v41 (Also tested with android-support-v4);
Solved the problem 'getSupportActionBar() is undefined' as described here: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu/issues/145;
Run the 'Example Application' and choose 'ViewPager' example;
Swipe pages to the right and to the left, without opening the menu;
Open the menu. See that the lists don´t scroll as expected;
Close the menu. See that the viewpager doesn´t responds to touch events anymore;
Notice that this behavior was reported only on Android 3.2 devices. We have the same application running on 2.x and on 4.x devices, without this problem.
Also, noticed that the Example Application that was downloaded from Google Play doesn´t have this problem.
Does anybody have any advice? Thanks a lot!
Edit 1
Tested on a real device, and confirmed the Behavior. Does anybody have an advice?
I had the same problem and fixed it by using the following work-around.
Replace these lines in SlidingMenu.java:
public void manageLayers(float percentOpen) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 11) return;
public void manageLayers(float percentOpen) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 14) return;
I'm having issue of missing signout button from the header toolbar in android devices. In simulator and apple device I do see the signout button but not on android tablet/phone. This wasn't the case before 3-4 days. Is there any change in the android build server that causing this issue. This is happening when more than one control in the toolbar. if the toolbar has one control to the right then it displays without any issue. Please let me know if anyone else have same issue.
Android Simulator Screenshot
Android Tablet Screenshot
public static void addSignout(Form f) {
f.getToolbar().addMaterialCommandToRightBar("", FontImage.MATERIAL_LOCK, 6.5f, e -> {
new LoginForm().show();
I'm using Crosswalk (XwalkView) instead of the default Webview on Android but it seems that the defalt pull-to-refresh functionality doesn't work on Android 4.3. I've tested it on 5.0 and it's ok, but on 4.3 and 4.2.2 it doesn't work. I'm guessing it has to do with < 5.0 ?!
I've tried something like this to enable it, but it failed to work:
//Disable the edge effect and try to enable pull to refresh in case we're using xwalk webviews
if (BuildConfig.IS_XWALK) {
final String INIT_SWITCHES[] = {"Xwalk", "--enable-pull-to-refresh-effect", "--disable-overscroll-edge-effect"};
if (!CommandLine.isInitialized()) {
Any ideas ?
Actually, we already have a JIRA about this feature, please track it here: https://crosswalk-project.org/jira/browse/XWALK-6277.
It has some block issue before, but we will continue investigating how to implement it.
I have set up a small mobile application and during tests I have stumbled upon a problem with older versions of mobile devices running Android version 2. Please note that iPhones, iPads and newer versions of Android, namely 4.xx display the pages well. The problem is as follows:
When page is called directly from the link:
it is properly displayed.
However, when there is a click handler on a link, like here:
$(document).on('click', '#lstAddrList li', function ()
var anchor = $(this).find('a');
sessionStorage.SiteAddr = anchor.attr('id');
the list line (in this case) stays selected and nothing happens. It is ONLY after the calling page is refreshed directly from the browser when the called page is displayed. I have a feeling that older Androids do not properly handle changePage() method.
Will you have some ideas?
I'm working on an app that is targeted for version 2.3 so that it will run on my sister's phone. However, I can run 4.0 on my phone. I want to add some swipe animations and such but I don't run the animations to run on her phone.
Is this even possible?
Yes, simply put the API specific code in a if/else block, so it is only called when the system supports it:
Like this:
if (currentapiVersion < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
//do things that are only supported on JellyBean
} else {
//do the other stuff
You can use a ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter to provide swipe functionality among various Fragments. All of which are available in the support library.
ViewPager(Note, don't do anything with the ActionBar, as they are not yet in the support library):
FragmentPagerAdapter(pretty much the example code you will need):
I developed my app using Mono for Android. I have the latest version 4.0.3. My AndroidManifest.xml specifies:
<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="11" android:minSdkVersion="8" />
The app runs on tablets, so in Honeycomb I need to hide the status bar at the bottom of the screen. This is how I do that (with a simple extension method):
internal static void LightsOut(this View view)
IntPtr view_setSystemUiVisibility = JNIEnv.GetMethodID(view.Class.Handle, "setSystemUiVisibility", "(I)V");
JNIEnv.CallVoidMethod(view.Handle, view_setSystemUiVisibility, new JValue(1));
{ }
I call this on every view that I instantiate. On my Motorola Xoom, running 3.0.1, this works great.
On my Samsung Galaxy Tab running 3.1, it works; but the status bar comes back after some short period of time. In the Android Log I see that LightsOn() is getting called...
How can I prevent the status bar from coming back in 3.1? I saw this event:
And thought I could use it to hide the status bar, if it comes back. But I don't see how I can subscribe to it (it doesn't show in Intellisense).
Does something specific happen before the status bar comes back, or is it solely time related? A quick search of the ICS source suggests that the status bar status will be reset when the top App Window changes. Are you calling StartActivity() or moving to another app when you see this behavior?
The View.OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener interface has been bound as the View.IOnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener interface and through the View.SystemUiVisibilityChange event. However, both of these mechanisms require that your $(TargetFrameworkVersion) target Android v3.1 or later, which would set your //uses-sdk/#android:minSdkVersion attribute to 12, and is thus something you (presumably) don't want to do.
I see two plausible solutions here:
Figure out why LightsOn() is being invoked and try to work around it (call LightsOut() within every Activity.OnCreate() method?).
Provide two versions of your app, one with a minSdkVersion of 8, and one of (at least) 12, and then use Multiple APK Support to include both in your program. The device will then run the appropriate package, permitting access to the View.SystemUiVisibilityChange event.