Does anybody know how the article layout in the Google Currents Android app is built? I'd like to use some very similar layout for my app.
The first thing which came to my mind was to build up an the layout with a WebView with multicolumn stlye ( Am I on the right way or is my suspicion completely wrong.
How do I get the page flip through the swipe/fling gesture and how to get the corresponding page indicator at the bottom?
Thanks in advance! :-)
You must use native views android and not webView because it is not efficient. But if you begun on Android you can actually use a webView is a good learning.
However, if you're interreses the layout android the website is a very good teaching technique. And what is the view of pourfaire text scroll from right to left, I encourage you to use the library ViewPagerIndicator.
I hope I have helped you!
I'm just starting to learn how to develop Android apps and when I tried to finally test an app with the emulator, the TextView, ImageView, and Button controls all seem to be stacked on top of each other at the top of the screen. I formatted the controls with the simple drag and drop feature in Android Studio. How do I fix this?
Tool you are using is called Layout Editor which is not so great for building layouts actually.
That drag-n-drop creation can cause errors like that and you should probably start from here or here
Hint: as a parent layout you most probably (in this case) use LinearLayout with vertical orientation.
Good luck!
The best practice for you is to try to follow a tutorial or a course to get a better understand of how the user-interface works in android.
That's might be useful Android Basics: User-interface
Good luck!
I'm looking for a a tutorial or a start for creating swipeable intros like this image for introducing and helping users in using the app, I know it is based on android swipeable views but all the links I found had tabs, and since these kinds of intros are very popular I though maybe there is a better and more forward way to do it.
Thanks very much
Try to use : Android-ViewPagerIndicator lib(
You need to use a ViewPager and a library called ViewPagerIndicator for the small circle at the bottom.
I am new at Android Development, working in a personal application.
I want to implement a gallery-style widget in my app, something like the following facebook app screenshot (not enough reputation to upload images here) i. e. a swipeable and clickeable bunch of elements.
I want every element of this gallery-like widget to be a composite layout (distinct instance of a fragment) with textView and imageView (I think I can figure how to do that) instead of a simple image.
I have a navigation drawer im my application and I'm using a "single activity-multiple fragment architecture", so I want to add this gallery-like widget in one of those fragments.
Please, If you could guide me or give me some suggestion about the Android layout elements I can use to accomplish that, I would be very happy :D
I'm aiming from API Level 15 to API Level 19, only.
Thanks in advance!
So, after hours of reading several android tutorials, I realize the Widget I was looking for is the ViewPager
Is there any way we can design a live tiles in android like windows phone? If so can you please guide me
hello you have to look at android design principles ,
just look at this link
You can use fragments for mimicking live tiles in android!
The container for the fragments should be dynamically created frame layout or any other layout.
You can add a long click listener for these layouts, to show options like unpin,re-size as in windows.
Add a drag listener too, so that the user can freely drag and drop the view any where within the parent layout.
I hope this idea is pretty clear.
Im trying to get the same result as new google maps, when you "tap" on any "marker" you get a little layout in bottom of the screen, all the info about the srteet view and other details shown there, when you hold and move your finger to top of the screen the layout moves and c over all screen or half of the screen. i was thinking use slidingDrawer but seems google depreceate this method on api 17. so how i can achieve this?
Im attaching the image of example:
you could look into using this SlidingUpPanel which appears to be exactly what you are looking for
Now from with Android Support Library 23.2 we can use Design Support Library: Bottom Sheets
Something that might be worth looking into is the answer to this question.
More specifically the answer that links here.
Basically the idea is that They realized that the sliding drawer left some things to be desired and they created a custom component with similar functionality. This will give you more freedom and a way around using deprecated classes. Let me know in comments if there's anything else that would be helpful to know.
Happy coding!