I am new at Android Development, working in a personal application.
I want to implement a gallery-style widget in my app, something like the following facebook app screenshot (not enough reputation to upload images here) i. e. a swipeable and clickeable bunch of elements.
I want every element of this gallery-like widget to be a composite layout (distinct instance of a fragment) with textView and imageView (I think I can figure how to do that) instead of a simple image.
I have a navigation drawer im my application and I'm using a "single activity-multiple fragment architecture", so I want to add this gallery-like widget in one of those fragments.
Please, If you could guide me or give me some suggestion about the Android layout elements I can use to accomplish that, I would be very happy :D
I'm aiming from API Level 15 to API Level 19, only.
Thanks in advance!
So, after hours of reading several android tutorials, I realize the Widget I was looking for is the ViewPager
Is there any way we can design a live tiles in android like windows phone? If so can you please guide me
hello you have to look at android design principles ,
just look at this link
You can use fragments for mimicking live tiles in android!
The container for the fragments should be dynamically created frame layout or any other layout.
You can add a long click listener for these layouts, to show options like unpin,re-size as in windows.
Add a drag listener too, so that the user can freely drag and drop the view any where within the parent layout.
I hope this idea is pretty clear.
Does anybody know how the article layout in the Google Currents Android app is built? I'd like to use some very similar layout for my app.
The first thing which came to my mind was to build up an the layout with a WebView with multicolumn stlye (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-multicol/). Am I on the right way or is my suspicion completely wrong.
How do I get the page flip through the swipe/fling gesture and how to get the corresponding page indicator at the bottom?
Thanks in advance! :-)
You must use native views android and not webView because it is not efficient. But if you begun on Android you can actually use a webView is a good learning.
However, if you're interreses the layout android http://developer.android.com/ the website is a very good teaching technique. And what is the view of pourfaire text scroll from right to left, I encourage you to use the library ViewPagerIndicator.
I hope I have helped you!
I am looking for a way to create a short overlay intro of an app to display to first time users. These posts gave me some understanding of how it can be done, but not entirely:
How do I create a help overlay like you see in a few Android apps and ICS?
How to use LayoutInflater / ViewStub for an overlay
I do not understand how to access my elements correctly, since my root layout element is a LinearLayout that includes an Actionbar and a ViewPager instead of containing actual elements.
Are there any frameworks that does this for you?
I think that this library : ShowcaseView is your best option.
As its name implies, it allows you to recreate the Android 4.x showcase view; ie :
The documentation of the project explains how to implement it.
Word of advice though : this kind of explanation view is viewed as bad design most of the time : if your application is well designed, you don't need to provide a tutorial to the user, it is supposed to be intuitive.
It can be totally justified in some cases of course, just be sure that :
-your users really need a tutorial.
-it is not because you are doing something opposite to the Android convetions.
Have a look at MaterialShowcaseView. It inherits from ShowcaseView and is up-to-date.
I am pretty new at all this android java development to create apps but after a series of tutorial I feel more confident.
I have ideas for an app in which the layout would be like the phone app in android 4.0.3.
Let me explain : my app would.consist in three or four tabs where the user could switch between on to the other by swiping the finger left or right. The top of the layout would display the title of each tab and underline in blue the name current tab (same as the phone app does).
Does anyone have some hints or places where I could find some sample code ? Or even the code of the androidphone app ?
Thank you very much for your help.
Is this what You are refering to ?
Your best bet would be to use ViewPager and TitlePageIndicator.
The ViewPager you can find on the compatibility package or on the ActionBarSherlock library (strongly recommend the last one which can be found here http://actionbarsherlock.com/) and TitlePageIndicator, found here https://github.com/JakeWharton/Android-ViewPagerIndicator)
Plus, by using the ViewPager you will learn a bit about Fragments which is very nice :)
Im learning android layouts and Ive noticed a particular button widget in some android apps that I would like to add to my own apps, Im just not entirely sure what its called, In some cases this button widget even will include a dropdown list here are a few examples of what Im talking about.
in the first image you will notice that the checkmark, the camera and the pencil are all sitting inside of the button widget i'm after, and in the youtube app you will notice the thumbs up, thumbs down and more buttons
That's ActionBar. Native support for 3.0+ devices, and some work to do in pre 3.0-devices. You can find example in new api 14 samples(called "ActionBarCompat").
Please see my answer here which gives some good links on how to implement the "dashboard" pattern, and use the "quickaction" bar. I think this should put you on the right path. Also there is a link on how to implement the "action bar."
EDIT: According to Mighter, if you use API 1.6 - 2.3 there should be official Google samples for this now. Please see this.