I have a LayoutView in a ScrollView named MyLayout and I want to add a View composed by LayoutView with TextView and EdiText inside this ScrollView according a value,
for example with a method
addMyCustomViewToMyLayout(int x){
that adds the desired number of elements to the MyLayout in the ScrollView,
The CustomViews added to the ScrollView should be linked to the activity to get and set the value from-to the app.
Is possible?
How could I do?
There's nothing very special about ScrollViews. You can think of them as a boundless View. While normal Layouts like a LinearLayout are bound to an area, then ScrollView will allow its child to be whatever height it wants to be (or width in the case of a HorizontalScrollView).
ScrollViews contain one child. The child size is bound by the width of the ScrollView, but it is not bound by the height. Thus, the child will measure itself based on the idea that it has enough vertical space to show everything.
In this case, you create or inflate your MyLayout however you want. Then you add it to the ScrollView. If you want to add other Views to it, you add it to your MyLayout layout view. Just let the ScrollView do its thing.
I'm inflating views inside a linearlayout dynamically, however once the linear layout reaches the end of the first row, it cuts off the rest and doesn't start on the second row.
for(int a = 0; a < mSkills.get(i).size(); a++){
View singleSkill = LayoutInflater.from(mContext)
.inflate(R.layout.singleskill, holder.mSkillLayout, false);
TextView skillText = singleSkill.findViewById(R.id.singleskilltext);
For the linear layout I have it set to wrap_content for the height:
I've tried setting it to a defined height e.g 300dp however that doesn't work either.
How can I make the layout start on the second row, once the first is full?
Linear Layout can either fill views horizontally or vertically so the 2nd row you are expecting cant to be done with linear layout only. you can try a horizontal scroll view for that to scroll horizontally. For the exact view-like flow that you described, you can use this 3rd party https://github.com/nex3z/FlowLayout
It can manage the flow of your dynamically inflated view such as if there is no space in the first line then it will put the next view in the second line.
also, you can use material design library chips https://material.io/components/chips/#usage
LinearLayout works exactly how it has to be because you specify it as horizontal. For such behavior, you need RecyclerView With GridLayoutManager or create your own layout;).
Actually it's doing exactly as it should be, LinearLayout is Linear!, and place its subviews in a single horizontal or vertical row.
My advice to you is that create dynamic horizontal LinearLayout as you already doing with TextViews. and put every 3 or 4 textviews (depending on screen size) inside it.
and put all LinearLayouts inside one vertical LinearLayout...
Of course in your case, it's not a good idea, the best thing you can do is to use recycler view. but I consider you have problem with that.
Let's say I have two views that I want to center vertically. The first view is bigger than the second view.
I noticed that if I place theses two views inside a RelativeLayout with properties layout_height="wrap_content" and android:gravity="center_vertical" nothing happens. This is what I get :
In the opposite, if I place these two views inside a LinearLayour with properties layout_height="wrap_content" and android:gravity="center_vertical" the views are centered vertically :
Lastly, if I place these two views inside a RelativeLayout with properties layout_height with a fixed height and android:gravity="center_vertical" I get the same result as the LinearLayout. The views are centered vertically.
I would expect the views to be centered vertically in each case. Do you know the reason for this difference?
LinearLayout handles all its child object based on its orientation (Horizontal or vertical). So when you are saying gravity: "center_vertical". You are actually referencing based on your parent layout.
In case of RelativeLayout,it enables you to specify the location of child objects relative to each other (child A to the left of child B) or to the parent (aligned to the top of the parent).
Personally I would use gravity only in LinearLayouts and the centerInParent for RelativeLayouts.
In your first case it'll work with RelativeLayout as you expected if you use android:layout_centerVertical="true" to the child view which you want to be centred.
So in case of LinearLayout you need to specify the orientation first (i.e. horizontal/vertical) so that the child views are inflated based on the reference of your parent layout.
While in RelativeLayout, as the name says it all, you can specify the position with respect to the views which are the child of a parent RelativeLayout.
Now the views you want to achieve can be generated in many other ways too.
For example, set your parent layout as LinearLayout. Don't specify any gravity attribute in the parent layout. Hence, you set a layout_gravity attribute to the child to certer_vertical and this should work too.
Well, after some others tests, it seems that the behavior of android:gravity for a RelativeLayout is a bit random. I will just avoid to use is.
First, I want to list tags in a whatever layout. The container's max width is fixed (match_parent), and the tags (TextViews) should no exceed the right border of the container. Meanwhile, the container is a direct child (LinearLayout in my case) of a ScrollView (I emphasize this as I find some solutions using customized onMeasure and onLayout methods extending ViewGroup, but cannot work in ScrollView).
How can I do this?
This could be solved with FlowLayout things, as commented by WaJeEh.
Ok so imagine a situation where you have the main layout as LinearLayout (which supports layout_weight) and inside it you have nested RelativeLayout (which does not support layout_weight).
Now since the RelativeLayout is nested inside LinearLayout, will it be able to use layout_weight ? And if the case was reversed (Linear inside Relative), will LinearLayout be able to use layout_below, layout_toParentLeft, etc ?
Now since the RelativeLayout is nested inside LinearLayout, will it be able to use layout_weight ?
No. Since RelativeLayout is nested inside LinearLayout it can be given a weight to be weighted inside the LinearLayout but it does not inherit the property of weightSum to hand out to children.
And if the case was reversed (Linear inside Relative), will LinearLayout be able to use layout_below, layout_toParentLeft, etc ?
Yes, you are inside of a RelativeLayout so any child can be given those properties. However, any child inside of that nested LinearLayout can not use the properties of RelativeLayout as in your example.
WeighSum Docs
a number greater than 0.0f, or a number lower than or equals to 0.0f
if the weight sum should be computed from the children's
android:weightSUme="aNumber" can be used to "sum" the weight of the children. If all the childrens sums will add up to 1 then you don't need this property. As I recently learned from #RomainGuy through a discussion with #Squonk, it is really only needed if they won't equal 1 and you want some empty space in your layout. Otherwise, the cpu will determine what the weightSum will be.
The answer to your question is not very complicated. I can synthesize it in two letters: NO
My android page has 10 EditText and 10 TextView. but there is no space in my screen in the Graphical Layout. i just added 5 only. im using Scroll layout. how to add additional 5 items in the screen without reducing the items height. Is there any coding here.?
You can add multiple items inside a LinearLayout. Since ScrollView is scrollable it won't affect the dimensions of the Views inside. You can add as many views as you need without worrying about screen size or View size..
You should add a LinearLayout as the only child inside your ScrollView. Then get a reference to that LinearLayout :
and then add Views dynamically from code using :
EditText et=new EditText(...);
A ScrollView can have only one direct child, so you need to put all the other Views in a Layout, such as LinearLayout and put that layout in ScrollView
Make your ScrollView's height as match_parent and the inner LinearLayout's height as wrap_content. The LinearLayout will stretch according to the number of children inside it and if the height exceeds the height of the ScrollView, the overflow can be seen by scrolling. If the ScrollView and inner Layout both have same height or if ScrollView have larger height than inner Layout, the scrolling won't happen for obvious reason.