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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've uploaded an apk as a beta version (beta testing section) in Google Play developer console and I'd like to let my users to test it. Final version will be paid and you can't change this choice after testing so I had to set it as paid at the beginning. The problem is I don't want to charge my users for testing and it seems there is no way to do so. Is there?
I guess the usual pattern is to create 2 apps, 1 for "beta" and another one paid.
Then you can set up a trial period for the beta, and if you need - extend the trial period with every update or so.
Well I think there more are options for this.
One approach would be to charge them and then refund the fee.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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From what I have read on the developer page, Android In-app Billing doesn't support refund procedure. You have to use the Google Checkout account in order to issue a refund.
I follow these steps:
I create a product in the developer console, with a price of 0.50 euro.
I buy the item using the test account
2.1 I test my logic
I refund the money using Google Checkout
My question is: Is there any involved cost in doing this? Or, in the end, my developer account and my testing account will both have the initial amount of money?
This is well managed by google, your client account and your developper account will both have the initial amount of money yes.
see official doc Here.
it says it at the end in the "Things to remember" note ;)
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have my friends and "alpha testers" but I would love to expose it to as many people as possible before I publish it for the first time in the Google Play store. If there is something else people recommend, please do tell.
This is my very first app so I am just trying to do my due diligence before publishing and not release before it is ready.
You can try
Android Tapp
The Beta Family
Use ACRA for crash reporting. It's easy to set up and will save you a lot of troubles.
Also, you can host the APK file on any webspace and point your testers to the link. I recommend using Google drive because it's easy to revoke the permissions later.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm developing android applications. I haven't created a publisher account yet.
I want to publish my own created android apps in Google Play. There is fees of 25$. How many apps I can publish from my account? Is this one time fees (25$) or may I have to pay again in the future for this account?
This is a one-time fee (25$).
you can publish as many apps you want with one account & the One-Time-Fee
As many as you want, and Google doesn't test or really regulate what you put on the market. So if it's a half-broken demo you can still post it.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am very new to the Android Market. I want to put my application up for free.
Is there any possibility for free "upload" (I saw you must pay 25$). This is for school project and I will not pay that money, too much for me :D
If there is no possibility for that, if there is someone out there with account, that I will send app to him and he will put it on Android Market.
No that is not possible, if you want to publish on Google Play you have to get that Publisher Account which costs 25$. This fee is mainly to prevent people from spamming the market.
Alternatively you could look at publishing your application on other non-official "markets", most of them will let you do so for free. You will not get as much exposure, but if you're seeking a free way to get your application out there, that's the only way I know of doing so.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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In this video from Google I/O 2011, Google says you can use the Android Market for public and private Betas, how do you achieve a private Beta using the Market? Is there a way to make an App private? Because I cant find it.
you can make it private with a password lock on startup for example, or with an authentication system. (like google+ launch)
though be carefull with that because some users might not understand and downrate the app, so you need to state it in the description.
Reto does not say that there's a feature on Android Market to publish beta builds. It explains what techniques you can use to achieve that.
If you want a wide spread beta... you can use Android market to do that... you can use an access code or obscure the name ... it's important for users to understand that it's beta version ... so that people know they should't expect a finished product.
Also, he advice not to upload a faked package name (some developers would do that to make sure that users don't down rate the beta app). He advices to at least upload the package with the original name (without publishing) in order to reserve it.