I know this may be a weird question.It might get flagged but i would argue for the validity of such a question for the concise development of robust apps.
How do we identify whether a particular android app was built using Phonegap or Native Java or by cross platform Native Javascript API of Titanium?
This isn't fool proof, but looking inside the apk of a Phonegap and a Titanium app I have (renamed .apk to .zip) I notice that for Phonegap the assets folder has a js file named "cordova-" followed by a version number. In the Titanium app there is an org/appcelerator/titanium/build.properties file in it. The folder names already indicate it was built using Titanium and the build.properties file contains the string "#Generated by Titanium".
I have an android apk which I have decompiled. All libraries used are known to me. This include image loading and cachine libraries, airbnb lootie and crashlytics among others. I am trying to figure out the game engine used for the android apk. I have come across com.unity3d.ads which am not sure confirms this was developed on Unity3D. Can I use this to confirm? How can I know if this was done on android or if a game engine was used?
You cannot infer through com.unity3d.ads that the app is developed with Unity. You can use Unity Ads SDK to add advertisement to any platform iOS, Android or Java.
Extract the apk and navigate to lib folder and search libunity.so or libmono.so. If any of the file exists means the App was developed with Unity otherwise it is not.
I reverse engineered an apk and found '.kt' files.So I assumed that android app was built in kotlin but when I saw the actual code there are no kt files but only java files.How is this possible?
As we know that the extension of Android app is .APK. likewise, I want to know the app extension of android things app.
The extension for Android Things app is also .apk.
See Create a build for an Android Things product
...applications are compiled and packaged into a single file with the .apk extension (an Android application package file)
I've been having some issues playing radio streams with MediaPlayer in a particular case. But that's not the point, the point is that I found an app that does exactly what I can't do, and I'm suspecting that is because It's using the Cordova / Phongap media plugin. My question is, given an apk there's anyway to know if the apk was build with Phonegap / Cordova or if was made with plain native Android code?
You download the apk (there are online tools to do that)
You unzip the apk (an apk is just a zip with a specific content)
In the extracted folder search for the assets\www\ folder.
If it's a cordova or phonegap app, you should see a file cordova.js in that folder.
(Yes, it's that easy to get all the sources of a cordova app :( )
If I develop a mobile app in flash using AIR is it exporting as flash or is it converting? I know this is a really stupid question so I apologise in advance.
i don't think so... since last versions of android don't support flash technology natively. You can check http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/packaging-air-apps-android.html. They say that the exported file is an APK.
Is AIR exporting as flash? Well... Yes, and no.
On Android exported .apk consists of platform specific glue code (for startup and platform communication, along with any native extensions), and Flash files (regular SWFs) either linked to installed AIR runtime, or with captive runtime (basically Flash player bundled with the .apk). The bundled SWF is more or less the same as on other platform.
On iOS, .ipa file consists or ARM recompiled Actionscript code (since Apple doesn't allow interpreted code in apps), and SWFs which contain graphics and other data.