As we know that the extension of Android app is .APK. likewise, I want to know the app extension of android things app.
The extension for Android Things app is also .apk.
See Create a build for an Android Things product
...applications are compiled and packaged into a single file with the .apk extension (an Android application package file)
My app is developed in react-native and the third party app provider are charging to implement the code for deep-linking.Though they have shared the .APK file with me.Through some videos & google search,I have learned that I will be able to do it by myself.I want to add deep-linking code in the AndroidManifest.xml file but how to open .apk in Android Studio and how to generate .apk file again once the changes are complete after testing on virtual device.
If you think that there will be issues by approaching through .APK file or its not the best way/standard process to achieve this ,then,please suggest me that what I need to ask them to share with me so that it can be imported in Android Studio without any issues and I can do some coding & test it and again generate .apk file to upload it on Google Play Store.
I'm pretty sure you will not be able to do that, you will have to access the source code to do the changes.
I have written code for an android application using ApacheCordova. Now i want to generate apk file from that source code inside an android smartphone. Is it possible ?
You can use Shareit. When you share your app through ShareIt, the shareit would generate .apk file and send to other user. Thus you get your .apk file.
Install this app and you can extract an apk file from an android application, click here
I've been having some issues playing radio streams with MediaPlayer in a particular case. But that's not the point, the point is that I found an app that does exactly what I can't do, and I'm suspecting that is because It's using the Cordova / Phongap media plugin. My question is, given an apk there's anyway to know if the apk was build with Phonegap / Cordova or if was made with plain native Android code?
You download the apk (there are online tools to do that)
You unzip the apk (an apk is just a zip with a specific content)
In the extracted folder search for the assets\www\ folder.
If it's a cordova or phonegap app, you should see a file cordova.js in that folder.
(Yes, it's that easy to get all the sources of a cordova app :( )
I know this may be a weird question.It might get flagged but i would argue for the validity of such a question for the concise development of robust apps.
How do we identify whether a particular android app was built using Phonegap or Native Java or by cross platform Native Javascript API of Titanium?
This isn't fool proof, but looking inside the apk of a Phonegap and a Titanium app I have (renamed .apk to .zip) I notice that for Phonegap the assets folder has a js file named "cordova-" followed by a version number. In the Titanium app there is an org/appcelerator/titanium/ file in it. The folder names already indicate it was built using Titanium and the file contains the string "#Generated by Titanium".
When my server gaves apk file to user, I need to put some values In this file, for j2me platform I use JAD file, and put my values there:
MY_KEY: SomeKeyValue
MY_KEY2: SomeKeyValue2
When j2me application starts on device, I can access this values through System.getProperty.
How can I do the same on android platform?
How can I do the same on android
You cannot "do the same on android platform" for applications distributed through the Android Market. An APK file is digitally signed and cannot be modified once signed and uploaded to the Market.
You mention "When my server gaves apk file to user", suggesting you are not using the Market. In that case, when the user requests the APK:
Create a copy of your project directory (with compiled classes)
Modify an XML resource (res/xml/) with the data you want for the user
Use Ant to package and sign the APK file using the SDK tools
Serve the result
I do not know of anyone doing this, so I cannot point you to any code that implements the technique.