Listview Row incrementing with new value - android

I have a listview with radio buttons now i need to add one value from a edittext after typing some thing in the edittext the typed text should appear in the listview as next row.? how it is posible.?

ListView with simpleArrayAdapter :
Follow these steps it may help:
1. Fetch the value from edit text after the user types using gettext()
2. Insert this value in an array.
3. create a list view.
4. create an arrayAdapter with the already created array as source.
5. Now set the adapter with listview using (array variable).setAdapter(adapter name);
For every time the user updates use notifyDataSetChanged() to refresh your listview with the new contents.
Pseudo code:
Click here for more.


how to display the sorted list in listview after user presses the sort button?

I am making an Simple Android App to test the sorting capability and then use it on my main project that I will be making.
I want to know that suppose I display a list of items to the user with the help of custom objects and custom ArrayAdapter in the listview and there I want to place a sorting button that will sort the list during runtime according to the choice of the user (ex: alphabetically, according to ratings,etc.).
How to display the new list to the user after sorting.
Should I again use the setAdapter method or is there any other way?
When you click Sort Button , perfom sorting on the list , and in the next line write
it will update your list with the updated(sorted) Data.
First of all, sort your source data base on the choice of the user (ex: alphabetically, according to ratings,etc.)
List<String> mData; // your source data
// sort your data ascending order
// use your adapter to update your ListView
If you call notifyDatasetChanged() in your adapter your list will be redrawn in the right order in the screen. :) So after you order you list, call adapter.notifyDatasetChanged()

Android - AutoCompleteTextView: allow item user insertion if it is not in the list

I have an AutoCompleteTextView object in my Android app.
Just a question: if I select an item from the list, OnItemClickListener start. But if I don't select a list item but I insert the new one, which event should start?
SetOnHierarchyChangeListener should do the job for you. It indicates when new views are added and removed.
if you are using an array or arraylist in AutoCompleteTextView then add the data from the user to aray

How to update non-bound child view for ALL items in a ListView?

I have a ListView that uses a custom layout that has 5 child View objects (4 TextView and 1 CheckBox) in the custom layout. Only the TextViews are bound, however - the CheckBox has no corresponding field in the database. The purpose of the CheckBox is simply to identify which of the items being displayed I would like to process in "the next step". I'm using a custom ViewBinder to assign the text values correctly (because some of the values from the DB are dates, etc).
Part of the user interface is three buttons - 'All', 'None', and 'Invert' that I use to toggle the status of each item in the list. For the 'All' button, for example, I do this with the following code (which I now know is NOT correct - I include it to show what I'm trying to do):
ListAdapter la = getListAdapter();
ListView lv = getListView();
int iCount = la.getCount();
for(int i=0; i<iCount; i++)
View vv = lv.getChildAt(i);
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) vv.findViewById(;
This works fine as long as the number of items in the list doesn't exceed the list size so that all items are always visible. When I exceed that number, though, the 'getChildAt' function sometimes returns null because (if I understand correctly) it isn't meant to return all of the items in the list, only those items that are visible, which results in a NullPointerException.
How can I properly set the CheckBox on all views, even if they aren't visible?
Create a pseudo binding to one of your TextView data, create an ArrayList of Boolean objects as your back end for the checkboxes. Please note an ArrayList may not be the best data structure for your application. Fill the ArrayList with booleans set to the initial value of the corresponding position of your Cursor's data set. When you're binding use the ArrayList as the back end data. When you select all, none, or invert, update the Boolean objects in the ArrayList then call notifyDataSetChanged() on your SimpleCursorAdapter.
Addition ah, the other half of the problem, yes, use the onClickListener for the CheckBoxes but use the same listener, don't create a new object for each. Use the getPositionForView() method to get your position and update the underlying data.

Android Edittext listviews?

I have been scouring the Internet for a way to use an input box at the top of the page, and have an add & remove button.
I want the EditText to write to the ListView, which in turn writes the list to a .txt-file.
I have tried breaking this down into multiple small sections of just simple things like
getting the input from the EditText to post to a TextView.
Organizing a ListView
writing to a file and
reading from a file.
If you have any advice about how to get the ListView to go from the EditText greatly helpful.
The best way to do this is to have an ArrayList<String> to store your Strings from the TextView, and in turn have that ArrayList<String> feed into the ListView. For example, for your Add button handler:
// Declare our variables
ArrayList<String> myStringList = new ArrayList<String>();
// OnClickListener stuff for Add button
myListView.setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(getBaseContext(), android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, myStringList));
// Close OnClickListener stuff
Make sure you refresh your list adapter afterwards to show the new values. Likewise if you're deleting, use myStringList.remove(index) to remove that string from the list and refresh the array adapter. As for writing to a text file, have a look at this thread.

Listview delete item from Database

Hey. I have the following code:
final String text = (String) lt.getItemAtPosition(position);
What I want to do is to remove a item from a ListView. The problem I have is that I only can remove the item that is in the first position of the list.
Is like the getItemAtPosition(0);
Why's that? Can somebody help?
Bind your array to ArrayAdapter and use its remove method to remove particular object. Refer this link to get some understanding of how it works.
Remove ListView items in Android
Why don't you add items into a collection or data datable and then bind it to ListView.
In ste removal phase you delete the item from the collection/data table instead direct one from the ListView.

