Listview delete item from Database - android

Hey. I have the following code:
final String text = (String) lt.getItemAtPosition(position);
What I want to do is to remove a item from a ListView. The problem I have is that I only can remove the item that is in the first position of the list.
Is like the getItemAtPosition(0);
Why's that? Can somebody help?

Bind your array to ArrayAdapter and use its remove method to remove particular object. Refer this link to get some understanding of how it works.
Remove ListView items in Android

Why don't you add items into a collection or data datable and then bind it to ListView.
In ste removal phase you delete the item from the collection/data table instead direct one from the ListView.


How to set a particular position as default in spinner?

I am getting list of data from server and setting in spinner through setAdapter, but what data is coming on 3rd position I want to set that as default(0th position). Ex. {Mango, Banana, apple} ; in spinner apple should be default instead of Mango
else if
I have tried this
String cls=
Here when I am using above code I am getting NumberFormatException
use this insted of above line
See you are setting up any list or array to spinner adapter.
If you want to set particular as default then try this for example :-
Let you are setting dataList to spinner adapter
after setAdapter() for selection
either spinner.setSelection(dataList.indexOf("apple"),true) or
spinner.setSelection(2,true) as your third data has index 2
Just give binding.spinTitle.setSelection(2);
try this
Use the following: spinnerObject.setSelection(position).

How to get certain field from the arrayList object on spinner selection

I just created a spinner and make this spinner read from the database. and display them in the spinner. I already did that. But I want to right down the Id of the selected item.
for example : when I select the first raw called (1, tyat abdullah, sergurey )
I need the Id (1) only to be written down without the full record.
I need the Id (1) only to be written down without the full record.
Then when you are doing labels.add, only put the data you want to see
You can also use doctorsList.get(position) within the selection listener, and set the other text view accordingly.
For example, doctorsList.get(position).getId() seems to get the information you are asking for
simply use this to get the selected item index
int index = spinner.getSelectedItemPosition(); //this will give you the seleected item index
is that what you want ?
leme Know :)

how to display the sorted list in listview after user presses the sort button?

I am making an Simple Android App to test the sorting capability and then use it on my main project that I will be making.
I want to know that suppose I display a list of items to the user with the help of custom objects and custom ArrayAdapter in the listview and there I want to place a sorting button that will sort the list during runtime according to the choice of the user (ex: alphabetically, according to ratings,etc.).
How to display the new list to the user after sorting.
Should I again use the setAdapter method or is there any other way?
When you click Sort Button , perfom sorting on the list , and in the next line write
it will update your list with the updated(sorted) Data.
First of all, sort your source data base on the choice of the user (ex: alphabetically, according to ratings,etc.)
List<String> mData; // your source data
// sort your data ascending order
// use your adapter to update your ListView
If you call notifyDatasetChanged() in your adapter your list will be redrawn in the right order in the screen. :) So after you order you list, call adapter.notifyDatasetChanged()

Android - AutoCompleteTextView: allow item user insertion if it is not in the list

I have an AutoCompleteTextView object in my Android app.
Just a question: if I select an item from the list, OnItemClickListener start. But if I don't select a list item but I insert the new one, which event should start?
SetOnHierarchyChangeListener should do the job for you. It indicates when new views are added and removed.
if you are using an array or arraylist in AutoCompleteTextView then add the data from the user to aray

How do I add List of items that is stored in my Java file into My List Activity?

Can anybody please help me in adding List of items that is stored in my Java file into My List Activity. I fetch the list items from remote database through my JDBC connection (java.sql). Then I try to store it in different variables in a java file. Finally I want to fetch these items and display it in my list. How do I do it?
Also I would like the list items to be dynamic as in future new items might be added.
My List item will be an array List.
Thanks & Regards,
For the listView part you will need to write an adapter that fetches the data from your java file and bind it to each row in the listView.
Read this tutorial for custom list views.

