How can convert String to Json Array - android

I'm getting error cannot convert String to json object ..
While I'm converting this String
{"user_id": "user_id: 140" };
Error getting due to the format problem?
Thanks in advance..

try this JsonObject object=new JsonObject(jsonString); your string will be converted to JsonObject.

{"user_id": "user_id: 140" };
Please make sure that your json string is true.
Example JSON String:
[{"property":"value"}, {"property":"value"}, ...]
So may be your JSON String is not correct.
You can try with (Without ";" at the end of line)
If you assign user_id: 140 as value then:
Please make sure that at the end of line have no ;
And, how to parse JSON String???
The first {} => Object, [] => Array
Object without name
JSONObject jObject = new JSONObject(jsonString);
Object without name but in JSONArray
JSONObject jObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(index); // example: index = 0
Object with name and in JSONArray
JSONObject jObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject("name_of_object");
JSONArray is like JSONObject & jsonArray above is an instance of JSONArray


How to parse JSON using hardocoded values

I am trying to parse json but it gives me exception.
I hardcoded expected json as String like this
String stringJSON="[{\"value1\":\"ABC567123\",\"end_at\":\"08/28/2014 09:10:00\",\"start_at\":\"04/25/2016 09:20:00\"}]";
Valid json is like this
"value1": "ABC567123",
"end_at": "08/28/2014 09:10:00",
"start_at": "04/25/2016 09:20:00"
Now I am trying to parse json like below and getting exception.
JSONObject responseObJ;
try {
responseObJ= new JSONObject(stringJSON); //error here
//do something
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Please suggest what to do?
//hard coded it for temporary - json result is expected to exact same
stringJSON is contains JSONArray instead of JSONObject as root element in JSON String.
Either remove [] from start and end of String according to current code or if multiple JSONObject's is available in JSONArray then get JSONArray from stringJSON :
JSONArray responseObJ= new JSONArray(stringJSON);
[ ] they show that it has an array of objects in it so you can retrieve it like this
JSONArray jsonArray= new JSONArray(stringJSON);
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = jObject.getJSONObject(i);
// here you can get the values of objects stored in the jsonObject
In your case you have only one object so you don't have to use loop instead you can get it like this
JSONArray jsonArray= new JSONArray(stringJSON);
JSONObject jsonObject = jObject.getJSONObject(0);
yes as you said its valid json but its JsonArray not JsonObject.
Just remove [] from start and end.
your string should be
String stringJSON="{\"value1\":\"ABC567123\",\"end_at\":\"08/28/2014 09:10:00\",\"start_at\":\"04/25/2016 09:20:00\"}";
or if you want to work with current string then use JsonArray instead of JsonObject
JSONArray responseObJ= new JSONArray(stringJSON);
Can you try Deserialize method of ScriptSerializer class? Like:
var scriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var obj = scriptSerializer.Deserialize<Object>(str);

(Android) JSONObject cannot be converted to JSONArray

My below android code is throwing
org.json.JSONException: Value
at AuthenticateUserResult of type org.json.JSONObject cannot be
converted to JSONArray
String response = Common.ExecuteHttpRequest(Url);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response);
JSONArray jArray = jsonObject.getJSONArray("AuthenticateUserResult");
response is string from WCF method.
The value of AuthenticateUserResult is a JSON Object (it's enclosed in {}).
Change that line to this
JSONObject jArray = jsonObject.getJSONObject("AuthenticateUserResult");
Then you can get your data as follows :
String displayName = jArray.getString("DisplayName");
// Etc...
There are three workarounds to solve this problem.
1.Use JsonObject. Your WCF server just give it in JsonObject.
String response = Common.ExecuteHttpRequest(Url);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response).getJSONObject("AuthenticateUserResult");
2.Use json array as a container
String response = Common.ExecuteHttpRequest(Url);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response);
JSONArray jArray = new JSONArray().put(jsonObject.getJSONObject("AuthenticateUserResult"));
3.Edit server to provide AuthenticationUserResult into json array. The right format would be as below.
The exception is right, because "AuthenticateUserResult" value is declared as an element ({}) and not as an array ({}).
To fix this, use getJSONObject method to get the value of "AuthenticateUserResult", like this:
String response = Common.ExecuteHttpRequest(Url);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(response);
JSONObject result = jsonObject.getJSONObject("AuthenticateUserResult");
After that, you can retrieve a child element, like:
String mUserName = result.getString("UserName");

Adding element to JSON in Android Eclipse

I m using Eclipse and Android project. I have parsed the JSON and have contents as String. I have a JSON like:
I want to add "var5":value to JSON in Android. The value could be String, decimal,array, integer etc. I want to have the updated JSON as String. Can anyone help me?
Create a new JSONObject from the String by:
String str="{
JSONObject jsonObject=new JSONObject(str);
now get JSONObject with key "variables" from this object by:
JSONObject variables=jsonObject.getJSONObject("variables");
to add a new value to this JSONObject use:
variables.put("var5", newValue);
now put this json object variables to jsonObject.
jsonObject.put("variables", variables);
and get This jsonObject as a String:
String strResult=jsonObject.toString();

Simple Json parsing in android

I got the Json response. I am not able to get the values from the string is
Json_response is
and i tried this.
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json_response);
JSONObject subObj = jsonObj.getJSONObject("Current");
String name_current =subObj.getString("Name");
but i am not able to get the value of "Name". what mistake i have done. provide the link to do the above parsing.
first of all, your JSON response is having NameAllList as a JSON Array of objects.
So you have to fetch JSON Array first, then you can fetch one-by-one object.
for example:
JSONObject jsonString = (new JSONObject(json_response_string));
JSONArray array = jsonString.getJSONArray("NameAllList");
for(int i=0; i<array.length(); i++)
// Retrieve Current object as such
JSONObject objCurrent = array.getJSONObject("Current");
// Retrieve Next object as such
JSONObject objNext = array.getJSONObject("Next");
You are not parsing json properly, so you are not able to fetch value of Name. Please note JSON Annotation [] represent JSONArray, and {} respresent JSONObject, so method to get current item's name is:
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json_response_string);
JSONArray jsonArr=jsonObj.getJSONArray("NameAllList");
String Hora_name_current="";
for(int i=0;i<jsonArr.length();i++)
JSONObject obj=jsonArr.get(i);
JSONObject subObj = obj.getJSONObject("Current");
Hora_name_current =subObj.getString("Name");
}catch(JSONException ex)
looks like you're trying to use JSONObject when you should be using JSONArray for the second request. Try this:
JSONObject jsonString = (new JSONObject(json_response_string));
JSONArray array = jsonString.getJSONArray("NameAllList");
In your JSON return, "NameAllList is actually an array and needs to be handled as such. Once you set it to "array", you can then run a for loop and treat it like any other array in Java.
Let me know if that helps.
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json_response_string);
JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObj.getJSONArrays("NameAllList");

Android JSON Object

I have a JSON format like this
Now i am trying to retrieve the Status value to do some logic
JSONObject jData = new JSONObject(data);
JSONArray response = jData.getJSONArray("response");
But i am getting the following error
org.json.JSONException: Value {"result":"user_exists","status":true}
at response of type org.json.JSONObject cannot be converted to
how to retrieve an Object from inside and Object ?
response is a JSONObject, not a JSONArray. Array objects are surrounded by these [] brackets, objects are with the normal ones {}. (See for more format information)
JSONArray response = jData.getJSONArray("response");
JSONObject response = jData.getJSONObject("response");
you are trying to retreive the status attribut from a JSONArray but , you don't have any JSONArray in your Code , ( JSONArray is surrounded by [] , and JSONObject is surrounded by {} ) ,
So to retreive the status value , try this :
JSONObject jData = new JSONObject(data);
JSONObject response = jData.getJSONObject("response");
boolean status = response.getBoolean("status");
response isn't an array but an object. Use getJSONObject and JSONObject instead of getJSONArray and JSONArray.
You have to first navigate to the response object by
JSONObject response = jData.getJSONObject("response") instead of JSONArray, as response is a object.

