Somewhat straight forward question that I cannot seem to find the answer to. I want to view the installed apks on my android emulator, what is the command to find a list of apks installed on the emulator via the command line in windows?
adb shell pm list packages
See android adb documentation. This command directly queries the package manager.
Single click drag with the mouse on the screen upwards, then you can see all the applications
I'm trying to follow What is the command to list the available avdnames, but I'm missing a bit of context. I gather that the command
android list avd
needs to be typed into a command-line interface (presumably the Android Debug Bridge (adb)), but how do I start up this interface? I've installed adb and but if I simply type it as a command at the command line, only a manual is printed.
Following the answer given, I went to the ~/Android/Sdk/tools (I used the default location during installation) and ran ./android list avd (see below). (There are other errors, but at least the command works).
Move to the directory where you have installed Android SDK.
Move inside Tools folder and write command android list avd
Info update, selected solution works but its deprecated, nowadays you should use:
cd ~/Android/Sdk/tools
./bin/avdmanager list avd
I am using adb(Android Debug Bridge) and working with shell in the Genymotion Emulator(I have mentioned every configurations at the end of this question).
I execute "adb shell" and get the shell successfully but the problem is that I get the root access on the emulator. I don't want root shell, I want the normal one as we get when we execute 'adb shell' on the actual device connected via USB. How to achieve it ?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
*Configuration :
Ubuntu 13.10, 32-bit.
Eclipse 4.2 with ADT.
Genymotion Emulator(To be specific, I was using Android 4.3 here).
adb shell setprop service.adb.root 0
adb shell setprop ctl.restart adbd
adb unroot
for short.
It has been long since I posted this question but still want to answer it as it might help someone in need.
Main purpose of mine was to get a non-root shell on emulator for some testing purposes but failed to do so after many attempts.
Sometimes back, by fluke, I was fiddling around playstore app inside emulator and indirectly came across solution to above question.
I noticed while creating an emulator, if I used "Google Play" as the image, I got an emulator which was not root.
Follow below steps to get an Android emulator without root:
Create a new virtual device and select the one where "playstore" column has playstore icon (small triangle) visible, as seen in screenshot below.
In next step, download appropriate files needed for creating the device. Make sure to select the target/ABI as "Google Play" and not "Google API". It will make all the difference. In below image you can see I have 2 AVDs (Android Virtual Devices), first (andy_7) with target as "Google API" and another (nexus_5) with target as "Google Play".
Start the avd with target Google Play, nexus_5 in our case and we will get the desired result.
I have launched an emulator with a:
android avd
(although the android developers site said do it from platform-tools, i did it from tools because the android command was there ,and not in platform-tools). Anyway the AVD manager appeared and I started one, and it launched just fine.
Then I tried to send my app to the emulator so (following the android developers instructions) I do a:
adb install /newApp.apk
the command prompt jumps to the next line and just blinks.....when i check the emulator nothing has changed...where am i going wrong???
Once you have started the emulator try
adb devices
to check if you can see it
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
then you can proceed with the install
adb install <path-to>/newApp.apk
Something looks strange about that path. If the apk is in the same directory you are launching the command from then you don't need that '/'. If this is a linux machine it would be './' for the same directory unless your apk is all the way up on root but that would be bad :)
I'm planning to build an automated system for deploying an Android build to various devices, in order to make development for multiple platforms a bit more comfortable. Is there a way to get the sdk version of a connected device through android shell or adb?
There will be a computer to which several test devices is connected, and I was planning to write a script which will fetch the correct build for each of those from a build-server, install the different apks on their respective devices, launch them and collect log info, to be made available through some other program whose specifications are beside the point.
The point is that I need to know the sdk version each device is running to install the correct apk, and I was hoping I could get this through adb, but I can't seem to find a way to access it short of building a tiny app, compatible with all versions, whose sole purpose would be to output android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK or similar somewhere my script could read it.
you can use this command:
adb shell grep system/build.prop
It will output something like this:
adb shell getprop
Note #Tim: this works even on phones without grep support on all host OS :-). (i.e. on old phones where toolbox does not support grep you you need to have busybox on your phone).
I also discovered a way to get the exact version of Android e.g. 4.2.2 based on the following web article You need to be using a unix-like operating system - Linux and Mac OSX are fine, and windows users can use cygwin or equivalent.
At a command line:
echo version=$(adb shell getprop |awk -F":" '/build.version.release/ { print $2 }')|tr -d '[]'
Here is the result for my Nexus 4:
version= 4.2.2
I think you can by accessing the device with adb shell - change directories to position you at system and do a cat of build.prop. Here you will find for instance, 2.2, etc
When I want to test an android application, I create a new AVD, start it in the emulator, wait for the emulator to finish booting, and then use ADB to install the application, and when I'm done delete the AVD. Are there any tools that automate all of those steps? I tried writing my own but I couldn't find a way to tell if the emulator was completely booted, as the Android SDK website says not to use "adb wait-for-device install file.apk".
You're right not to use wait-for-device. It does not wait for the package manager to be available, which is what you need. I'm not sure how eclipse does it but you can poll the emulator until the package manager is available using the command adb shell pm path android. The command should return 'package: something'. Check out this python script that uses the technique: It's pretty big but if you search for the command above you'll find the relevant piece of the script.
Why do you want to delete the AVD every time?
If you are deleting it every time because the install command throws an error due to the app already existing on the AVD, you can do this: adb install -r file.apk. The -r part is used for reinstalling the app. Here is the full usage instructions for adb.
Are you deleting it to remove the application you are testing and revert to a 'clean' emulator? If so it's not necessary to delete the AVD every time. You can specify the -wipe-data option when starting the emulator. This effectively resets the AVD to how it was when you created it. Here is the emulator documentation.
Hopefully that helps simplify your script.