How to list the available Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) - android

I'm trying to follow What is the command to list the available avdnames, but I'm missing a bit of context. I gather that the command
android list avd
needs to be typed into a command-line interface (presumably the Android Debug Bridge (adb)), but how do I start up this interface? I've installed adb and but if I simply type it as a command at the command line, only a manual is printed.
Following the answer given, I went to the ~/Android/Sdk/tools (I used the default location during installation) and ran ./android list avd (see below). (There are other errors, but at least the command works).

Move to the directory where you have installed Android SDK.
Move inside Tools folder and write command android list avd

Info update, selected solution works but its deprecated, nowadays you should use:
cd ~/Android/Sdk/tools
./bin/avdmanager list avd


How to open adb and use it to send commands

I use ADT to try to make android apps, and use AVD. I know there is another tool called adb. I know it has been installed, and I want try to use it to send commands. Where is it? How to open it? Which button is used to open ADB in ADT?
Another question is where are the API documents? How to find it except on the website, like download or whatever?
You should find it in :
C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools
Add that to path, or change directory to there. The command sqlite3 is also there.
In the terminal you can type commands like
adb logcat //for logs
adb shell // for android shell
In Windows 10 while installing Android SDK, by default latest SDK gets installed.
Platform List is part of Android SDK and the best way to find the location is to open SDK manager and get the path.
It will be available at:
Android SDK Location: C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\
In SDK Manager, SDK path can be found by following the below
Appearance & Behaviour --> System Settings --> Android SDK
You can get the path where SDK is installed and can edit the location as well.
If you have downloaded the AS + SDK bundle: in Windows 10
C:\Users\ your User Name \AppData\Local\Android\sdk\platform-tools\
Run adb.exe
Type adb shell.
Now able to access adb and the db.
The adb tool can be found in sdk/platform-tools/
If you don't see this directory in your SDK,
launch the SDK Manager
and install "Android SDK Platform-tools"
Also update your PATH environment variable to
include the platform-tools/ directory, so you can
execute adb from any location.
The short answer is adb is used via command line. find adb.exe on your machine, add it to the path and use it from cmd on windows.
"adb devices" will give you a list of devices adb can talk to. your emulation platform should be on the list. just type adb to get a list of commands and what they do.
Check out Android Documentation Managing Virtual Devices

How to view installed apks on emulator through windows command line?

Somewhat straight forward question that I cannot seem to find the answer to. I want to view the installed apks on my android emulator, what is the command to find a list of apks installed on the emulator via the command line in windows?
adb shell pm list packages
See android adb documentation. This command directly queries the package manager.
Single click drag with the mouse on the screen upwards, then you can see all the applications

Unable to run Android Virtual Device Manager "android avd" getting NullPointerException

Getting NullPointerException when trying to start avd. I just downloaded the ADT bundle for Mac and ran android avd. Anyone know why it would fail?
$ ./android avd
The following worked for me:
From the command line I navigated to the tools folder of the Android-SDK folder. From there I ran this command:
android list avd
This produced a list of all of my virtual devices but one of them showed itself to be the problem. The exact output was as follows:
The following Android Virtual Devices could not be loaded:
Name: Tab31
Path: /Users/User/.android/avd/Tab31.avd
Error: Failed to parse properties from /Users/User/.android/avd/Tab31.avd/config.iniere
If you see this then make note of the "Name" property ("Tab31" in my situation) and run the following command (obviously replacing the name of my AVD with yours):
android delete avd -n Tab31
After that I was able to start the AVD Manager without any problem.
I had this exact same problem last night and finally found the ways to get the emulator to start working:
List the available targets with: android list targets
android create avd -n {name} -t {targetID}
(for {name} I chose Tablet - believe its arbitrary)
== Still wasn't working but then I discovered =>
I right-clicked above the manifest.xml file, selected option Run As ->
Run Configurations -> on a tab Target, and selected AVD created.
(from Eclipse launch error when trying to run an Android app)
If nothing of the above solutions work, deleting the .android folder in the home directory will work
I had this same problem after moving around my Android SDK and changing the base directory by setting the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_HOME. Turns out there is a path inside of the following file (path below ANDROID_SDK_HOME).
The "path=" setting in that file is absolute, so if you move around your files it will not be correct anymore. Changing that to the correct absolute path to the avd-file in the same directory fixed my issue.
It's usually because creation of a new AVD failed or the configs for one of your AVDs is corrupted.
Go to ~/.android/avd
Check the list of AVDs. If you think one of those AVDs is causing the problems, sudo rm -r (UNIQUE PART OF AVD NAME)*
This removes that AVD. Then re-try android avd
#BreakingBad's solution works fine except when the config is corrupted
It looks like this issue has been fixed in version 21.0.1 preview 1 of the SDK Tools.
The most likely cause is an invalid properties file that could not be parsed by the AVD Manager. Updating to the Preview Channel of the SDK Tools should fix this, or you can just wait for the official release.
Once I updated, the AVD Manager started and showed an invalid AVD in my list, which I was able to delete.

How to install an application on android emulator?

When i enter "adb install asdasd.apk" to cmd returns "error:device not found". How can I fix this?
Just copy that apk file into ( D:\android-sdk\platform-tools ) android sdk platform tools.
and then open the cmd prompt.
then, come into that platform tools path in cmd prompt.
then, give like this in cmd -- adb install (appName).apk
wait few minutes and get success respomse in cmd prompt..
First, familiarize yourself with a concept of AVD. That's basically an instance of the emulator - it has a bunch of settings, like the Android version to use and screen size and an SD card image.
You cannot install stuff "in the emulator" - you can only install stuff into a specific AVD. For that, you need to create and run an AVD first. For that, use "AVD Manager" from Eclipse or standalone.
Under the Android SDK folder in Explorer, run "AVD Manager". Choose an AVD (or create a new one if you don't have any). Select, click "Start".
Does the emulator show up when you run the following command?
adb devices
If not, you might have to boot up the AVD first, but if I remember correctly it should be starting it up by itself.
Have you created a new emulator for your project? And are you using Eclipse? Eclipse has an ADT plugin which is useful as it allows you to open the AVD manager through it. This plugin will give you this option in the Windows tool bar of Eclipse: Windows>AVD manager.
Create a new project based on the emulator and click the run button which will install your project onto the emulator. If you have an Android device I recommend turning USB development mode in your phones settings and running your project straight onto your device as it will be a lot faster. Hope this helps
this is what i did :
first run the "AVD Manager"-> choose an AVD -> click "Start"
immediately after
you click on "Start"
use command on cmd as,
adb install asdasd.apk
then in my case (Windows), asked to place .apk file in data/local/tmp/
what i did was copy and paste .apk file into data/local/tmp
and again use command
adb install asdasd.apk
then cmd prompted-> Success
You can also use command
adb devices
command for check whether emulator is in the list
Actually you may need to run AVD several times

Testing Android Applications on a Clean Emulator

When I want to test an android application, I create a new AVD, start it in the emulator, wait for the emulator to finish booting, and then use ADB to install the application, and when I'm done delete the AVD. Are there any tools that automate all of those steps? I tried writing my own but I couldn't find a way to tell if the emulator was completely booted, as the Android SDK website says not to use "adb wait-for-device install file.apk".
You're right not to use wait-for-device. It does not wait for the package manager to be available, which is what you need. I'm not sure how eclipse does it but you can poll the emulator until the package manager is available using the command adb shell pm path android. The command should return 'package: something'. Check out this python script that uses the technique: It's pretty big but if you search for the command above you'll find the relevant piece of the script.
Why do you want to delete the AVD every time?
If you are deleting it every time because the install command throws an error due to the app already existing on the AVD, you can do this: adb install -r file.apk. The -r part is used for reinstalling the app. Here is the full usage instructions for adb.
Are you deleting it to remove the application you are testing and revert to a 'clean' emulator? If so it's not necessary to delete the AVD every time. You can specify the -wipe-data option when starting the emulator. This effectively resets the AVD to how it was when you created it. Here is the emulator documentation.
Hopefully that helps simplify your script.

