Release objects in List adapter Android [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am using a separate class as adapter for my list view that extends Base adapter.My question is how can I release the memory used by objects like arraylist in the adapter. Please help me.

The garbage collector should take care of freeing memory you are no longer using.
OnDestroy is meant for Activities, it's not something you need to manually call. Rather, it's something that is automatically called when an Activity is about to be destroyed


The method runOnUpdateThread of AndEngine [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Do not know how to use the method runOnUpdateThread of AndEngine in the work and how to use well?Now I need some help because I do not find useful information for it.
That method is used when you want to remove sprites or other objects from a scene mostly. It carries out what ever is within the inner run()on each tick or loop of the game engine. According to the creator it is for 'safe removing of objects' which will not lock up the device during execution.
For example you have 37 object in your scene, if you remove 1 it will be removed right away, leaving 36 objects. When the game engine cycle loops it expects 37 objects to be updated but since you removed one before the cycle ran it crashes, as it expected to update the 37th object.

MVVMCross boolean binding [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to know how to bind a boolean property that is inside my viewmodel to a a control in my view using MVVMCross.An example would be appreciated. Thanks.
There are lots of samples, including many that bind to booleans in: with corresponding videos indexed at
I'd suggest:
starting with something like ApiExamples - you'll find at least one example of a checkbox-bool binding there:
watching some of the N+1 videos at

How to add new activity's children into another activity's children [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to add one Activity in to my current Activity's RelativeLayout(Parent) after a click on a Button. I want to do it dynamically, not from xml file. I'd like to know how and where to attach the code, and how would the code look. A simple example would do.
Fragments are the way to do this if your target API allows. An Activity is not a View, and has a very different life cycle.
That said, the deprecated TabActivity is an Activity that appears inside a TabHost - so it isn't impossible. But TabActivity is (I'm guessing) probably supported via nasty internal hacks that can't be generally supported by normal Activities.

How create a graph of battery? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wish create a graph of battery usage in my application..How can i do it? I only want a simple graph not a complicated thing. I've seen about this site but i don't understand how use it.
The last time I needed to draw a graph, I used the GraphView library:
It's easy to use and you have a demo application here:
Try it out and report.

Android, change the profile of the phone [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
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I would like to change the profile of the phone, for instance change from vibrator mode to normal mode or even plane mode. I cannot find in the permission list anything to allow this type of change. Is this possible ?
It is done using AudioManager. Refer the developers guide and it will help you a certain extent.
Not sure, but did you look at android.permission.VIBRATE ?

