I want to move my image view from its current position to some fixed position on screen using translate animation.
Also I want to know how translate animation works and what parameters it accepts exactly?
My piece of code is...
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lParams = (LayoutParams) spreadImage
TranslateAnimation ta
ta = new TranslateAnimation(lParams.leftMargin,
Thanks in advance.
Translate Animation controls the position and location of a layout or button or any view on which animation is being applied. It can move an object either in x direction or y direction.
Syntax :
TranslateAnimation transAnimation= new TranslateAnimation(fromXposition, toXPosition, fromYPosition, toYPosition);
fromXposition- x coordinate from where animation should start
toXPosition- x coordinate at which animation would end
fromYPosition- y coordinate from where animation should start.
toYPosition- y coordinate at which animation would end.
1)If we want to translate only in X direction then we set fromYPosition and toYPosition as zero.
2)If we want to translate only in Y direction then we set fromXPosition and toXPosition as zero.
There is another method in which we ,create an anim folder in the res folder. In this folder we add our animation xml .We use a translate tag in which we specify the attribute values.
In the below xml
android:duration defines the time of execution of animation
android:repeatCount specifies the no. of times the animation should be repeated ,
android:fromYDelta defines y coordinate from where animation should start
android:toYDelta defines y coordinate at which animation would end.
<set xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android”>
<translate android:duration=”300″ android:repeatCount=”1 android:fromYDelta=”0.0″ android:toYDelta=”174.0″ />
Animation lineTranslate;
//loading xml from anim folder
Animation localAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.line_translate);
//You can now apply the animation to a view
Translate Animation can change the visual appearance of an object, but they cannot change the objects themselves. That is, if you apply a translate animation to a view, it would move to a new position but its click events would not get fired whereas the click events would still get fired at its previous position. This happens because the view is still at its original position.
In order to overcome this, we can use ObjectAnimation which actually moves an object. Object Animation is the only animation which actually moves an object. You can create Translate animation using ObjectAnimator.
ObjectAnimator transAnimation= ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, propertyName, fromX, toX);
transAnimation.setDuration(3000);//set duration
transAnimation.start();//start animation
view -this is the view on which animation is to be applied
propertyName-The property being animated.
FromX,toX-A set of values that the animation will animate between over time.
Hope this will give you nice understanding.
You just need to translate your view one position to another position. So need to use below code to achieve your task.
.translationX((heigthAndWidth[0] / 2) - minusWidth) // trying to make my location
.translationY(-((heigthAndWidth[1] / 2) - minusHeight))
You could use NineOldAndroids. it has examples on translate animations.
I want to translate animation perform on button. Here Buttons are drag able in layout. I drag the button on any place of screen and when I remove my touch,I want to perform transform animation from current drop able points of button to original place which is initially button located on the screen. if any one have idea then well come.
You can animate any View very simply with a View Property Animator like this:
This works on API level 11 and above. If it is supposed to work before API level 11 then you need to use View Animations:
TranslateAnimation animation = new TranslateAnimation(fromX, toX, fromY, toY);
If you have any further question feel free to ask.
I am trying make an animation of an imageView from left to right and get it back from right to left but I also want to get the position of the imageview while its animation from the following code. I want to use the coordinates from origin to display in my app. Please tell me how to do this. Following is the code I am using to animate and move position of imageview.
Animation anx = new TranslateAnimation(0,100,0, 0);
Is there a function like getX() and getY() to get position.
Have u tried to set animation listener and starting a runnable when the animation starts to check the image getx , gety every milliseconds u want and stop it after the animation ends
I have a linear layout with three images in it. On the click of any ImageView I want to animate the whole linear layout. The animation consists of two animations - scale and transform. I don't know how to perform this animation.
This is what I want -
Image 1 - Before Animation
Image 2 - After Animation
I want to not only animate the View but actually shift the view to its new location with animation. After animation I should be able to click the Images at their new locatoin not the old location.
How can I perform this? Please help me out.
I used nineoldandroids library to achieve this animation. I used two animation: translation and scaling.
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "translationY", 0, -yValue).setDuration(600).start();
yValue is the the value in y axis upto which I want to translate.
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "scaleX", 1.0f, 0.6f).setDuration(600).start();
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "scaleY", 1.0f, 0.6f).setDuration(600).start();
As we know , the android coordinate system is start from the top left corner of the android screen. The x-axis is down growth and the y-axis is right growth.But I found it's not right for the animation.
For example, I initialized the TranslateAnimation using the constructed function:
TranslateAnimation ta = new TranslateAnimation(0.0f, 200, 0.0f, 200);
Does the coordinate system have changed ? I found it didn't start from the top left corner.
Then I initialized the other translateAnimation for moving up and right direction :
TranslateAnimation ta = new TranslateAnimation(0.0f, 200, 0.0f, -200);
The same behavior would be found.
I am confused about it.
I believe that constructor for TranslateAnimation uses deltas. See this. Or look at the constructor sig. : (float fromXDelta, float toXDelta, float fromYDelta, float toYDelta). So if you want your anim. to jump up first, you could use a negative third ctor param.
More precisely:
An animation can never start until after the layout has been measured. One usually shouldn't have to worry about how this works beyond that the algorithm is mostly very good and you can take control of its strategies by setting layout parameters. In short, by the time an animation might be started, we know where you want the view to be on the screen, because you set layout parameters.
Translate animation then takes deltas from that position. So your current animation shouldn't start from the top left, but rather wherever those layout params were evaluated by onMeasure.
Some would say- how annoying. It's gonna get complicated even if you just want to do some simple up-down type animations... Well, here's an advisable development strategy; it snould make android animation development a breeeze. Set an animationListener on every animation. In onAnimationEnd, in possibly a parametized way, reset the layout parameters on the view your animating to where you expect it to be. That way, you'll get no surprising "jumps" when you re-apply an animation again. You may need to invalidate in some circumstances, or clearAnimation. The reason that this works is that the measure pass will be caused to come round again and you'll have a new offset for your TranslateAnimation. Finally, you may want to do all this resetting posted to the message queue of a view using post(Runnable runnable) in the listener, so you're off the last pass of the animation draw.
I too found android Animations can occasionally surprise you and cause jumpy behaviour. But if you do it like this, constructors taking delta params shouldn't be confusing again.
So if I have a translation animation like
Animation anim = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, 0, OFFSET);
and I apply this to a textswitcher so that given a offset, the textswitcher will move from a location, A, up or down.
My textswitcher will stay at a given location, B, after the animation due to the setfillafter. How can I then from that location, B, reverse the animation and go back to location, A?
The Overall Question
So I'm translating a textswitcher down and then up, but of course, setfillafter only translates the bitmap of the view and not the view itself, so this may not be the best approach. I've also tried to do an animation and then offset of the view, but that looks glitchy. So basically, I want a view(textswitcher) which a swipe/fling down will move it down and touching(onClick) it when it's down will move it back up (same animation reversed). How can I do this?
I know how to do the swipe/fling and onClick stuff, just not how to implement the correct animation.
Perhaps you may want to consider adding an on touch listener to see where you touched it last, If above move up with a constant animation. This is if im understanding the question correctly.