I have a linear layout with three images in it. On the click of any ImageView I want to animate the whole linear layout. The animation consists of two animations - scale and transform. I don't know how to perform this animation.
This is what I want -
Image 1 - Before Animation
Image 2 - After Animation
I want to not only animate the View but actually shift the view to its new location with animation. After animation I should be able to click the Images at their new locatoin not the old location.
How can I perform this? Please help me out.
I used nineoldandroids library to achieve this animation. I used two animation: translation and scaling.
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "translationY", 0, -yValue).setDuration(600).start();
yValue is the the value in y axis upto which I want to translate.
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "scaleX", 1.0f, 0.6f).setDuration(600).start();
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(frameCategoryScroll, "scaleY", 1.0f, 0.6f).setDuration(600).start();
I'm trying to achieve an animation which scales over a view like this:
At the moment I'm using a scale animation loaded from xml:
This in action looks like this:
It scales more like a square.
I was using ObjectAnimator/ValueAnimator with properties before.
Some devices had specific problems with measuring heights for scaling so I reverted to using xml definitions.
Does anyone have any clue how to achieve the above?
you must define programmatically you ScaleAnimation.
first get radius of your circle(ImageView) at first position(before start Animation).
for get radius you can get width of your imageview and then division to 2.
second you must get width and height of your square.
third do it :
anim_to = (width_square + height_Square) / radius_circle;
finally set "anim_to" to your ScaleAnimation and start animation like this:
ScaleAnimation my_reveal = new ScaleAnimation(1,anim_to, 1,anim_to, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f);
my_reveal.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
sorry for my bad ENG ;)
I need to animate a background view either left to right or right to left on in a horizontal scroll view item click. So it may indicate the selected item to user.
I am currently taking the absolute screen positions of each view on screen and translating them to there x and y positions on item click.
TranslateAnimation animation = new TranslateAnimation(xFrom, xTo, yFrom, yTo);
But i am failed to achieve the scenario?
So, I have achieve the scenario with ObjectAnimator.
ObjectAnimator objectAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mSliderMember,"translationX", xFrom, xTo);
objectAnimator.setDuration(1000); // animation duration
In my layout, I am having a set of tiles(Something similar to windows phone home screen) .I am trying to flip the tile to show more content. I have taken a look at card flipping, but then it flips the entire fragment.I want it to flip a part of the whole layout.I have tried rotating it using Object animator .Here is my code..
View v = findViewById(R.id.iotd_relative);
ObjectAnimator animation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(v, "rotationY", 0.0f, 360f);
animation.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());
Is there any possibility of calling another layout when it flips?
I would recommend using a ScaleAnimation, heres a good example that simulates a Card Flip, you should be able to get what you want from there.
Use Android's scale animation to simulate a 3D flip...
I want to zoom in to a specific point on screen. I have a layout containing child image views. Scaling layout is working great but the problem is in content images; when I click one of them, after scale layout, it triggers click of another image. The positions of the images are still the same so the onclick trigger is not scaled. How can I scale layout with its image children simultaneously?
This is my scale code:
ScaleAnimation zoomInAnimation = new ScaleAnimation(1, 2f, 1, 2f, zoomX, zoomY);
I'm not sure I properly understand your question, but it sounds as if you are not filling the elements after the animation ends. You might try using setFillAfter
I want to move my image view from its current position to some fixed position on screen using translate animation.
Also I want to know how translate animation works and what parameters it accepts exactly?
My piece of code is...
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams lParams = (LayoutParams) spreadImage
TranslateAnimation ta
ta = new TranslateAnimation(lParams.leftMargin,
Thanks in advance.
Translate Animation controls the position and location of a layout or button or any view on which animation is being applied. It can move an object either in x direction or y direction.
Syntax :
TranslateAnimation transAnimation= new TranslateAnimation(fromXposition, toXPosition, fromYPosition, toYPosition);
fromXposition- x coordinate from where animation should start
toXPosition- x coordinate at which animation would end
fromYPosition- y coordinate from where animation should start.
toYPosition- y coordinate at which animation would end.
1)If we want to translate only in X direction then we set fromYPosition and toYPosition as zero.
2)If we want to translate only in Y direction then we set fromXPosition and toXPosition as zero.
There is another method in which we ,create an anim folder in the res folder. In this folder we add our animation xml .We use a translate tag in which we specify the attribute values.
In the below xml
android:duration defines the time of execution of animation
android:repeatCount specifies the no. of times the animation should be repeated ,
android:fromYDelta defines y coordinate from where animation should start
android:toYDelta defines y coordinate at which animation would end.
<set xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android”>
<translate android:duration=”300″ android:repeatCount=”1 android:fromYDelta=”0.0″ android:toYDelta=”174.0″ />
Animation lineTranslate;
//loading xml from anim folder
Animation localAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(this, R.anim.line_translate);
//You can now apply the animation to a view
Translate Animation can change the visual appearance of an object, but they cannot change the objects themselves. That is, if you apply a translate animation to a view, it would move to a new position but its click events would not get fired whereas the click events would still get fired at its previous position. This happens because the view is still at its original position.
In order to overcome this, we can use ObjectAnimation which actually moves an object. Object Animation is the only animation which actually moves an object. You can create Translate animation using ObjectAnimator.
ObjectAnimator transAnimation= ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, propertyName, fromX, toX);
transAnimation.setDuration(3000);//set duration
transAnimation.start();//start animation
view -this is the view on which animation is to be applied
propertyName-The property being animated.
FromX,toX-A set of values that the animation will animate between over time.
Hope this will give you nice understanding.
You just need to translate your view one position to another position. So need to use below code to achieve your task.
.translationX((heigthAndWidth[0] / 2) - minusWidth) // trying to make my location
.translationY(-((heigthAndWidth[1] / 2) - minusHeight))
You could use NineOldAndroids. it has examples on translate animations.