Send Sms With Genymotion [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new android developer and I want to Test an app works with sms service . i want to test my app with Genymotion emulator but I cant find a way to send message !
Is there any way to send and receive SMS with Genymotion emulator ?

No, for the moment, you cannot send/receive SMS with Genymotion.
This is still in the "todo list" of the Genymotion dev team (I'm part of it).


Accessing android Google Account Id /username via phonegap? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Please can anybody tell me how to access Google account details in android phone via phone gap?
I have searched a lot on internet but i am not getting the solution for this.
Thank You
My suggestion would be to write the code for getting the Google Account info in Android Java like so:
And then create a JS interface to communicate with your webview to pass it the credentials like so:

I want to create a chat application in Android so how do I create my own XMPP server, and how do I configure it? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create a chat application in Android. So please tell me how to create my own XMPP server and how to configure it. Any type of PHP code is required or not. Please give me some suggestion.
Try the following chat application code:

Android Socket Chat [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to implement a messenger in an android application using Socket?
It must be able to:
Establish a connection with different people (not just one)
Send message between 2 phones
Requires no additional set up like port forwarding (just click and message)
And does socket works that when connection is established, one phone will host the session for the other?
You may try google cloud messaging service

how to read a value during installation of android application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hey friends,i am doing one android application:
-in that i want to read value from the users during an installation of application.
if any code for that please share a code and steps
Thank you.
in that i want to read value from the users during an installation of application.
This is not possible. Your app will not run at all until the user runs it from the home screen's launcher. At that point, you are welcome to prompt the user to supply you with information.

communication through wifi in two android devices [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to send and receive data between two android devices through wifi. How to do this? I had tried to search for this but not got any simple and well written tutorial. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks
Assuming you know the basics of socket programming, the main issue is finding each other on the same network. Starting with API Level 14, you can use Network Service Discovery. Prior to that, jmDNS is a good, workable choice. The NSD link also contains a sample chat application, which gives you an example of how to communicate between to devices using a socket.

