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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to send and receive data between two android devices through wifi. How to do this? I had tried to search for this but not got any simple and well written tutorial. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks
Assuming you know the basics of socket programming, the main issue is finding each other on the same network. Starting with API Level 14, you can use Network Service Discovery. Prior to that, jmDNS is a good, workable choice. The NSD link also contains a sample chat application, which gives you an example of how to communicate between to devices using a socket.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wanna create a simple chat app in android but really I don't how to start
I really searched in google but really I didn't find any helpful link or code
so guys please I need your help how Can I start any video link or any simple code
In case you have some experience in Java I can recommend this book:
Professional Android 4 Application Development (Wrox)
It really helped me to get started with Android development. Otherwise the best start is probably a quick introduction to Java. In German there's also a book called Java for Android, not sure if it exists in English, too.
Also for inspiration you can have a look at this:
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Do you know how to set an Android or iPhone device's datetime
using a feaure within your mobile app
that you built using Delphi XE5?
This should of course happen at runtime.
Delphi offers no cross-platform way of setting the system time.
On iOS, you don't have access to the API for changing the time; that functionality is reserved for the OS.
On Android, you need elevated privileges, and then you can use AlarmManager.setTime. At that point, your problem is simply one of adapting the native Java techniques to Delphi. I assume that's pretty much the same for any API, so it's beyond the scope of this question.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to know if there is any class or Alarm in android or IOS that tells if the mobile is Down or UP, or just started or restarted. (and for how long!)
i'm creating a logging system, and i need to log the different state of the mobile all along the day.
Thanks in advance,
You need to add send notification from you app (native in iOS and Android) to your remote logging server.
Android as well as iOS have Application life cycle. Which provides you with callback if app is in running state , background , foreground etc.
There is a similar one for Android
The idea is that both of them have singleton for application and they have callbacks for app transition stage
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it possible to implement a messenger in an android application using Socket?
It must be able to:
Establish a connection with different people (not just one)
Send message between 2 phones
Requires no additional set up like port forwarding (just click and message)
And does socket works that when connection is established, one phone will host the session for the other?
You may try google cloud messaging service
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to develop an app in android through which I can easily transfer Voice over Internet (VoIP). There are many application in market like CSIPSIMPLE. Is there any tutorial which can start from beginning and also how to maintain its server. What are the basic terminologies which we have to use. Please suggest.
Thanks in advance
Android has a simple sip stack included which should satisfy your needs. Apps like CSipSimple (most of them) use their own sip stack with different codecs/filters applied to the device's input/output, but that requires more work as these are native due to performance.
So for a simple VoIP application, feel free to use android's utilities. Server software choice and maintenance is depending on what you want to achieve, just google for sip servers and read.
CSipSimple is open source. Just start there. Note that it is GPL, so you won't just be able to copy and use it in a commercial application, but you'll see what's involved internally.
For the server, Asterisk has been around for over a decade. There are other alternatives, but Asterisk is the de-facto standard for open source PBX.