Custom ImageView, ImageMatrix.mapPoints() and invert() inaccurate? - android

I wrote a custom ImageView (Android) for my app which works fine. For several purposes I need to map view- coordinates (e.g. coordinates of a click) to image- coordinates (where in the image did the click happen), as the image can be zoomed and scrolled. So far the methods below seemed to work fine:
private PointF viewPointToImgPointF(PointF viewPoint) {
final float[] coords = new float[] { viewPoint.x, viewPoint.y };
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.mapPoints(coords); // --> PointF in image as scaled originally
if (coords != null && coords.length > 1) {
return new PointF(coords[0] * inSampleSize,coords[1] * inSampleSize);
} else {
return null;
private PointF imgPointToViewPointF(PointF imgPoint) {
final float[] coords = new float[] { imgPoint.x / inSampleSize, imgPoint.y / inSampleSize };
if (coords != null && coords.length > 1) {
return new PointF(coords[0], coords[1]);
} else {
return null;
In most cases I can use these methods without problems but now I noticed that they are not 100% accurate as I tried out the following:
PointF a = new PointF(100,100);
PointF b = imgPointToViewPointF(a);
PointF a2 = viewPointToImgPointF(b);
PointF b2 = imgPointToViewPointF(a2);
PointF a3 = viewPointToImgPointF(b2);
and got these values:
a: Point(100, 100)
b: Point(56, 569)
a2: Point(99, 99)
b2: Point(55, 568)
a3: Point(97, 97)
If everything worked correctly all a- values and all b- values should have stayed the same.
I also found out, that this little difference is decreasing towards the center of the image. If (100, 100) would be the center of the image, the methods would deliver correct results!
Has anybody experienced something similar and maybe even has a solution? Or do I do something wrong?
(inSampleSize is == 1 for the image I tested. it represent the factor that the image has been resized by to save memory)

I haven't checked this exact scenario but it looks like your problem is with repeatedly casting the float back to an int and then using that value as a float again in the second iteration. The loss of detail in the cast will be compounded each time.

Ok, it seems like it really has been a bug in Android < 4.4.
It works now on devices that were updated but still happens on devices with 4.3 and older.
So I assume there is not much I can do to avoid it on older devices (except for doing the whole matrix calculations by myself. Which I surely won't...)


How to display X and Y axis for XYPlot in AndroidPlot

I'm developing an app for Android that plots data as a line graph using AndroidPlot. Because of the nature of the data, it's important that it be pannable and zoomable. I'm using AndroidPlot's sample code on bitbucket for panning and zooming, modified to allow panning and zooming in both X and Y directions.
Everything works as desired except that there are no X and Y axis lines. It is very disorienting to look at the data without them. The grid helps, but there's no guarantee that grid lines will actually fall on the axis.
To remedy this I have tried adding two series, one that falls on just the X axis and the other on the Y. The problem with this is that if one zooms out too far the axis simply end, and it becomes apparent that I have applied a 'hack'.
Is it possible to add X and Y axis lines to AndroidPlot? Or will my sad hack have to do?
Added tags
I figured it out. It wasn't trivial, took a joint effort with a collaborator, and sucked up many hours of our time.
Starting with the sample mentioned in my question, I had to extend XYPlot (which I called GraphView) and override the onPreInit method. Note that I have two PointF's, minXY and maxXY, that are defined in my overridden XYPlot and manipulated when I zoom or scroll.
protected void onPreInit() {
final Paint axisPaint = new Paint();
axisPaint.setStrokeWidth(3); //or whatever stroke width you want
XYGraphWidget oldWidget = getGraphWidget();
XYGraphWidget widget = new XYGraphWidget(getLayoutManager(),
new SizeMetrics(
oldWidget.getWidthMetric())) {
//We now override XYGraphWidget methods
RectF mGridRect;
protected void doOnDraw(Canvas canvas, RectF widgetRect)
throws PlotRenderException {
//In order to draw the x axis, we must obtain gridRect. I believe this is the only
//way to do so as the more convenient routes have private rather than protected access.
mGridRect = new RectF(widgetRect.left + ((isRangeAxisLeft())?getRangeLabelWidth():1), + ((isDomainAxisBottom())?1:getDomainLabelWidth()),
widgetRect.right - ((isRangeAxisLeft())?1:getRangeLabelWidth()),
widgetRect.bottom - ((isDomainAxisBottom())?getDomainLabelWidth():1));
super.doOnDraw(canvas, widgetRect);
protected void drawGrid(Canvas canvas) {
if(mGridRect == null) return;
//minXY and maxXY are PointF's defined elsewhere. See my comment in the answer.
if(minXY.y <= 0 && maxXY.y >= 0) { //Draw the x axis
RectF paddedGridRect = getGridRect();
//Note: GraphView.this is the extended XYPlot instance.
XYStep rangeStep = XYStepCalculator.getStep(GraphView.this, XYAxisType.RANGE,
paddedGridRect, getCalculatedMinY().doubleValue(),
double rangeOriginF = paddedGridRect.bottom;
float yPix = (float) (rangeOriginF + getRangeOrigin().doubleValue() * rangeStep.getStepPix() /
//Keep things consistent with drawing y axis even though drawRangeTick is public
//drawRangeTick(canvas, yPix, 0, getRangeLabelPaint(), axisPaint, true);
canvas.drawLine(mGridRect.left, yPix, mGridRect.right, yPix, axisPaint);
if(minXY.x <= 0 && maxXY.x >= 0) { //Draw the y axis
RectF paddedGridRect = getGridRect();
XYStep domianStep = XYStepCalculator.getStep(GraphView.this, XYAxisType.DOMAIN,
paddedGridRect, getCalculatedMinX().doubleValue(),
double domainOriginF = paddedGridRect.left;
float xPix = (float) (domainOriginF - getDomainOrigin().doubleValue() * domianStep.getStepPix() /
//Unfortunately, drawDomainTick has private access in XYGraphWidget
canvas.drawLine(xPix,, xPix, mGridRect.bottom, axisPaint);
//More customizations can go here
And that was that. I sure wish this was built into AndroidPlot; it'll be nasty trying to fix this when it breaks in an AndroidPlot update...

rotate 3D Object (Spatial) with compass

I've generated 3D overlay using jMonkey in my Android app. Everything works fine - my ninja model is walking in loop. Awsome !
Now I want to rotate camera according to direction of the phone. I thought compass is the best way BUT unfortunatly I have a lot of problems. So here I go
I've created method that is invoked in activity
public void rotate(float x, float y, float z) {
Log.d(TAG, "simpleUpdate: Nowa rotacja: " + y);
newX = x;
newY = y;
newZ = z;
newPosition = true;
in 'simpleUpdate' method I've managed it this way
if(newPosition && ninja != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "simpleUpdate: rotacja: " + newY);
ninja.rotate((float)Math.toRadians(newX), (float)Math.toRadians(newY), (float)Math.toRadians(newZ));
newPosition = false;
in my activity I'm checking if phone moved
if(lastAzimuth != (int)azimuthInDegress) {
lastAzimuth = (int)azimuthInDegress;
I cast to int so the distortion won't be so big problem
if ((com.fixus.towerdefense.model.SuperimposeJME) app != null) {
((com.fixus.towerdefense.model.SuperimposeJME) app).rotate(0f, azimuthInDegress, 0f);
At the moment I want to rotate it only in Y axis
Now the main problem is that the rotations is more like jump that rotation. When I move my phone a bit and I have 6 degrees diffrence (i see this in my log) the model is rotated like for 90 degrees and he turns back. This has nothing to do with rotation or change taken from my compas.
Any ideas ?
I think I got it. Method rotate, rotates from current state with value I've set. So it looks more like old Y rotate + new value. So I'm setting the diffrence between current value and old value and it now look almoust fine. Is it the good way ?

Android 4.3 ImageView ScaleType.MATRIX

today I set up the new Android JB 4.3 on my Nexus 7 and i tried to run my application.
Everythings works like it should except one little thing about ImageViews with ScaleType.MATRIX.
Basically what i have in my application is a ImageView as background and accordingly to a ViewPager callbacks i move the focused part of the image updating the Matrix i gave to the imageView using setImageMatix( Matrix matrix ).
the problem seems to be that i can't update the matrix anymore, i just have to instantiate a new one a pass it to the ImageView.
i managed to work around it instantiating everytime a new Matrix but it seems awfully memory expensive compared to the old version.
is this a BUG?
is there a way to udpate the Matrix? ( i by the way already tried to invalidate() the ImageView ecc. )
private void updateMatrix( final int page, final double offset ) {
double pagePosition = page + offset;
Matrix matrix = imageView.getImageMatrix();
matrix.setScale( scale, scale );
matrix.postTranslate( - (float) ( pagePosition * pageWidth ) , 0 );
imageView.setImageMatrix( matrix );
private void updateMatrix( final int page, final double offset ) {
double pagePosition = page + offset;
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setScale( scale, scale );
matrix.postTranslate( - (float) ( pagePosition * pageWidth ) , 0 );
imageView.setImageMatrix( matrix );
in the first case the image is shown at the top left corner of the ImageView without any scale or translate applied to it, like if the matrix is back to identity.
Just preserve your Matrix as field instead of retrieving it from ImageView and you'll be happy :)
There may be a bug with ImageView scaling starting with 4.3. See my question and answer about this bug.

Bitmap Matrix postRotate changes X and Y axis direction

I'm trying to rotate my Bitmap using a readymade solution I found somewhere. The code is below:
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
float x = ship.Position.left;
float y =;
canvas.drawBitmap(ship.ship, x,y,null);
However, when I do it, the X and Y axii change their direction - if I increase the Y the image goes towards the top of the screen, not towards the bottom. Same happens to X if I rotate by 90 degrees.
I need to rotate it but without changing the Y and X axii directions.
Even rotated, I still want the Bitmap to go towards the bottom if I increase Y and to the right if I increase the X.
public void update()
else //moving
} += Speed;
private void move() {
if(Speed < MAXSPEED)
Speed -= 0.5f;
private void fall() {
if(Speed > MAXSPEED*-1)
Speed += 0.2f;
private void faceDirection() {
double OldDiretion = Direction;
Direction = DirectionHelper.FaceObject(Position, ClickedDiretion);
if (Direction != OldDiretion)
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
ship = Bitmap.createBitmap(ship, 0, 0, ship.getWidth(),ship.getHeight(), matrix, false);
I tried the code above, but it's still changing the Y direction, It's going to bottom of the BitMap, not bottom of the screen.
Here is the project:
You should first rotate, than translate:
matrix.postTranslate(x, y);
alternative would be to try to use preRotate() instead of postRotate().
I also strongly recommend to translate/rotate the original while drawing. So your createBitmap() call shouldn't modify the orientation. At least not when you change it dynamically on user interaction. Otherwise you would create a lot of bitmaps to represent rotations over and over again which would impact the performance.
The problem is that you don't actually rotate the bitmap - you just draw it rotated. So, the next time you redraw it, you first push it towards the bottom or right by incrementing x/y and then rotate it.
You have to actually rotate the bitmap itself. You could use the following code:
ship.ship = Bitmap.createBitmap(ship.ship, 0, 0, ship.ship.getWidth(), ship.ship.getHeight(), matrix, false);
Here you create a new rotated bitmap and set your reference to point to it.
Note! You must do this only once! So you can't do it in the onDraw method, since then it will get rotated every time it's redrawn. You have to do it somewhere else and then draw it as usual in onDraw (without the matrix rotations).

Android problem with Image Rotate and Matrix

Hopefully this is an easy one because I've been trying all sorts of different ways to get rid of this.
I am making an android app which incorporates a clock animation. I've got everything working really well except one very annoying thing.
I have a second hand on the clock and I'm using the following code to rotate it around a the second hand center point. As you'll probably notice I'm trying to make this look like an analogue second hand so it sweeps instead of just ticking.
public float secdegrees, secondwidth, secondheight;
secondMatrix = new Matrix();
secondwidth = secondHand.getWidth();
secondheight = secondHand.getHeight();
secdegrees = anglepersec * secnow;
secdegrees += anglepluspermilli * millis;
secondMatrix.setRotate(secdegrees, secondwidth/2, secondheight / 2);
newSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(secondHand, 0, 0,
(int) secondwidth, (int) secondheight, secondMatrix, true);
c.drawBitmap(newSecond, (centrex - newSecond.getWidth()/2),
((face.getHeight()/2) - newSecond.getHeight()/2), null);
It actually does just the job I want... almost.
The problem is the hand shakes/jiggles around the center point ever so slightly, but it's really noticeable and really spoils the aesthetics.
I pretty much suspect that it's the way that it's rounding the float value, but I was hoping that someone had experienced this before and had any ideas on how to get rid of it.
For reference the second hand image was originally 74 px x 28 px and is (currently) 74 x 74 pixels .png with the middle of the second hand exactly crossing the crossing point. I've also tried making it 75 x 75 so that there is actually a central pixel too but no luck.
Any help at all would be appreciated.
I've tried to change the code in case the decimals were getting dropped but still no luck I'm afraid. Here is option 2 I've tried and failed with;
secondMatrix = new Matrix();
secondwidth = secondHand.getWidth();
secondheight = secondHand.getHeight();
secdegrees = anglepersec * secnow;
secdegrees += anglepluspermilli * millis;
secondMatrix.setRotate(secdegrees, secondwidth/2, secondheight / 2);
newSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(secondHand, 0, 0, (int) secondwidth,
(int) secondheight, secondMatrix, true);
float secW = newSecond.getWidth()/2;
float secH = newSecond.getHeight()/2;
float calcdeg = secdegrees % 90;
calcdeg = (float) Math.toRadians(calcdeg);
float NegY = (float) ((secondwidth*Math.cos(calcdeg)) +
(secondwidth * Math.sin(calcdeg)));
c.drawBitmap(newSecond, centrex - NegY/2,
((face.getHeight()/2) - NegY/2), null);
I understand your problem, I have never encountered it mysleft, but it sounds pretty obvious to me. Since the rotations changes the width and height of the image, your imprecision comes from centrex - NegX/2
I have not tested, but I suggest you try:
Matrix matrix=new Matrix()
//first translate to place the center of the hand at Point(0,0)
//now place the pivot Point(0,0) at its expected location
newSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(secondHand, 0, 0, secondWidth, secondHeight, matrix, false);
Of course, this is suboptimal, since the newSecond bitmap is much larger than it actually needs to be. So if your centrex and centrey are big, you might want to translate less than that, and then draw with a translation of the difference.
//now place the pivot to a position where the hand can be fully drawn without imprecion on the future location of Point(0,0)
newSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(secondHand, 0, 0, secondWidth, secondHeight, matrix, false);
Hope this helps.

