Android problem with Image Rotate and Matrix - android

Hopefully this is an easy one because I've been trying all sorts of different ways to get rid of this.
I am making an android app which incorporates a clock animation. I've got everything working really well except one very annoying thing.
I have a second hand on the clock and I'm using the following code to rotate it around a the second hand center point. As you'll probably notice I'm trying to make this look like an analogue second hand so it sweeps instead of just ticking.
public float secdegrees, secondwidth, secondheight;
secondMatrix = new Matrix();
secondwidth = secondHand.getWidth();
secondheight = secondHand.getHeight();
secdegrees = anglepersec * secnow;
secdegrees += anglepluspermilli * millis;
secondMatrix.setRotate(secdegrees, secondwidth/2, secondheight / 2);
newSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(secondHand, 0, 0,
(int) secondwidth, (int) secondheight, secondMatrix, true);
c.drawBitmap(newSecond, (centrex - newSecond.getWidth()/2),
((face.getHeight()/2) - newSecond.getHeight()/2), null);
It actually does just the job I want... almost.
The problem is the hand shakes/jiggles around the center point ever so slightly, but it's really noticeable and really spoils the aesthetics.
I pretty much suspect that it's the way that it's rounding the float value, but I was hoping that someone had experienced this before and had any ideas on how to get rid of it.
For reference the second hand image was originally 74 px x 28 px and is (currently) 74 x 74 pixels .png with the middle of the second hand exactly crossing the crossing point. I've also tried making it 75 x 75 so that there is actually a central pixel too but no luck.
Any help at all would be appreciated.
I've tried to change the code in case the decimals were getting dropped but still no luck I'm afraid. Here is option 2 I've tried and failed with;
secondMatrix = new Matrix();
secondwidth = secondHand.getWidth();
secondheight = secondHand.getHeight();
secdegrees = anglepersec * secnow;
secdegrees += anglepluspermilli * millis;
secondMatrix.setRotate(secdegrees, secondwidth/2, secondheight / 2);
newSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(secondHand, 0, 0, (int) secondwidth,
(int) secondheight, secondMatrix, true);
float secW = newSecond.getWidth()/2;
float secH = newSecond.getHeight()/2;
float calcdeg = secdegrees % 90;
calcdeg = (float) Math.toRadians(calcdeg);
float NegY = (float) ((secondwidth*Math.cos(calcdeg)) +
(secondwidth * Math.sin(calcdeg)));
c.drawBitmap(newSecond, centrex - NegY/2,
((face.getHeight()/2) - NegY/2), null);

I understand your problem, I have never encountered it mysleft, but it sounds pretty obvious to me. Since the rotations changes the width and height of the image, your imprecision comes from centrex - NegX/2
I have not tested, but I suggest you try:
Matrix matrix=new Matrix()
//first translate to place the center of the hand at Point(0,0)
//now place the pivot Point(0,0) at its expected location
newSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(secondHand, 0, 0, secondWidth, secondHeight, matrix, false);
Of course, this is suboptimal, since the newSecond bitmap is much larger than it actually needs to be. So if your centrex and centrey are big, you might want to translate less than that, and then draw with a translation of the difference.
//now place the pivot to a position where the hand can be fully drawn without imprecion on the future location of Point(0,0)
newSecond = Bitmap.createBitmap(secondHand, 0, 0, secondWidth, secondHeight, matrix, false);
Hope this helps.


How to draw equidistant dashes using DashPathEffect

At the moment I’m using DashPathEffect with hardcoded intervals to draw a circle as next:
float[] intervals = new float[]{ 3, 18 };
DashPathEffect path = new DashPathEffect(intervals, 0);
… … … …
canvas.drawCircle(x, y, radius, paint);
But this produces a non-equidistant dash where the circle starts and ends, as shown in the image below:
I can of course adjust it manually, but this would only work for one specific device density, and produce again the same problem in a different display density.
What would the formula to calculate equidistant dashes?
You need n dashes plus n gaps to have the same total length as the circumference of the circle. The below code assumes you've correctly determined both the center point and the radius you want to use.
double circumference = 2 * Math.PI * radius;
float dashPlusGapSize = (float) (circumference / NUM_DASHES);
intervals[0] = dashPlusGapSize * DASH_PORTION;
intervals[1] = dashPlusGapSize * GAP_PORTION;
DashPathEffect effect = new DashPathEffect(intervals, 0);
canvas.drawCircle(center, center, radius, paint);
For instance, I've used NUM_DASHES = 20, DASH_PORTION = 0.75f, and GAP_PORTION = 0.25f, and I see:
You can use different values for these constants to change how many dashes you chop the cirlce into, or how big the dash/gap are relative to each other (as long as DASH_PORTION + GAP_PORTION adds up to 1).
In case you have a different figure you can use this method to measure your custom path length:
val measure = PathMeasure(path, false)
val length = measure.getLength()

Use x/y coordinates to set bounds of a moving particle

I have two bitmaps that I draw onto the center of a canvas:
One is only a background, it's a spirit level in top view which doesnt move. The second one is a bitmap looking like a "air bubble". When the user tilts the phone, the sensors read the tilt and the air bubble moves according to the sensor values along the x-axis. However, I need to make sure that the air bubble doesnt move too far, e.g out of the background-bitmap.
So I tried to which x coordinate the bubble can travel to,
before I have to set xPos = xPos -1 using trial and error
This works fine on my device.
To clarify: On my phone, the air bubble could move to the coordinate x = 50 from the middle of the screen. This would be the point, where the bitmap is at the very left of the background spirit level.
On a larger phone, the position x = 50 is too far left, and therefore looking like the air bubble travelled out of the water level.
Now I've tried following:
I calculated the area in % in which the air bubble can move. Let's say that
is 70% of the entire width of the bitmap. So I tried to calculate the two x boundary values:
leftBoundary = XmiddlePoint - (backgroundBitmap.getWidth() * 0.35);
rightBoundary = XmiddlePoint + (backgroundBitmap.getWidth() * 0.35);
...which doesnt work when testing with different screen sizes :(
Is it possible to compensate for different screen sizes and densities using absolute coordinates or do I have to rethink my idea?
If you need any information that I forgot about, please let me know. If this question has already been answered, I would appreciate a link :) Thanks in advance!
I load my bitmaps like this:
private Bitmap backgroundBitmap;
private static final int BITMAP_WIDTH = 1898;
private static final int BITMAP_HEIGHT = 438;
public class SimulationView extends View implements SensorEventListener{
public SimulationView(Context context){
Bitmap map = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources, R.mipmap.backgroundImage);
backgroundBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(map, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, true;
and draw it like this:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
canvas.drawBitmap(backgroundBitmap, XmiddlePoint - BITMAP_WIDTH / 2, YmiddlePont - BITMAP_HEIGHT / 2, null);
backgroundBitmap.getWidth() and getHeight() prints out the correct sizes.
Calculating like mentioned above would return following boundaries:
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
((Activity) getContext()).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(displayMetrics);
int width = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
//which prints out width = 2392
xMiddlePoint = width / 2;
// = 1196
leftBoundary = xMiddlePoint - (BITMAP.getWidth()* 0.35);
// = 531,7
However, when I use trial and error, the right x coordinate seems to be at around 700.
I've come across a great explanation on how to fix my issue here.
As user AgentKnopf explained, you have to scale coordinates or bitmaps like this:
X = (targetScreenWidth / defaultScreenWidth) * defaultXCoordinate
Y = (targetScreenHeight / defaultScreenHeight) * defaultYCoordinate
which, in my case, translates to:
int defaultScreenWidth = 1920;
int defaultXCoordinate = 333;
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
((Activity) getContext()).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(displayMetrics);
displayWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
leftBoundary = (displayWidth / defaultScreenWidth) * defaultXCoordinates

Converting Camera Coordinates to Custom View Coordinates

I am trying to make a simple face detection app consisting of a SurfaceView (essentially a camera preview) and a custom View (for drawing purposes) stacked on top. The two views are essentially the same size, stacked on one another in a RelativeLayout. When a person's face is detected, I want to draw a white rectangle on the custom View around their face.
The Camera.Face.rect object returns the face bound coordinates using the coordinate system explained here and the custom View uses the coordinate system described in the answer to this question. Some sort of conversion is needed before I can use it to draw on the canvas.
Therefore, I wrote an additional method ScaleFacetoView() in my custom view class (below) I redraw the custom view every time a face is detected by overriding the OnFaceDetection() method. The result is the white box appears correctly when a face is in the center. The problem I noticed is that it does not correct track my face when it moves to other parts of the screen.
Namely, if I move my face:
Up - the box goes left
Down - the box goes right
Right - the box goes upwards
Left - the box goes down
I seem to have incorrectly mapped the values when scaling the coordinates. Android docs provide this method of converting using a matrix, but it is rather confusing and I have no idea what it is doing. Can anyone provide some code on the correct way of converting Camera.Face coordinates to View coordinates?
Here's the code for my ScaleFacetoView() method.
public void ScaleFacetoView(Face[] data, int width, int height, TextView a){
//Extract data from the face object and accounts for the 1000 value offset
mLeft = data[0].rect.left + 1000;
mRight = data[0].rect.right + 1000;
mTop = data[0] + 1000;
mBottom = data[0].rect.bottom + 1000;
//Compute the scale factors
float xScaleFactor = 1;
float yScaleFactor = 1;
if (height > width){
xScaleFactor = (float) width/2000.0f;
yScaleFactor = (float) height/2000.0f;
else if (height < width){
xScaleFactor = (float) height/2000.0f;
yScaleFactor = (float) width/2000.0f;
//Scale the face parameters
mLeft = mLeft * xScaleFactor; //X-coordinate
mRight = mRight * xScaleFactor; //X-coordinate
mTop = mTop * yScaleFactor; //Y-coordinate
mBottom = mBottom * yScaleFactor; //Y-coordinate
As mentioned above, I call the custom view like so:
public void onFaceDetection(Face[] arg0, Camera arg1) {
if(arg0.length == 1){
//Get aspect ratio of the screen
View parent = (View) mRectangleView.getParent();
int width = parent.getWidth();
int height = parent.getHeight();
//Modify xy values in the view object
mRectangleView.ScaleFacetoView(arg0, width, height);
//Toast.makeText( cc ,"Redrew the face.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
//rest of code
Using the explanation Kenny gave I manage to do the following.
This example works using the front facing camera.
RectF rectF = new RectF(face.rect);
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setScale(1, 1);
matrix.postScale(view.getWidth() / 2000f, view.getHeight() / 2000f);
matrix.postTranslate(view.getWidth() / 2f, view.getHeight() / 2f);
The returned Rectangle by the matrix has all the right coordinates to draw into the canvas.
If you are using the back camera I think is just a matter of changing the scale to:
matrix.setScale(-1, 1);
But I haven't tried that.
The Camera.Face class returns the face bound coordinates using the image frame that the phone would save into its internal storage, rather than using the image displayed in the Camera Preview. In my case, the images were saved in a different manner from the camera, resulting in a incorrect mapping. I had to manually account for the discrepancy by taking the coordinates, rotating it counter clockwise 90 degrees and flipping it on the y-axis prior to scaling it to the canvas used for the custom view.
It would also appear that you can't change the way the face bound coordinates are returned by modifying the camera capture orientation using the Camera.Parameters.setRotation(int) method either.

Android canvas.drawBitmap() rendering bug

[UPDATED with additional code]
I'm having a major problem with Android correctly rendering some bitmaps in my custom view's onDraw() method on some (Nexus 7 and 10 that I know about) but not all devices. It renders properly on the Android phones I have for testing. Here is the snippet of consequence:
/* set up mImagePaint earlier */
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
final float vw = getWidth();
final float vh = getHeight();
final float bw = mBitmap.getWidth();
final float bh = mBitmap.getHeight();
final float ba = bw / bh;
final float va = vw / vh;
if (va > ba) {
final float top = (bh - ba / va * bh) / 2;
mSrcRect.set(0, (int) top, (int) bw, (int) (bh - top));
} else {
final float left = (bw - va / ba * bw) / 2;
mSrcRect.set((int) left, 0, (int) (bw - left), (int) bh);
mContentRect.set(0, 0, vw, vh);
canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, mSrcRect, mContentRect, mImagePaint);
Results on Nexus 7 and 10 are incorrect and renders a wide white border as shown below. This is part of the bitmap rendering but not part of the original bitmap or rect.
The correct (desired) result on a Samsung Galaxy phone:
The image and code shown in both examples above are exactly the same. I've tried variations already using null paint, null srcRect, and even using alternate method drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, null) and get the same results. Looking at the framework code, of course drawBitmap() calls directly to native methods whose source code I can't view.
Only a small number of images seem to exhibit this problem and seems as though mostly square images exhibit it. But here is only one other non-square image that exhibits this problem:
Most of these images are slightly rotated given the desired custom view, and it now occurs to me that rotation might be part of the problem, but maybe not since the canvas isn't rotated, just when it's copied to the parent's canvas bitmap backing by Android.
Any ideas? This is nuts!
Are you sure the pictures are large enough to display without you having to scale up on those devices?

Repeating parallax using Cocos2D on Android

I want to draw a infinitely repeating parallax using Cocos2D on Android.
Now, there are some solutions given to this problem in Objective C, but I'm stuck with my implementation in Android. I have tried using
CCSprite background = CCSprite.sprite("background_island.png");
CCTexParams params = new CCTexParams(GL10.GL_LINEAR,GL10.GL_LINEAR,GL10.GL_REPEAT,GL10.GL_REPEAT);
But it only extends the background in 1 direction.
I guess I have to use 2 sprites, such that as soon as 1st finishes, the other starts and vice versa, but I'm stuck with the implementation.
I had the same problem and figured it out.
Try this. Declare the background and offset as a member:
CCSprite _bg;
float _bgOffset;
In your scene constructor:
CGSize winSize = CCDirector.sharedDirector().displaySize();
_bg = CCSprite.sprite("yourbg.png"); // needs to be square, i.e. 256x256
_bg.setTextureRect(0, 0, winSize.width, winSize.height, false);
_bg.getTexture().setTexParameters(GL10.GL_LINEAR, GL10.GL_LINEAR, GL10.GL_REPEAT,
And in your update(float dt) method:
if (_bgOffset > 2000000000)
_bgOffset = 0; // don't want problems, do we?
_bgOffset += dt * PIXELS_PER_SECOND; // this can be dynamic if you want
_bg.setTextureRect(0, _bgOffset, _bg.getTextureRect().size.width,
_bg.getTextureRect().size.height, false);
See "Repeating Backgrounds" in for the Objective C code
If you need to go both ways, you could perhaps start with a non-zero _bgOffset and see if that works.
Hope this helps someone!
Please check out below link for Parallax vertical endless background:
CGSize winSize = CCDirector.sharedDirector().displaySize();
//I made graphics for screen 720* I made this dynamic scale to support multiple screens
float sX = winSize.width / 720.0f;
float sY = winSize.height / 1200.0f;
background = CCVerticalParallaxNode.node(sX, sY, true);
background.addEntity(1f, "background.png", 0);
background.addEntity(3, "road_simple.png", winSize.width / 2);
background.addEntity(1.7f, "road_side.png", 0);

