How to make Android application run in full screen mode? - android

I'm developing an application on Android, 4.2 (Jellybean) for a tablet.
When the application runs on emulator, it normally contains the top and bottom ribbon/bar where it shows the battery and signal (in top ribbon) and 'back' icon and etc. (in bottom ribbon).
Question is, how am I going to make the application run in full screen where users are not allowed to navigate out of the application? In other words, I want to make the application full screen and also lock it on my application only.
FYI, I'm using Master detail flow for representing my items to users.


Android - How to make an app displayed in a small screen while the rest of screen is still visible and clickable

I have a request to reduce my app screen size and the rest of the screen space are still visible and clickable for user.
It means when my app is running, user can click some icons or buttons outside of my application.
What I found are using such as Dialogs or Multiple Fragments. However, those solutions are useful when all are in your main activity. But in my case, the rest of the screen is from Home screen or other screens, not from my app screen.
Could someone have an idea for this kind of concept?
Here is my request concept image
Searching from internet
You don't need to do anything for this. Android supports splitt screen since Android 7.0.
Alternatively you can enable Picture-In-Picture mode for your app which is supported since Android 8.

Check if Android is presenting its screen

Does anybody know if there is a generic way to check if the screen is currently being presented, e.g. via Miracast, Chromecast or any other app?
My app runs in the background and shows notifications every now and then. I'd like to avoid that while the screen is visible to others.

Running two applications simultaneously

I'm working on an application which contains a transparent screen and I need other applications such as Google Maps to run behind it, is there a way to run 2 apps simultaneously ?
Currently when I open my app all I see behind it is the menu displaying all opened apps, but can't figure out how to keep apps running behind mine.
I'm working on an application which contains a transparent screen and I need other applications such as Google Maps to run behind it
Given the fact that other developers write those other applications, you have no reliable way to knowing exactly what the user can see through the transparent portion of your UI. That will vary based on device, version of the other app, etc.
Currently when I open my app all I see behind it is the menu displaying all opened apps
What is visible through your transparent portion of your UI is whatever activity happens to be behind it.
can't figure out how to keep apps running behind mine
The decision of what other apps do is up to the developers of those other apps, not you.
is there a way to run 2 apps simultaneously ?
You are certainly welcome to start some activity (e.g., a map), and then some time later start some other activity (e.g., the one of yours with the transparent pane). What the other app does, when you do this, is up to the developers of the other app, not you.

Android - customize "your recent screens appear here" / "your recent apps" screen

I realy dint know how this screen is named :/ i called it after the message it shows when no app is running "your recent screens appear here". It basicly shows all apps currently runnning on the device.
So you know what im talking about here screens (sry big and spammy) with and without running apps. The second screen also shows the google widget i want to get rid off.
Is there a way to adjust the "your recent screens appear here" screen on Android phones and Tablets?
Is there a solution without using the Device Administration API?
If the Device Administration API is required - where can i find a documentation/tutorial that teaches me how to do it?
Currently we created a Launcher App for Android in order to deny access to most other Apps. It only shows our app and the android settings.
Unfortunately there is an Google Widget on the "your recent screens appear here" screen. It is the same widget shown on the Home screen, when using the default launcher. When i disable the Google Application the Widget disappears properly from the Home screen, but leaves a "CouldnĀ“t add widget" message on the "your recent screens appear here" screen.
Currently we are looking for an easy solution to get rid of that widget.
there is actually no way to customize this page without changes in the OS.
still i found a workarround to get rid of the widget.
when starting an App i add a flag that prevents it from beeing displayed in the recent apps screen. this way the user only sees the empty recent apps screen which has no widget.
Intent i = manager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(apps.get(pos).name.toString());

Android dev - launching another app in full screen

I'm developing a launcher app that starts another 3rd-party app, and want to launch that app in full screen mode i.e. no status bar and no navigation/system bar (with all the soft buttons - back, home etc.). I am launching a 3rd party app so I can't modify its code/manifest to start the activity in full screen.
I know there is a way to do it with Immersive Full-Screen Mode in Android 4.4, but I have Nexus 7 tablets with Android 4.2.1.
Also, devices cannot be rooted.
As you said: I am launching a 3rd party app so I can't modify its code/manifest to start the activity in full screen. Only the developer of the app you want to make full screen can make this happen due to the fact that apps can't overwrite other apps' code unless you have full access to all the code for both apps.

