I realy dint know how this screen is named :/ i called it after the message it shows when no app is running "your recent screens appear here". It basicly shows all apps currently runnning on the device.
So you know what im talking about here screens (sry big and spammy) with and without running apps. The second screen also shows the google widget i want to get rid off.
Is there a way to adjust the "your recent screens appear here" screen on Android phones and Tablets?
Is there a solution without using the Device Administration API?
If the Device Administration API is required - where can i find a documentation/tutorial that teaches me how to do it?
Currently we created a Launcher App for Android in order to deny access to most other Apps. It only shows our app and the android settings.
Unfortunately there is an Google Widget on the "your recent screens appear here" screen. It is the same widget shown on the Home screen, when using the default launcher. When i disable the Google Application the Widget disappears properly from the Home screen, but leaves a "Couldn´t add widget" message on the "your recent screens appear here" screen.
Currently we are looking for an easy solution to get rid of that widget.
there is actually no way to customize this page without changes in the OS.
still i found a workarround to get rid of the widget.
when starting an App i add a flag that prevents it from beeing displayed in the recent apps screen. this way the user only sees the empty recent apps screen which has no widget.
Intent i = manager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(apps.get(pos).name.toString());
I have developed a custom launcher/homescreen and it has been working perfectly on all android version for nearly two years. So far this launcher has been used in various Samsung devices.
Currently I am testing it in new huawei lua-u22 device. My launcher runs, can be set as default and shows up other apps on top of launcher too. But if I run another app (for example Gmail), screen lock(Swipe only) for 20-30 second, unlock device then press back button then instead of bringing it back to my launcher it goes back to default huawei homescreen. I checked by going to the settings-> home and there my launcher was still set as default. It only brings back my launcher home screen when I press home button again.
Is this problem of huawei device that is always redrawing default huwaei home as homescreen? Is there anyway I can track default selected home change at any time?
I found out the reason. In huawei after screen is tuned off my app was getting killed.
Huawei has a feature Protected Apps which allows application that is enabled in the list to keep running when screen is turned off. After I allowed my app in Protected apps it was not getting killed after screen turned off and everything now working properly.
To enable this feature go to System settings (which you can either find in the quick toggles portion of the notification shade by pulling down the status bar on the top portion of the screen). Go to All tab, Scroll down to Privacy and Security section, go to to Protected Apps and enable your app(this will control what’s allowed to run when the screen is off and what isn’t)
In stackoverflow there are few codes available to run this screen pro-grammatically which I do not find reliable enough as it may change in any new version of device.
Our Android app may present sensitive data and we wish to hide it when the app is not in use - Android is taking a snapshot of the app and displays it in the overview screen. At the same time we want to enable the user to take screen shots of the app when using it. We already checked following options:
Using FLAG_SECURE - Answers the need to hide the app in the overview screen but completely blocks the user from taking any screen shot of the app
Using onPause to change the activity content. Specifically we tried to show there the splash screen. We do see the splash screen appears when the app is minimizing, but the thumbnail presents the app before the splash appeared, meaning this is too late.
Any idea how we can hide/change the activity before the app moves to the background and still keep the print screen ability when the user is using the app?
Here are some links about the issue - all are only partial to this question:
How do I prevent Android taking a screenshot when my app goes to the background?
Hide a view before onStop?
Is removing the app from recent apps completely an option? Then set android:excludeFromRecent to true for the activity.
I'm developing an application on Android, 4.2 (Jellybean) for a tablet.
When the application runs on emulator, it normally contains the top and bottom ribbon/bar where it shows the battery and signal (in top ribbon) and 'back' icon and etc. (in bottom ribbon).
Question is, how am I going to make the application run in full screen where users are not allowed to navigate out of the application? In other words, I want to make the application full screen and also lock it on my application only.
FYI, I'm using Master detail flow for representing my items to users.
Is it possible to Display Information on the lock screen from an Android application.
I came across a few Apps which allow you to display Email and Calendar information on the screen but could not find which API to use for achieving the same.
Android 4.2 supports app widgets on the lockscreen.
according to the app you've mentioned (which has very poor description and quite low rating) , i suspect they disable the keyguard (the default lock screen) each time they get the event of power off (or on) .
maybe the activity that they are using has a transparent background and is above the normal lock screen .
there are many similar apps , such as "widget Locker" ,"magic Locker" and "quick Launch" , all do about the same thing to replace the keyguard . most of them also have the ability to replace the launcher (but will still show the launcher of the user, of course) , for smoother experience .
does the screenshot belong to the app you've mentioned , or to something you wish to achieve ?
You can learn how it can be done if you look at the sources of open source project contact owner that adds a message to the lock screen, too.
I need a screen control (possibly but not mandatory an app widget) that will seat
on Android's homescreen and will always be visible to the user - even when he scrolls the homescreen to the next page.
Please help me if any body have done this before.
I think the only way you will be able to do this is if you implement your own Launcher.
The functionality that you're looking for, being able to place a static widget on every screen of the launcher regardless of how many screens they have, isn't currently available in Android, nor any of the launcher apps out there (Go launcher, ADW, Launcher pro etc) nor any of the versions of Android which have been rewritten by the phone manufacturers (HTC's Sense, Samsungs Touch Wiz etc)
It's a big job to write a Launcher yourself, but the stock Android Launcher code is available to play about with from https://android.googlesource.com.