View directory that I created for my application on android - android

I create a directory using new File(mContext.getApplicationContext().getExternalFilesDir(null), "my_stuff"). I then put some files in it. Is there a way to view the content of that directory either through terminal using adb command or through eclipse? I am running app on a device while testing. By content I mean the name of the files that I added; and then if they are empty.

you can do it with few different options, but if you just want to dump to the console try:
cat you_file.txt


ADB pull to get all contents of a directory but not the directory from android and copy to windows

I am trying to copy all directories and files from an android device within a specified location
ie: /sdcard/Android/data/
XXXXXXXX is all contents of directory
To a local directory C:\copied\android
when using
adb -s %%G pull "/sdcard/Android/data/" C:/copied/android
It will copy the data directory and its contents and place in C:\copied\android\data\XXXXXXX
I have tried with and without the trailing / but doesn't seem to make any difference and * doesn't seem to play nice either.
what i want to occur is the contents to directly go to the C:\copied\android\ folder.
ie. C:\copied\android\XXXXXXXXX
Wondering if there is a way to do this or do I have to copy locally then move them?

Androidemulator - Access files in LocalApplicationData

I'm using xamarin forms to develop an Android app. I can save a file via
var fileName = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), $"appsettiings.txt");
var data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this);
File.WriteAllText(fileName, data);
When I debug I can see that the file should be stored at
I like to see if the file is actually saved and what the content is. I opened the Android device monitor but the data folder was 'empty'. From some other SO case I took that I should but myself in root-mode by executing
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb root
Now the data folder contains data and I can drill down up to the files folder, but that one seems to be empty.
When I run the app again and check in code if the file exists, it actually does.
Any further suggestions how to get access to that file from any tooling. I want to delete that file and run the app again.
You can use adb pull to copy the file to local machine and look at it content like this:
adb root
adb pull /data/user/0/<applicationame>/files/.local/share/appsettiings.txt [LOCAL_FOLDER]
then you can use adb shell then rm -f to remove it, like this:
adb shell
rm -f /data/user/0/<applicationame>/files/.local/share/appsettiings.txt
Since the file you are requesting is inside /data folder, you need to have the corresponding root priviliege to get it, so you need to do adb root before the adb pull command, and you need to do su before removing the file.
If I am not mistaken, if you save a file with your approach, it should exist, as you already proofed with the .Exists method.
I am not quite sure, are you just trying to read the content out of the file? Or do you want to access it from outside of the application?
If your desire is to just read the content, you could access it with
string content= File.ReadAllText(your file path);
and set a breakpoint (F9) on the next line.

Where to I place the OBB file to test Android Expansion Pack Files (OBB) on my Nexus 4?

I'm trying to test the Expansion Pack Files (OBB) In Android following the guide here:
I'm in the step where I need to test my app on my Nexus 4.
I generated my .obb file with jobb and adb-pushed it in the device in this location:
When the app run it doesn't find the file.
Helpers.doesFileExist(context, fileName, xf.mFileSize, false)
return false for my file.
I debugged and found out it is looking for the file in:
Specifically this is the path returned by:
Helpers.generateSaveFileName(c, fileName)
The /storage/emulated/0, returned by Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() doesn't exist browsing the device with adb shell.
But it DOES at runtime, inside the app, I also checked what it contains: it contains almost the same things I found in /mnt/shell/emulated/0, it contains the Android/obb dir, which is empty.
How I found out the path /mnt/shell/emulated/0/Android/obb/my.package/ where I placed my obb file:
$ adb shell
$ ls -ld sdcard
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2013-10-16 17:34 sdcard -> /storage/emulated/legacy
$ ls -ld /storage/emulated/legacy
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2013-10-16 17:34 legacy -> /mnt/shell/emulated/0
And inside that I already found the Android/obb directory, empty.
So the question is: where should I put my obb file for it to be in the right position at runtime?
I did everything said there:
created a draft application in the Market to get the public key
generated a random array of 20 byte (salt)
integrated play_licensing/library and play_apk_expansion/download_library
wrote my Service / Receiver
did the check using the Helpers etc.. exactly like the documentation say.
I suppose everything works but I can't just yet release on Play Store! I need to test locally and I'll have the need to change my obb file pretty often in this initial phase of development.
I can't test on the Emulator because I use 3D and device camera.
Since Android 4.2 multi users support have been added.
To support that Android mount an emulated disk for each users acting as a sandbox layer around the actual filesystem: this let Android handle gracefully either sharing of files between users either personal files.
Long story short:
is the emulated filesystem.
if you enter that directory from adb shell you may see a
directory. Sometimes it doesn't show up, for some reason (see below for what to do if this happen)
It's not in /Android/obb but that's the right directory where to place your app package / obb file!
If you don't see that directory try looking in:
You should be able to put your file there.
It will be correctly picked up at runtime ending at the
I think the Android documentation should explain this.
(I answer my own question because I found out how to solve it while writing it.)
For me the correct location is : mnt/sdcard/Android/obb/nameofyourpackage/
NOT "/mnt/shell"

IBM Worklight - How to change the Android package name

In worklight it seems that the android package name is set by the varible ${packageName}.
Where is this variable set? And how can I change it?
Right now the default seems to be com.applicationName. In the app im working on, this package name already exists in Google Play, so I would like to change it to com.corperationName.applicationName.
I know I can do this via Ant during Android project compilation, but I was wondering if there was somewhere within Worklight I can do this.
I was able to do this for Shell and Inner projects by making the following changes to the Shell project (check in or backup the shell and test before committing changes):
Add the following dir structure to the ShellApp/android/native/src
directory: com/corpname/{$appName}
Copy the contents of the ${packageDirectory} directory into the new
{$appName} directory (for me it was
In the files copied, every reference to ${packageName} needs to be
replaced with com.corpname.{$appName}
In AndroidManifest.xml.wltemplate.wluser, every reference to
${packageName} needs to be replaced with com.corpname.{$appName}.
Remove the ${packageDirectory} from the project.
Every inner project created from this Shell project should now have the package structure as com.corpname.appname

How can I copy the contentsof data/ to sdcard/ without using adb?

Hi I need to copy/move the contents of data/tombstones to sdcard/tombstones
I'm using the command below:
mv data/tombstones /sdcard/tombstones
"failed on 'tombstones' - Cross-device link"
but I'm getting above error.
You have a SANE VERSION of the mv command
paraphrasing a few bits from lbcoder from xda and darkxuser from androidforums
"failed on 'tombstones' - Cross-device link"
It means that you can't create a hard link on one device (filesystem) that refers to a file on a different filesystem.
This is an age-old unix thing. You can NOT move a file across a filesystem using most implementations of mv. mv is not made to copy data from device to device, it simply changes a file's location within a partition. Since /data and /sdcard are different partitions, it's failing.
Consider yourself fortunate that you have a SANE VERSION of the mv command that doesn't try anyway -- some old versions will actually TRY to do this, which will result in a hard link that points to NOTHING, and the original data being INACCESSIBLE.
The mv command does NOT MOVE THE DATA!!! It moves the HARDLINK TO
If you want to move the file to a different filesystem, you need to use the "cp" command. Copy the file to create a SECOND COPY of it on a different filesystem, and then DELETE the OLD one with the "rm" command.
A simple move command:
dd if="$1" of="$2"
rm -f "$1"
You will note that the "cp" command returns true or false depending on the successful completion of the copy, therefore the original will only be removed IF the file copied successfully.
cat data/tombstones > sdcard/tombstones
rm data/tombstones
These script can be copied into some place referenced by the PATH variable and set executable.
Different Interface
If you need a different interface from adb you may move files using the FileExplorer in DDMS View.
Side note:
You can move a file into a folder when:
You're root;
It is your app directory;
You've used chmod from adb or elsewhere to change permissions
Basically you don't have permission to access /data/tombstones in a production version .
It seems we have to 'root' the device first.
But I failed to root my Samsung S4 which is using Android 4.3

