Im using Graphview and work fine, but now i have a problem.
I would like to have a background for each series that is added to the graph, and not for all series
Is this possible?
This is currently (5 August 2014) not possible on the original GraphView library.
I needed this functionality, so I forked the library and implemented the functionality myself. You can find the updated code on the feature/series_specific_styles branch of my fork:
Hopefully in future these changes will be pulled into the original library.
The actual code changes are relatively simple.
Added required background fields to GraphViewSeries.GraphViewSeriesStyle
Updated LineGraphView.drawSeries() to look for these fields instead of relying on its own internal values.
I have included full updates below, but the easiest way to view them is on the commit page:
allow different background for each series
Here is the updated GraphViewSeriesStyle class:
static public class GraphViewSeriesStyle {
public int color = 0xff0077cc;
public int thickness = 3;
private ValueDependentColor valueDependentColor;
private final Paint paintBackground;
private boolean drawBackground;
private boolean drawDataPoints;
private float dataPointsRadius = 10f;
public GraphViewSeriesStyle() {
paintBackground = new Paint();
paintBackground.setColor(Color.rgb(20, 40, 60));
public GraphViewSeriesStyle(int color, int thickness) {
this.color = color;
this.thickness = thickness;
paintBackground = new Paint();
paintBackground.setColor(Color.rgb(20, 40, 60));
public ValueDependentColor getValueDependentColor() {
return valueDependentColor;
* the color depends on the value of the data.
* only possible in BarGraphView
* #param valueDependentColor
public void setValueDependentColor(ValueDependentColor valueDependentColor) {
this.valueDependentColor = valueDependentColor;
public boolean getDrawBackground() {
return drawBackground;
public void setDrawBackground(boolean drawBackground) {
this.drawBackground = drawBackground;
public Paint getPaintBackground() {
return paintBackground;
public int getBackgroundColor() {
return paintBackground.getColor();
* sets the background colour for the series. This is not the background
* colour of the whole graph.
public void setBackgroundColor(int color) {
public float getDataPointsRadius() {
return dataPointsRadius;
public boolean getDrawDataPoints() {
return drawDataPoints;
* sets the radius of the circles at the data points.
* #see #setDrawDataPoints(boolean)
* #param dataPointsRadius
public void setDataPointsRadius(float dataPointsRadius) {
this.dataPointsRadius = dataPointsRadius;
* You can set the flag to let the GraphView draw circles at the data points
* #see #setDataPointsRadius(float)
* #param drawDataPoints
public void setDrawDataPoints(boolean drawDataPoints) {
this.drawDataPoints = drawDataPoints;
Here is the updated LineGraphView.drawSeries() method:
public void drawSeries(Canvas canvas, GraphViewDataInterface[] values, float graphwidth, float graphheight, float border, double minX, double minY, double diffX, double diffY, float horstart, GraphViewSeriesStyle style) {
// draw background
double lastEndY = 0;
double lastEndX = 0;
// draw data
Path bgPath = null;
if ((drawBackground) || (style.getDrawBackground())) {
bgPath = new Path();
lastEndY = 0;
lastEndX = 0;
float firstX = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
double valY = values[i].getY() - minY;
double ratY = valY / diffY;
double y = graphheight * ratY;
double valX = values[i].getX() - minX;
double ratX = valX / diffX;
double x = graphwidth * ratX;
if (i > 0) {
float startX = (float) lastEndX + (horstart + 1);
float startY = (float) (border - lastEndY) + graphheight;
float endX = (float) x + (horstart + 1);
float endY = (float) (border - y) + graphheight;
// draw data point
if (drawDataPoints) {
//fix: last value was not drawn. Draw here now the end values
canvas.drawCircle(endX, endY, dataPointsRadius, paint);
} else if (style.getDrawDataPoints()) {
canvas.drawCircle(endX, endY, style.getDataPointsRadius(), paint);
canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY, paint);
if (bgPath != null) {
if (i==1) {
firstX = startX;
bgPath.moveTo(startX, startY);
bgPath.lineTo(endX, endY);
} else if ((drawDataPoints) || (style.getDrawDataPoints())) {
//fix: last value not drawn as datapoint. Draw first point here, and then on every step the end values (above)
float first_X = (float) x + (horstart + 1);
float first_Y = (float) (border - y) + graphheight;
if (drawDataPoints) {
canvas.drawCircle(first_X, first_Y, dataPointsRadius, paint);
} else if (style.getDrawDataPoints()) {
canvas.drawCircle(first_X, first_Y, style.getDataPointsRadius(), paint);
lastEndY = y;
lastEndX = x;
if (bgPath != null) {
// end / close path
bgPath.lineTo((float) lastEndX, graphheight + border);
bgPath.lineTo(firstX, graphheight + border);
if (style.getDrawBackground()) {
canvas.drawPath(bgPath, style.getPaintBackground());
} else {
canvas.drawPath(bgPath, paintBackground);
For interest, that branch also allows data points to be configured for each series - code changes visible here:
allow datapoint styling for each series
I've created a custom view that draws a dial gauge. If I set a static value for the angle of the needle, the gauge draws as expected (see first image below). If I attempt to set the angle of the needle through runOnUiThread, then I have weird needle artifacts (see second image).
I am calling canvas.drawColor(color.BLACK) each time onDraw() is called, so I am not sure how the artifacts are being carried over. My best guess is that I am not handling threading correctly in the method that calls runOnUiThread().
DialGaugeView class:
package net.dynu.kubie.redneksldhlr;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.View;
public class DialGaugeView extends View {
private int height, width, min = 0;
private int numberFontSize, titleFontSize = 0;
private float dialEdgeStroke, dialEdgeRadius = 0;
private float dialFaceRadius = 0;
private float tickMajorStroke, tickSweep, tickAngleStart, tickAngleEnd, tickEdgeRadius, tickInnerMajorRadius, tickInnerMinorRadius = 0;
private int tickMajorCount = 0;
private float tickMinorStroke = 0;
private int tickMinorCount = 0;
private int tickTotalCount = 0;
private int numberMin, numberMax = 0;
private float numberRadius = 0;
private float arrowTipRadius, arrowRearRadius = 0;
private float arrowCenterRadius, arrowPinRadius = 0;
private float sensorInput = 0;
private float temp = 0;
private Paint paint;
private boolean isInit;
private float titleRadius = 0;
private Rect rect = new Rect();
private Path path = new Path();
private String titleStr = "";
//Variables common to drawing functions
private float center_x, center_y = 0;
private float x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3 = 0;
private float angle = 0;
private int number = 0;
private String str = "";
public DialGaugeView(Context context) {
public DialGaugeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
TypedArray a = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(
0, 0);
try {
tickMajorCount = a.getInteger(R.styleable.DialGaugeView_tickCountMajor, 5);
tickMinorCount = a.getInteger(R.styleable.DialGaugeView_tickCountMinor, 0);
tickSweep = a.getFloat(R.styleable.DialGaugeView_tickSweep, 270) / 2;
numberMin = a.getInteger(R.styleable.DialGaugeView_displayMin, 0);
numberMax = a.getInteger(R.styleable.DialGaugeView_displayMax, 1);
titleStr = a.getString(R.styleable.DialGaugeView_displayTitle);
} finally {
public DialGaugeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
public int getTickMajorCount() {
return tickMajorCount;
public void setTickMajorCount(int i) {
tickMajorCount = i;
isInit = false;
public int getTickMinorCount() {
return tickMinorCount;
public void setTickMinorCount(int i) {
tickMinorCount = i;
isInit = false;
public float getTickSweep() {
return tickSweep;
public void setTickSweep(float i) {
tickSweep = i / 2;
isInit = false;
public int getDisplayMin() {
return numberMin;
public void setDisplayMin(int i) {
numberMin = i;
isInit = false;
public int getDisplayMax() {
return numberMax;
public void setDisplayMax(int i) {
numberMax = i;
isInit = false;
public float getSensorInput() {
return sensorInput;
public void setSensorInput(float i) {
sensorInput = i;
isInit = false;
public String getTitle() {
return titleStr;
public void setTitle(String i) {
titleStr = i;
private void initGauge() {
//Common variables
height = getHeight();
width = getWidth();
min = Math.min(height, width);
center_x = width / 2;
center_y = height / 2;
paint = new Paint();
isInit = true;
//Dial face variables
dialEdgeStroke = min / 20;
dialEdgeRadius = min / 2 - dialEdgeStroke / 2;
dialFaceRadius = dialEdgeRadius - dialEdgeStroke / 2;
//Tick variables
//tickMajorCount = 7; //TODO - Class input needed
//tickMinorCount = 1; //TODO - Class input needed
//tickSweep = 270 / 2; //TODO - Class input needed //Degrees +/- from 90 degrees
tickEdgeRadius = dialFaceRadius - dialEdgeStroke / 2;
tickInnerMajorRadius = (float) (tickEdgeRadius - dialEdgeStroke * 1.5);
tickInnerMinorRadius = ((tickEdgeRadius + tickInnerMajorRadius) / 2);
tickMajorStroke = min / 75;
tickAngleStart = 90 + tickSweep;
tickAngleEnd = 90 - tickSweep;
tickMinorStroke = tickMajorStroke / 2;
tickTotalCount = tickMajorCount + (tickMajorCount - 1) * tickMinorCount;
//Numeral variables
//numberMin = 0; //TODO - Class input needed
//numberMax = 120; //TODO - Class input needed
numberRadius = (tickInnerMajorRadius); // - (tickEdgeRadius - tickInnerMajorRadius) * 1.25);
numberFontSize = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, min / 40,
//Title variables
titleRadius = tickInnerMajorRadius;
titleFontSize = numberFontSize;
//Arrow variables
//sensorInput = (float) (numberMax * .4965); //TODO - Class input needed
arrowTipRadius = tickEdgeRadius;
arrowRearRadius = arrowTipRadius / 2;
arrowCenterRadius = (arrowTipRadius * 1 / 8);
arrowPinRadius = (arrowTipRadius * 1 / 24);
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
if (!isInit) {
private void drawDialFace(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawCircle(center_x, center_y, dialEdgeRadius, paint);
canvas.drawCircle(center_x, center_y, dialFaceRadius, paint);
private void drawTicks(Canvas canvas) {
for(int i = 0; i < tickTotalCount; i++) {
angle = (float) (((tickAngleEnd - tickAngleStart) * i / (tickTotalCount - 1) + tickAngleStart) / 180 * Math.PI);
x1 = (float) (center_x + Math.cos(angle) * tickEdgeRadius);
y1 = (float) (center_y - Math.sin(angle) * tickEdgeRadius);
if((i % (tickMinorCount + 1)) == 0) {
x2 = (float) (center_x + Math.cos(angle) * tickInnerMajorRadius);
y2 = (float) (center_y - Math.sin(angle) * tickInnerMajorRadius);
} else {
x2 = (float) (center_x + Math.cos(angle) * tickInnerMinorRadius);
y2 = (float) (center_y - Math.sin(angle) * tickInnerMinorRadius);
canvas.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, paint);
private void drawNumeral(Canvas canvas) {
for(int i = 0; i < tickMajorCount; i++) {
angle = (float) (((tickAngleEnd - tickAngleStart) * i / (tickMajorCount - 1) + tickAngleStart) / 180 * Math.PI);
number = (numberMax - numberMin) * i / (tickMajorCount - 1) + numberMin;
str = String.valueOf(number);
paint.getTextBounds(str, 0, str.length(), rect);
double c = Math.cos(angle);
double s = Math.sin(angle);
if(rect.width() * Math.abs(s) < rect.height() * Math.abs(c)) {
x2 = (float) (Math.signum(c) * rect.width() / 2);
y2 = (float) (Math.tan(angle) * x2);
} else {
y2 = (float) (Math.signum(s) * rect.height() / 2);
x2 = (float) (1 / Math.tan(angle) * y2);//Math.cotg(angle) * y;
x1 = (float) (center_x + Math.cos(angle) * numberRadius - rect.width() / 2 - x2 * 1.25);
y1 = (float) (center_y - Math.sin(angle) * numberRadius + rect.height() / 2 + y2 * 1.25);
canvas.drawText(str, x1, y1, paint);
private void drawTitle(Canvas canvas) {
angle = (float) ((270.0 / 180) * Math.PI);
paint.getTextBounds(titleStr, 0, str.length(), rect);
x1 = (float) (center_x + Math.cos(angle) * titleRadius - rect.width() / 2);
y1 = (float) (center_y - Math.sin(angle) * titleRadius + rect.height() / 3);
canvas.drawText(titleStr, x1, y1, paint);
private void drawArrow(Canvas canvas) {
//Calculate (x,y) coordinates for the arrow path.
temp = (tickAngleEnd - tickAngleStart) * sensorInput / numberMax + tickAngleStart;
angle = (float) (temp / 180 * Math.PI);
x1 = (float) (center_x + Math.cos(angle) * arrowTipRadius);
y1 = (float) (center_y - Math.sin(angle) * arrowTipRadius);
angle = (float) ((temp + 170) / 180 * Math.PI);
x2 = (float) (center_x + Math.cos(angle) * arrowRearRadius);
y2 = (float) (center_y - Math.sin(angle) * arrowRearRadius);
angle = (float) ((temp - 170) / 180 * Math.PI);
x3 = (float) (center_x + Math.cos(angle) * arrowRearRadius);
y3 = (float) (center_y - Math.sin(angle) * arrowRearRadius);
//Draw arrow path using calculated coordinates.
path.moveTo(x1, y1);
path.lineTo(x2, y2);
path.lineTo(x3, y3);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
//Calculate (x,y) coordinates for dial center.
x1 = center_x;
y1 = center_y;
canvas.drawCircle(x1, y1, arrowCenterRadius, paint);
canvas.drawCircle(x1, y1, arrowPinRadius, paint);
My MainActivity:
package net.dynu.kubie.redneksldhlr;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onResume() {
public void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) {
if (hasFocus) {
private void hideSystemUI() {
// Enables regular immersive mode.
// For "lean back" mode, remove SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE.
// Or for "sticky immersive," replace it with SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY
View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView();
// Set the content to appear under the system bars so that the
// content doesn't resize when the system bars hide and show.
// Hide the nav bar and status bar
private void startGenerating() {
DoSomethingThread randomWork = new DoSomethingThread();
public class DoSomethingThread extends Thread {
private static final String TAG = "DoSomethingThread";
private static final int DELAY = 15000; // 5 seconds
private static final int RANDOM_MULTIPLIER = 120;
public void run() {
//Log.v(TAG, "doing work in Random Number Thread");
while (true) {
float randNum = (float) (Math.random() * RANDOM_MULTIPLIER);
// need to publish the random number back on the UI at this point in the code through the publishProgress(randNum) call
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Log.v(TAG, "Interrupting and stopping the Random Number Thread");
private void publishProgress(float randNum) {
//Log.v(TAG, "reporting back from the Random Number Thread");
//final String text = String.format(getString(R.string.service_msg), randNum);
//final String text = Integer.toString(randNum);
final float text = randNum;
runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void updateResults(float results) {
//TextView myTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;
DialGaugeView myDial = findViewById(;
I eventually realized that my issue wasn't artifacts at all. My arrow is being drawn as a series of paths. If I do not reset the path prior to adding coordinates for the new arrow, the previous arrow(s) just get dragged along. Adding path.reset(); prior to the addition of the first arrow coordinate solved my problem.
//Draw arrow path using calculated coordinates.
path.moveTo(x1, y1);
path.moveTo(x2, y2);
path.moveTo(x3, y3);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
Its been a week I was trying to create a watch Face for Android wear. As a kick start I followed Google official documentation and found these Android official watch face app tutorial with source code
So my current issue is , In Google documentation they use canvas to create analogue watch faces . The watch hands are generated using paint
Here is the sample of code for creating dial hand
public class AnalogWatchFaceService extends CanvasWatchFaceService {
private static final String TAG = "AnalogWatchFaceService";
* Update rate in milliseconds for interactive mode. We update once a second to advance the
* second hand.
private static final long INTERACTIVE_UPDATE_RATE_MS = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1);
public Engine onCreateEngine() {
return new Engine();
private class Engine extends CanvasWatchFaceService.Engine {
static final int MSG_UPDATE_TIME = 0;
static final float TWO_PI = (float) Math.PI * 2f;
Paint mHourPaint;
Paint mMinutePaint;
Paint mSecondPaint;
Paint mTickPaint;
boolean mMute;
Calendar mCalendar;
/** Handler to update the time once a second in interactive mode. */
final Handler mUpdateTimeHandler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message message) {
switch (message.what) {
if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) {
Log.v(TAG, "updating time");
if (shouldTimerBeRunning()) {
long timeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
mUpdateTimeHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_UPDATE_TIME, delayMs);
final BroadcastReceiver mTimeZoneReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
boolean mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver = false;
* Whether the display supports fewer bits for each color in ambient mode. When true, we
* disable anti-aliasing in ambient mode.
boolean mLowBitAmbient;
Bitmap mBackgroundBitmap;
Bitmap mBackgroundScaledBitmap;
public void onCreate(SurfaceHolder holder) {
if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate");
setWatchFaceStyle(new WatchFaceStyle.Builder(AnalogWatchFaceService.this)
Resources resources = AnalogWatchFaceService.this.getResources();
Drawable backgroundDrawable = resources.getDrawable(, null /* theme */);
mBackgroundBitmap = ((BitmapDrawable) backgroundDrawable).getBitmap();
mHourPaint = new Paint();
mHourPaint.setARGB(255, 200, 200, 200);
mMinutePaint = new Paint();
mMinutePaint.setARGB(255, 200, 200, 200);
mSecondPaint = new Paint();
mSecondPaint.setARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);
mTickPaint = new Paint();
mTickPaint.setARGB(100, 255, 255, 255);
mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
public void onDestroy() {
public void onPropertiesChanged(Bundle properties) {
mLowBitAmbient = properties.getBoolean(PROPERTY_LOW_BIT_AMBIENT, false);
if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
Log.d(TAG, "onPropertiesChanged: low-bit ambient = " + mLowBitAmbient);
public void onTimeTick() {
if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
Log.d(TAG, "onTimeTick: ambient = " + isInAmbientMode());
public void onAmbientModeChanged(boolean inAmbientMode) {
if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
Log.d(TAG, "onAmbientModeChanged: " + inAmbientMode);
if (mLowBitAmbient) {
boolean antiAlias = !inAmbientMode;
// Whether the timer should be running depends on whether we're in ambient mode (as well
// as whether we're visible), so we may need to start or stop the timer.
public void onInterruptionFilterChanged(int interruptionFilter) {
boolean inMuteMode = (interruptionFilter == WatchFaceService.INTERRUPTION_FILTER_NONE);
if (mMute != inMuteMode) {
mMute = inMuteMode;
mHourPaint.setAlpha(inMuteMode ? 100 : 255);
mMinutePaint.setAlpha(inMuteMode ? 100 : 255);
mSecondPaint.setAlpha(inMuteMode ? 80 : 255);
public void onSurfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
if (mBackgroundScaledBitmap == null
|| mBackgroundScaledBitmap.getWidth() != width
|| mBackgroundScaledBitmap.getHeight() != height) {
mBackgroundScaledBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mBackgroundBitmap,
width, height, true /* filter */);
super.onSurfaceChanged(holder, format, width, height);
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) {
int width = bounds.width();
int height = bounds.height();
// Draw the background, scaled to fit.
canvas.drawBitmap(mBackgroundScaledBitmap, 0, 0, null);
// Find the center. Ignore the window insets so that, on round watches with a
// "chin", the watch face is centered on the entire screen, not just the usable
// portion.
float centerX = width / 2f;
float centerY = height / 2f;
// Draw the ticks.
float innerTickRadius = centerX - 10;
float outerTickRadius = centerX;
for (int tickIndex = 0; tickIndex < 12; tickIndex++) {
float tickRot = tickIndex * TWO_PI / 12;
float innerX = (float) Math.sin(tickRot) * innerTickRadius;
float innerY = (float) -Math.cos(tickRot) * innerTickRadius;
float outerX = (float) Math.sin(tickRot) * outerTickRadius;
float outerY = (float) -Math.cos(tickRot) * outerTickRadius;
canvas.drawLine(centerX + innerX, centerY + innerY,
centerX + outerX, centerY + outerY, mTickPaint);
float seconds =
mCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) + mCalendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) / 1000f;
float secRot = seconds / 60f * TWO_PI;
float minutes = mCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + seconds / 60f;
float minRot = minutes / 60f * TWO_PI;
float hours = mCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) + minutes / 60f;
float hrRot = hours / 12f * TWO_PI;
float secLength = centerX - 20;
float minLength = centerX - 40;
float hrLength = centerX - 80;
if (!isInAmbientMode()) {
float secX = (float) Math.sin(secRot) * secLength;
float secY = (float) -Math.cos(secRot) * secLength;
canvas.drawLine(centerX, centerY, centerX + secX, centerY + secY, mSecondPaint);
float minX = (float) Math.sin(minRot) * minLength;
float minY = (float) -Math.cos(minRot) * minLength;
canvas.drawLine(centerX, centerY, centerX + minX, centerY + minY, mMinutePaint);
float hrX = (float) Math.sin(hrRot) * hrLength;
float hrY = (float) -Math.cos(hrRot) * hrLength;
canvas.drawLine(centerX, centerY, centerX + hrX, centerY + hrY, mHourPaint);
The entire code can be found inside the official sample app . Below you can find the screen shot of application which I made using Google official tutorial .
If anyone have any idea how to replace the clock hands with an drawable images ? . Any help would be appreciated .
Create a Bitmap of your drawable resource:
Bitmap hourHand = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.hour_hand);
Do whatever transformations you need to your canvas and draw the bitmap:;
canvas.rotate(degrees, px, py);
canvas.translate(dx, dy);
canvas.drawBitmap(hourHand, centerX, centerY, null); // Or use a Paint if you need it
Use following method to rotate bitmap from canvas,
* To rotate bitmap on canvas
* #param canvas : canvas on which you are drawing
* #param handBitmap : bitmap of hand
* #param centerPoint : center for rotation
* #param rotation : rotation angle in form of seconds
* #param offset : offset of bitmap from center point (If not needed then keep it 0)
public void rotateBitmap(Canvas canvas, Bitmap handBitmap, PointF centerPoint, float rotation, float offset) {;
canvas.rotate(secondRotation - 90, centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y);
canvas.drawBitmap(handBitmap, centerPoint.x - offset, centerPoint.y - handBitmap.getHeight() / Constants.INTEGER_TWO, new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG));
I am a little bit late with the answer, but maybe it can be helpful for others
val antialias = Paint()
antialias.isAntiAlias = true
antialias.isFilterBitmap = true
antialias.isDither = true
canvas.rotate(secondsRotation - minutesRotation, centerX, centerY)
centerX - 10,
centerY - 160,
Here is my public Git Repo you can check the source code
I'm trying to animate some drawables in Android, I've set a path using PathEvaluator that animates along some curves along a full path.
When I set a duration (e.g. 6 seconds) it splits the duration to the number of curves I've set regardless of their length which causes the animation to be to slow on some segments and too fast on others.
On iOS this can be fixed using
animation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationCubicPaced;
animation.timingFunction = ...;
Which lets iOS to smooth your entire path into mid-points and span the duration according to each segment length.
Is there any way to get the same result in Android?
(besides breaking the path into discrete segments and assigning each segment its own duration manually which is really ugly and unmaintainable).
I don't think that anything can be done with ObjectAnimator because there seems to be no function that can be called to assert the relative duration of a certain fragment of the animation.
I did develop something similar to what you need a while back, but it works slightly differently - it inherits from Animation.
I've modified everything to work with your curving needs, and with the PathPoint class.
Here's an overview:
I supply the list of points to the animation in the constructor.
I calculate the length between all the points using a simple distance calculator. I then sum it all up to get the overall length of the path, and store the segment lengths in a map for future use (this is to improve efficiency during runtime).
When animating, I use the current interpolation time to figure out which 2 points I'm animating between, considering the ratio of time & the ratio of distance traveled.
I calculate the time it should take to animate between these 2 points according to the relative distance between them, compared to the overall distance.
I then interpolate separately between these 2 points using the calculation in the PathAnimator class.
Here's the code:
public class CurveAnimation extends Animation
private static final float BEZIER_LENGTH_ACCURACY = 0.001f; // Must be divisible by one. Make smaller to improve accuracy, but will increase runtime at start of animation.
private List<PathPoint> mPathPoints;
private float mOverallLength;
private Map<PathPoint, Double> mSegmentLengths = new HashMap<PathPoint, Double>(); // map between the end point and the length of the path to it.
public CurveAnimation(List<PathPoint> pathPoints)
mPathPoints = pathPoints;
if (mPathPoints == null || mPathPoints.size() < 2)
Log.e("CurveAnimation", "There must be at least 2 points on the path. There will be an exception soon!");
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t)
PathPoint[] startEndPart = getStartEndForTime(interpolatedTime);
PathPoint startPoint = startEndPart[0];
PathPoint endPoint = startEndPart[1];
float startTime = getStartTimeOfPoint(startPoint);
float endTime = getStartTimeOfPoint(endPoint);
float progress = (interpolatedTime - startTime) / (endTime - startTime);
float x, y;
float[] xy;
if (endPoint.mOperation == PathPoint.CURVE)
xy = getBezierXY(startPoint, endPoint, progress);
x = xy[0];
y = xy[1];
else if (endPoint.mOperation == PathPoint.LINE)
x = startPoint.mX + progress * (endPoint.mX - startPoint.mX);
y = startPoint.mY + progress * (endPoint.mY - startPoint.mY);
x = endPoint.mX;
y = endPoint.mY;
t.getMatrix().setTranslate(x, y);
super.applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, t);
private PathPoint[] getStartEndForTime(float time)
double length = 0;
if (time == 1)
return new PathPoint[] { mPathPoints.get(mPathPoints.size() - 2), mPathPoints.get(mPathPoints.size() - 1) };
PathPoint[] result = new PathPoint[2];
for (int i = 0; i < mPathPoints.size() - 1; i++)
length += calculateLengthFromIndex(i);
if (length / mOverallLength >= time)
result[0] = mPathPoints.get(i);
result[1] = mPathPoints.get(i + 1);
return result;
private float getStartTimeOfPoint(PathPoint point)
float result = 0;
int index = 0;
while (mPathPoints.get(index) != point && index < mPathPoints.size() - 1)
result += (calculateLengthFromIndex(index) / mOverallLength);
return result;
private void calculateOverallLength()
mOverallLength = 0;
double segmentLength;
for (int i = 0; i < mPathPoints.size() - 1; i++)
segmentLength = calculateLengthFromIndex(i);
mSegmentLengths.put(mPathPoints.get(i + 1), segmentLength);
mOverallLength += segmentLength;
private double calculateLengthFromIndex(int index)
PathPoint start = mPathPoints.get(index);
PathPoint end = mPathPoints.get(index + 1);
return calculateLength(start, end);
private double calculateLength(PathPoint start, PathPoint end)
if (mSegmentLengths.containsKey(end))
return mSegmentLengths.get(end);
else if (end.mOperation == PathPoint.LINE)
return calculateLength(start.mX, end.mX, start.mY, end.mY);
else if (end.mOperation == PathPoint.CURVE)
return calculateBezeirLength(start, end);
return 0;
private double calculateLength(float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1)
return Math.sqrt(((x0 - x1) * (x0 - x1)) + ((y0 - y1) * (y0 - y1)));
private double calculateBezeirLength(PathPoint start, PathPoint end)
double result = 0;
float x, y, x0, y0;
float[] xy;
x0 = start.mX;
y0 = start.mY;
for (float progress = BEZIER_LENGTH_ACCURACY; progress <= 1; progress += BEZIER_LENGTH_ACCURACY)
xy = getBezierXY(start, end, progress);
x = xy[0];
y = xy[1];
result += calculateLength(x, x0, y, y0);
x0 = x;
y0 = y;
return result;
private float[] getBezierXY(PathPoint start, PathPoint end, float progress)
float[] result = new float[2];
float oneMinusT, x, y;
oneMinusT = 1 - progress;
x = oneMinusT * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * start.mX +
3 * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * progress * end.mControl0X +
3 * oneMinusT * progress * progress * end.mControl1X +
progress * progress * progress * end.mX;
y = oneMinusT * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * start.mY +
3 * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * progress * end.mControl0Y +
3 * oneMinusT * progress * progress * end.mControl1Y +
progress * progress * progress * end.mY;
result[0] = x;
result[1] = y;
return result;
Here's a sample that shows how to activate the animation:
private void animate()
AnimatorPath path = new AnimatorPath();
path.moveTo(0, 0);
path.lineTo(0, 300);
path.curveTo(100, 0, 300, 900, 400, 500);
CurveAnimation animation = new CurveAnimation(path.mPoints);
animation.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
Now, keep in mind that I'm currently calculating the length of the curve according to an approximation. This will obviously cause some mild inaccuracies in the speed. If you feel it's not accurate enough, feel free to modify the code. Also, if you want to increase the length accuracy of the curve, try decreasing the value of BEZIER_LENGTH_ACCURACY. It must be dividable by 1, so accepted values can be 0.001, 0.000025, etc.
While you might notice some mild fluctuations in speed when using curves, I'm sure it's much better than simply dividing the time equally between all paths.
I hope this helps :)
I tried using Gil's answer, but it didn't fit how I was animating.
Gil wrote an Animation class which is used to animate Views.
I was using ObjectAnimator.ofObject() to animate custom classes using ValueProperties which can't be used with custom Animation.
So this is what I did:
I extend PathEvaluator and override its evaluate method.
I use Gil's logic to calculate path total length, and segmented lengths
Since PathEvaluator.evaluate is called for each PathPoint with t values
0..1, I needed to normalize the interpolated time given to me, so it'll be incremental and won't zero out for each segment.
I ignore the start/end PathPoints given to me so the current position can be
before start or after end along the path depending on the segment's duration.
I pass the current progress calculated to my super
(PathEvaluator) to calc the actual position.
This is the code:
public class NormalizedEvaluator extends PathEvaluator {
private static final float BEZIER_LENGTH_ACCURACY = 0.001f;
private List<PathPoint> mPathPoints;
private float mOverallLength;
private Map<PathPoint, Double> mSegmentLengths = new HashMap<PathPoint, Double>();
public NormalizedEvaluator(List<PathPoint> pathPoints) {
mPathPoints = pathPoints;
if (mPathPoints == null || mPathPoints.size() < 2) {
"There must be at least 2 points on the path. There will be an exception soon!");
public PathPoint evaluate(float interpolatedTime, PathPoint ignoredStartPoint,
PathPoint ignoredEndPoint) {
float index = getStartIndexOfPoint(ignoredStartPoint);
float normalizedInterpolatedTime = (interpolatedTime + index) / (mPathPoints.size() - 1);
PathPoint[] startEndPart = getStartEndForTime(normalizedInterpolatedTime);
PathPoint startPoint = startEndPart[0];
PathPoint endPoint = startEndPart[1];
float startTime = getStartTimeOfPoint(startPoint);
float endTime = getStartTimeOfPoint(endPoint);
float progress = (normalizedInterpolatedTime - startTime) / (endTime - startTime);
return super.evaluate(progress, startPoint, endPoint);
private PathPoint[] getStartEndForTime(float time) {
double length = 0;
if (time == 1) {
return new PathPoint[] { mPathPoints.get(mPathPoints.size() - 2),
mPathPoints.get(mPathPoints.size() - 1) };
PathPoint[] result = new PathPoint[2];
for (int i = 0; i < mPathPoints.size() - 1; i++) {
length += calculateLengthFromIndex(i);
if (length / mOverallLength >= time) {
result[0] = mPathPoints.get(i);
result[1] = mPathPoints.get(i + 1);
return result;
private float getStartIndexOfPoint(PathPoint point) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < mPathPoints.size(); ii++) {
PathPoint current = mPathPoints.get(ii);
if (current == point) {
return ii;
return -1;
private float getStartTimeOfPoint(PathPoint point) {
float result = 0;
int index = 0;
while (mPathPoints.get(index) != point && index < mPathPoints.size() - 1) {
result += (calculateLengthFromIndex(index) / mOverallLength);
return result;
private void calculateOverallLength() {
mOverallLength = 0;
double segmentLength;
for (int i = 0; i < mPathPoints.size() - 1; i++) {
segmentLength = calculateLengthFromIndex(i);
mSegmentLengths.put(mPathPoints.get(i + 1), segmentLength);
mOverallLength += segmentLength;
private double calculateLengthFromIndex(int index) {
PathPoint start = mPathPoints.get(index);
PathPoint end = mPathPoints.get(index + 1);
return calculateLength(start, end);
private double calculateLength(PathPoint start, PathPoint end) {
if (mSegmentLengths.containsKey(end)) {
return mSegmentLengths.get(end);
} else if (end.mOperation == PathPoint.LINE) {
return calculateLength(start.mX, end.mX, start.mY, end.mY);
} else if (end.mOperation == PathPoint.CURVE) {
return calculateBezeirLength(start, end);
} else {
return 0;
private double calculateLength(float x0, float x1, float y0, float y1) {
return Math.sqrt(((x0 - x1) * (x0 - x1)) + ((y0 - y1) * (y0 - y1)));
private double calculateBezeirLength(PathPoint start, PathPoint end) {
double result = 0;
float x, y, x0, y0;
float[] xy;
x0 = start.mX;
y0 = start.mY;
for (float progress = BEZIER_LENGTH_ACCURACY; progress <= 1; progress += BEZIER_LENGTH_ACCURACY) {
xy = getBezierXY(start, end, progress);
x = xy[0];
y = xy[1];
result += calculateLength(x, x0, y, y0);
x0 = x;
y0 = y;
return result;
private float[] getBezierXY(PathPoint start, PathPoint end, float progress) {
float[] result = new float[2];
float oneMinusT, x, y;
oneMinusT = 1 - progress;
x = oneMinusT * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * start.mX + 3 * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * progress
* end.mControl0X + 3 * oneMinusT * progress * progress * end.mControl1X + progress
* progress * progress * end.mX;
y = oneMinusT * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * start.mY + 3 * oneMinusT * oneMinusT * progress
* end.mControl0Y + 3 * oneMinusT * progress * progress * end.mControl1Y + progress
* progress * progress * end.mY;
result[0] = x;
result[1] = y;
return result;
This is the usage:
NormalizedEvaluator evaluator = new NormalizedEvaluator((List<PathPoint>) path.getPoints());
ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofObject(object, "position", evaluator, path.getPoints().toArray());
UPDATE: I just realized that I might have reinvented the wheel, please look at Specifying Keyframes.
It is shocking to see that nothing is available of this kind. Anyways if you don't want to calculate path length at run time then I was able to add functionality of assigning weights to paths. Idea is to assign a weight to your path and run the animation if it feels OK then well and good otherwise just decrease or increase weight assigned to each Path.
Following code is modified code from official Android sample that you pointed in your question:
// Set up the path we're animating along
AnimatorPath path = new AnimatorPath();
path.moveTo(0, 0).setWeight(0);
path.lineTo(0, 300).setWeight(30);// assign arbitrary weight
path.curveTo(100, 0, 300, 900, 400, 500).setWeight(70);// assign arbitrary weight
final PathPoint[] points = path.getPoints().toArray(new PathPoint[] {});
mFirstKeyframe = points[0];
final int numFrames = points.length;
final PathEvaluator pathEvaluator = new PathEvaluator();
final ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, 1);// dummy values
anim.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
anim.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
float fraction = animation.getAnimatedFraction();
// Special-case optimization for the common case of only two
// keyframes
if (numFrames == 2) {
PathPoint nextPoint = pathEvaluator.evaluate(fraction,
points[0], points[1]);
} else {
PathPoint prevKeyframe = mFirstKeyframe;
for (int i = 1; i < numFrames; ++i) {
PathPoint nextKeyframe = points[i];
if (fraction < nextKeyframe.getFraction()) {
final float prevFraction = prevKeyframe
float intervalFraction = (fraction - prevFraction)
/ (nextKeyframe.getFraction() - prevFraction);
PathPoint nextPoint = pathEvaluator.evaluate(
intervalFraction, prevKeyframe,
prevKeyframe = nextKeyframe;
And that's it !!!.
Of course I modified other classes as well but nothing big was added. E.g. in PathPoint I added this:
float mWeight;
float mFraction;
public void setWeight(float weight) {
mWeight = weight;
public float getWeight() {
return mWeight;
public void setFraction(float fraction) {
mFraction = fraction;
public float getFraction() {
return mFraction;
In AnimatorPath I modified getPoints() method like this:
public Collection<PathPoint> getPoints() {
// calculate fractions
float totalWeight = 0.0F;
for (PathPoint p : mPoints) {
totalWeight += p.getWeight();
float lastWeight = 0F;
for (PathPoint p : mPoints) {
p.setFraction(lastWeight = lastWeight + p.getWeight() / totalWeight);
return mPoints;
And thats pretty much it. Oh and for better readability I added Builder Pattern in AnimatorPath, so all 3 methods were changed like this:
public PathPoint moveTo(float x, float y) {// same for lineTo and curveTo method
PathPoint p = PathPoint.moveTo(x, y);
return p;
NOTE: To handle Interpolators that can give fraction less then 0 or greater than 1 (e.g. AnticipateOvershootInterpolator) look at com.nineoldandroids.animation.KeyframeSet.getValue(float fraction) method and implement the logic in onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation).
I have drawn a Cubic Curve on canvas using
myPath.cubicTo(10, 10, w, h/2, 10, h-10);
I have four ImageView on that screen and I want to move that ImageViews on the drawn curve when I drag that image with touch.
I have referred the links :
Move Image on Curve Path
Move object on Curve
Move imageview on curve
What I get is, Animation to move the Image on Curve with the duration defined by t.
But I want to move that ImageView on touch in direction of that curve area only.
Following is my Screen :
So, I want all the (x,y) co-ordinates of the curve to move ImageView on that curve only.
Else I want an equation to draw a curve so that I can interpolate x value for the touched y value.
I have goggled a lot but didn't succeed.
Any advice or guidance will help me a lot.
I would suggest a different approach than using bezier as you would need to reproduce the math for it in order to get the positions.
By using simple trigonometry you can achieve the same visual result but in addition have full control of the positions.
For example:
THIS ONLINE DEMO produces this result (simplified version for sake of demo):
Define an array with the circles and angle positions instead of y and x positions. You can filter angles later if they (e.g. only show angles between -90 and 90 degrees).
Using angles will make sure they stay ordered when moved.
var balls = [-90, -45, 0, 45]; // example "positions"
To replace the Bezier curve you can do this instead:
/// some setup variables
var xCenter = -80, /// X center of circle
yCenter = canvas.height * 0.5, /// Y center of circle
radius = 220, /// radius of circle
x, y; /// to calculate line position
/// draw half circle
ctx.arc(xCenter, yCenter, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
Now we can use an Y value from mouse move/touch etc. to move around the circles:
/// for demo, mousemove - adopt as needed for touch
canvas.onmousemove = function(e) {
/// get Y position which is used as delta to angle
var rect = demo.getBoundingClientRect();
dlt = e.clientY -;
/// render the circles in new positions
The rendering iterates through the balls array and render them in their angle + delta:
for(var i = 0, angle; i < balls.length; i++) {
angle = balls[i];
pos = getPosfromAngle(angle);
/// draw circles etc. here
The magic function is this:
function getPosfromAngle(a) {
/// get angle from circle and add delta
var angle = Math.atan2(delta - yCenter, radius) + a * Math.PI / 180;
return [xCenter + radius * Math.cos(angle),
yCenter + radius * Math.sin(angle)];
radius is used as a pseudo position. You can replace this with an actual X position but is frankly not needed.
In this demo, to keep it simple, I have only attached mouse move. Move the mouse over the canvas to see the effect.
As this is demo code it's not structured optimal (separate render of background and the circles etc.).
Feel free to adopt and modify to suit your needs.
This code I have used to achieve this functionality and it works perfect as per your requirement...
public class YourActivity extends Activity {
private class ButtonInfo {
public Button btnObj;
public PointF OrigPos;
public double origAngle;
public double currentAngle;
public double minAngle;
public double maxAngle;
boolean isOnClick = false;
private int height;
private double radius;
private PointF centerPoint;
private final int NUM_BUTTONS = 4;
private final int FIRST_INDEX = 0;
private final int SECOND_INDEX = 1;
private final int THIRD_INDEX = 2;
private final int FORTH_INDEX = 3;
private final String FIRST_TAG = "FiRST_BUTTON";
private final String SECOND_TAG = "SECOND_BUTTON";
private final String THIRD_TAG = "THIRD_BUTTON";
private final String FORTH_TAG = "FORTH_BUTTON";
private boolean animInProgress = false;
private int currentButton = -1;
private ButtonInfo[] buttonInfoArray = new ButtonInfo[NUM_BUTTONS];
private int curveImageResource = -1;
private RelativeLayout parentContainer;
private int slop;
private boolean initFlag = false;
private int touchDownY = -1;
private int touchDownX = -1;
private int animCount;
private Context context;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.fadeinleft, R.anim.fadeoutleft);
// hide action bar in view
new MyDefaultExceptionHandler(this, getLocalClassName()));
context = this;
final ImageView curve_image = (ImageView) findViewById(;
parentContainer = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
// Set buttons on their location
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUTTONS; i++) {
buttonInfoArray[i] = new ButtonInfo();
Button img1 = (Button) findViewById(;
Button img2 = (Button) findViewById(;
Button img3 = (Button) findViewById(;
Button img4 = (Button) findViewById(;
//1st button
buttonInfoArray[FIRST_INDEX].btnObj = (Button) this
// 2nd button
buttonInfoArray[SECOND_INDEX].btnObj = (Button) this
// 3rd button
buttonInfoArray[THIRD_INDEX].btnObj = (Button) this
// 4th button
buttonInfoArray[FORTH_INDEX].btnObj = (Button) this
for (ButtonInfo currentButtonInfo : buttonInfoArray) {
for (ButtonInfo currentButtonInfo : buttonInfoArray) {
DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
ViewTreeObserver vtoLayout = parentContainer.getViewTreeObserver();
vtoLayout.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
if (initFlag == true)
centerPoint = new PointF(0, (parentContainer.getHeight()) / 2);
ViewTreeObserver vtoCurveImage = curve_image
.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
if (initFlag == true)
ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(parentContainer
slop = vc.getScaledTouchSlop();
height = curve_image.getMeasuredHeight();
radius = (height / 2);
double angleDiff = Math.PI / (NUM_BUTTONS + 1);
double initialAngle = (Math.PI / 2 - angleDiff);
for (ButtonInfo currentButtonInfo : buttonInfoArray) {
currentButtonInfo.origAngle = initialAngle;
initialAngle -= angleDiff;
double tempCurrentAngle;
double maxAngle = (-1 * Math.PI / 2);
tempCurrentAngle = maxAngle;
for (int i = NUM_BUTTONS - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
buttonInfoArray[i].maxAngle = tempCurrentAngle;
int buttonHeight = buttonInfoArray[i].btnObj
if (buttonHeight < 30) {
buttonHeight = 80;
tempCurrentAngle = findNextMaxAngle(
(buttonHeight + 5));
double minAngle = (Math.PI / 2);
tempCurrentAngle = minAngle;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BUTTONS; i++) {
buttonInfoArray[i].minAngle = tempCurrentAngle;
int buttonHeight = buttonInfoArray[i].btnObj
if (buttonHeight < 30) {
buttonHeight = 80;
tempCurrentAngle = findNextMinAngle(
tempCurrentAngle, (buttonHeight + 5));
for (ButtonInfo currentButtonInfo : buttonInfoArray) {
PointF newPos = getPointByAngle(currentButtonInfo.origAngle);
currentButtonInfo.OrigPos = newPos;
currentButtonInfo.currentAngle = currentButtonInfo.origAngle;
(int) currentButtonInfo.OrigPos.x - 50);
(int) currentButtonInfo.OrigPos.y - 50);
initFlag = true;
* Find next max angle
* #param inputAngle
* #param yDist
* #return
private double findNextMaxAngle(double inputAngle, int yDist) {
float initYPos = (float) (centerPoint.y - (Math.sin(inputAngle) * radius));
float finalYPos = initYPos - yDist;
float finalXPos = getXPos(finalYPos);
double newAngle = getNewAngle(new PointF(finalXPos, finalYPos));
return newAngle;
* Find next min angle
* #param inputAngle
* #param yDist
* #return
private double findNextMinAngle(double inputAngle, int yDist) {
float initYPos = (int) (centerPoint.y - (Math.sin(inputAngle) * radius));
float finalYPos = initYPos + yDist;
float finalXPos = getXPos(finalYPos);
double newAngle = getNewAngle(new PointF(finalXPos, finalYPos));
return newAngle;
* Apply reset transformation when user release touch
* #param buttonInfoObj
public void applyResetAnimation(final ButtonInfo buttonInfoObj) {
ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1); // values from 0
// to 1
animator.setDuration(1000); // 5 seconds duration from 0 to 1
animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
float value = ((Float) (animation.getAnimatedValue()))
// Set translation of your view here. Position can be calculated
// out of value. This code should move the view in a half
// circle.
double effectiveAngle = buttonInfoObj.origAngle
+ ((buttonInfoObj.currentAngle - buttonInfoObj.origAngle) * (1.0 - value));
PointF newPos = getPointByAngle(effectiveAngle);
setTranslationX(buttonInfoObj.btnObj, newPos.x - 50);
setTranslationY(buttonInfoObj.btnObj, newPos.y - 50);
animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
if (animCount == NUM_BUTTONS) {
animCount = 0;
currentButton = -1;
animInProgress = false;
for (ButtonInfo currentButtonInfo : buttonInfoArray) {
currentButtonInfo.OrigPos.x - 50);
currentButtonInfo.OrigPos.y - 50);
currentButtonInfo.isOnClick = false;
currentButtonInfo.currentAngle = currentButtonInfo.origAngle;
* On Touch start animation
private OnTouchListener tlobj = new OnTouchListener() {
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
switch (MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(motionEvent)) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (currentButton < 0) {
return false;
if (animInProgress == true) {
return true;
float delta_y = motionEvent.getRawY() - touchDownY;
float delta_x = motionEvent.getRawX() - touchDownX;
updateButtonPos(new PointF((int) delta_x, (int) delta_y));
if (Math.abs(delta_x) > slop || Math.abs(delta_y) > slop) {
buttonInfoArray[currentButton].isOnClick = false;
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
animCount = 0;
if (currentButton < 0) {
return false;
if(animInProgress == true) {
return true;
animInProgress = true;
for (ButtonInfo currentButtonInfo : buttonInfoArray) {
if (currentButtonInfo.isOnClick) {
// TODO onClick code
String currentTag = (String) currentButtonInfo.btnObj.getTag();
if(currentTag.equalsIgnoreCase(FIRST_TAG)) {
//handle first button click
} else if(currentTag.equalsIgnoreCase(SECOND_TAG)) {
//handle second button click
} else if(currentTag.equalsIgnoreCase(THIRD_TAG)) {
//handle third button click
} else if(currentTag.equalsIgnoreCase(FORTH_TAG)) {
//handle forth button click
return true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
if (currentButton >= 0) {
return false;
if (animInProgress == true) {
return true;
animCount = 0;
int buttonIndex = 0;
for (buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < NUM_BUTTONS; buttonIndex++) {
final ButtonInfo currentButtonInfo = buttonInfoArray[buttonIndex];
if (isRectHit(currentButtonInfo.btnObj, motionEvent,
currentButtonInfo.OrigPos)) {
currentButton = buttonIndex;
touchDownX = (int) motionEvent.getRawX();
touchDownY = (int) motionEvent.getRawY();
currentButtonInfo.isOnClick = true;
if (buttonIndex == NUM_BUTTONS) {
currentButton = -1;
return false;
* Get X POS
* #param yPos
* #return
public float getXPos(float yPos) {
float xPos = (float) (centerPoint.x
+ Math.sqrt((radius * radius)
- ((yPos - centerPoint.y) * (yPos - centerPoint.y))));
return xPos;
* Get YPos based on X
* #param xPos
* #param isPositive
* #return
public float getYPos(float xPos, boolean isPositive) {
if (isPositive)
return (float) (centerPoint.y - Math.sqrt((radius * radius)
- ((xPos - centerPoint.x) * (xPos - centerPoint.x))));
return (float) (centerPoint.y + Math.sqrt((radius * radius)
- ((xPos - centerPoint.x) * (xPos - centerPoint.x))));
* Get New angle from define point
* #param newPoint
* #return
private double getNewAngle(PointF newPoint) {
double deltaY = newPoint.y - centerPoint.y;
double deltaX = newPoint.x - centerPoint.x;
double newPointAngle = Math.atan(-1.0 * deltaY / deltaX);
return newPointAngle;
* get Point By Angle
* #param angle
* #return
private PointF getPointByAngle(double angle) {
PointF newPos;
double newX = centerPoint.x + Math.cos(angle) * radius;
double newY = (centerPoint.y) - (Math.sin(angle) * radius);
newPos = new PointF((int) newX, (int) newY);
return newPos;
* Set new location for passed button
* #param currentButtonIndex
* #param effectiveDelta
* #param percentageCompleted
* #return
private double updateControl(int currentButtonIndex, PointF effectiveDelta,
double percentageCompleted) {
PointF newPos = new PointF();
StringBuilder s1 = new StringBuilder();
double maxAngleForCurrentButton = buttonInfoArray[currentButtonIndex].maxAngle;
double minAngleForCurrentButton = buttonInfoArray[currentButtonIndex].minAngle;
double targetAngleForCurrentButton;
if (effectiveDelta.y > 0) {
targetAngleForCurrentButton = maxAngleForCurrentButton;
} else {
targetAngleForCurrentButton = minAngleForCurrentButton;
if (percentageCompleted == -1) {
boolean isYDisplacement = effectiveDelta.y > effectiveDelta.x ? true
: false;
isYDisplacement = true;
if (isYDisplacement) {
float newY = buttonInfoArray[currentButtonIndex].OrigPos.y
+ effectiveDelta.y;
if (newY > (centerPoint.y) + (int) radius) {
newY = (centerPoint.y) + (int) radius;
} else if (newY < (centerPoint.y) - (int) radius) {
newY = (centerPoint.y) - (int) radius;
float newX = getXPos(newY);
newPos = new PointF(newX, newY);
s1.append("isYDisplacement true : ");
} else {
double effectiveAngle = buttonInfoArray[currentButtonIndex].origAngle
+ ((targetAngleForCurrentButton - buttonInfoArray[currentButtonIndex].origAngle) * percentageCompleted);
newPos = getPointByAngle(effectiveAngle);
s1.append("percentage completed : " + percentageCompleted + " : "
+ effectiveAngle);
double newAngle = getNewAngle(newPos);
// For angle, reverse condition, because in 1st quarter, it is +ve, in
// 4th quarter, it is -ve.
if (newAngle < maxAngleForCurrentButton) {
newAngle = maxAngleForCurrentButton;
newPos = getPointByAngle(newAngle);
s1.append("max angle : " + newAngle);
if (newAngle > minAngleForCurrentButton) {
newAngle = minAngleForCurrentButton;
newPos = getPointByAngle(newAngle);
s1.append("min angle : " + newAngle);
newPos.x - 50);
newPos.y - 50);
return newAngle;
* Set button Position
* #param deltaPoint
public void updateButtonPos(PointF deltaPoint) {
for (int buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < NUM_BUTTONS; buttonIndex++) {
if (currentButton == buttonIndex) {
buttonInfoArray[buttonIndex].currentAngle = updateControl(
buttonIndex, deltaPoint, -1);
double targetAngleForCurrentButton;
if (deltaPoint.y > 0) {
targetAngleForCurrentButton = buttonInfoArray[buttonIndex].maxAngle;
} else {
targetAngleForCurrentButton = buttonInfoArray[buttonIndex].minAngle;
double percentageCompleted = (1.0 * (buttonInfoArray[buttonIndex].currentAngle - buttonInfoArray[buttonIndex].origAngle))
/ (targetAngleForCurrentButton - buttonInfoArray[buttonIndex].origAngle);
for (int innerButtonIndex = 0; innerButtonIndex < NUM_BUTTONS; innerButtonIndex++) {
if (innerButtonIndex == buttonIndex)
buttonInfoArray[innerButtonIndex].currentAngle = updateControl(
innerButtonIndex, deltaPoint, percentageCompleted);
* Find whether touch in button's rectanlge or not
* #param v
* #param rect
private static void getHitRect(View v, Rect rect) {
rect.left = (int) com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewHelper.getX(v); = (int) com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewHelper.getY(v);
rect.right = rect.left + v.getWidth();
rect.bottom = + v.getHeight();
private boolean isRectHit(View viewObj, MotionEvent motionEvent,
PointF viewOrigPos) {
Rect outRect = new Rect();
int x = (int) motionEvent.getX();
int y = (int) motionEvent.getY();
getHitRect(viewObj, outRect);
if (outRect.contains(x, y)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* On Finish update transition
public void finish() {
overridePendingTransition(R.anim.activityfinishin, R.anim.activityfinishout);
* On Native Back Pressed
public void onBackPressed() {
I am new to android and I need to know how to make a graph or chart (eg. line chart) move i.e, from right to left.
Basically I am going to draw the graph in accordance with the RAM Memory Usage of the phone. I need to draw a graph similarly present in Task Manager of Windows.
Please help on this.
Take A Look This Class.
It's Simple and Useful.
Original Author is Arno den Hond, Google it.
I redesign this Class.
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
* GraphView creates a scaled line or bar graph with x and y axis labels.
* #author Arno den Hond
* #redesign Reinhard & kimkmkm
public class GraphView extends View {
public static boolean BAR = true;
public static boolean LINE = false;
private Paint paint;
private float[] values;
private String[] horlabels;
private String[] verlabels;
private String title;
private boolean type;
* Generate Graph
* Variable Array for GraphView
* verlabel : Background Height Values
* horlabel : Background Width Values
* values : Max Values of Foreground Active Graph
* basic draw rule
* if Array is not null
* Draw Background width, height & active Graph all time
* or Array is null
* Draw Background width, height
* active Graph fixed 0
public GraphView(Context context, float[] values, String title, String[] horlabels, String[] verlabels, boolean type) {
if (values == null)
values = new float[0];
this.values = values;
if (title == null)
title = "";
this.title = title;
if (horlabels == null)
this.horlabels = new String[0];
this.horlabels = horlabels;
if (verlabels == null)
this.verlabels = new String[0];
this.verlabels = verlabels;
this.type = type;
paint = new Paint();
* Graph for Background
* &
* Value for Background
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
float border = 20;
float horstart = border * 2;
float height = getHeight();
float width = getWidth() - 1;
float max = 700;
float min = 0;
float diff = max - min;
float graphheight = height - (2 * border);
float graphwidth = width - (2 * border);
/** vers : BackGround Height Values length*/
int vers = verlabels.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < verlabels.length; i++) {
// Width Line of background
float y = ((graphheight / vers) * i) + border;
// float y : ((getHeight / Height values length) * Height values length ) + 20
canvas.drawLine(horstart, y, width, y, paint);
// drawLine ( 40, y, getWidth()-1, y, paint)
// Left Height of background
canvas.drawText(verlabels[i], 0, y, paint);
/** hors : BackGround width Values length*/
int hors = horlabels.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < horlabels.length; i++) {
// Height Line of background
float x = ((graphwidth / hors) * i) + horstart;
canvas.drawLine(x, height - border, x, border, paint);
if (i==horlabels.length-1)
if (i==0)
// Value of Width
canvas.drawText(horlabels[i], x, height - 4, paint);
canvas.drawText(title, (graphwidth / 2) + horstart, border - 4, paint);
* Yellow Line Graph
* continue Repaint....
if (max != min) {
if (type == BAR) {
float datalength = values.length;
float colwidth = (width - (10 * border)) / datalength;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
float val = values[i] - min;
float rat = val / diff;
//diff : max - min
float h = graphheight * rat;
canvas.drawRect((i * colwidth) + horstart, (border - h) + graphheight, ((i * colwidth) + horstart) + (colwidth - 1), height - (border - 1), paint);
} else {
float datalength = values.length;
float colwidth = (width - (2 * border)) / datalength;
float halfcol = colwidth / 2;
float lasth = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
float val = values[i] - min;
float rat = val / diff;
float h = graphheight * rat;
if (i > 0)
canvas.drawLine(((i - 1) * colwidth) + (horstart + 1) + halfcol, (border - lasth) + graphheight, (i * colwidth) + (horstart + 1) + halfcol, (border - h) + graphheight, paint);
lasth = h;
It's My Sample Code.
I did not test yet.
But I think This code works fine.
public class DrawGraph extends Activity{
* Variable Array for GraphView
* verlabel : Background Height Values
* horlabel : Background Width Values
* values : Max Values of Foreground Active Graph
private float[] values = new float[60];
private String[] verlabels = new String[] { "600","500","400","300","200","100","80","60","40","20","0", };
private String[] horlabels = new String[] { "0","10", "20", "30", "40", "50", "60"};
private GraphView graphView;
private LinearLayout graph;
private boolean runnable = false;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){
graph = (LinearLayout)findViewById(;
graphView = new GraphView(DrawGraph.this, values, "TEST GRAPH", horlabels, verlabels, GraphView.LINE);
runnable = true;
public void onDestroy(){
runnable = false;
public void setGraph(int data){
for(int i=0; i<values.length-1; i++){
values[i] = values[i+1];
values[values.length-1] = (float)data;
public Handler handler = new Handler(){
public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg){
case 0x01:
int testValue = (int)(Math.random() * 600)+1;
public Thread startDraw = new Thread(){
public void run(){
} catch (Exception e){
Try AndroidPlot, it's a simple to use library!
See also achartengine.