How to make an action bar, up and down? [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How do I make an actionbar up and down? I know that I can use android:uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow" to make the actionbar get down, but I also want one item to be up. I've searched alot but haven't got any good answers.

You would need to use a custom view in the ActionBar and handle its interaction yourself. The split actionbar always puts standard menu entries at the bottom when split.


How to make group of FloatingActionButtons in Android [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How to make something like that(image linked) in android. I just need an idea.
Check these are the libraries for fab and fab menu.
or you can customize one of them and can create your own.
I dont think that is a FloatingActionButton. May be its semi transparent activity with the buttons on it.

Menu item displying below emitting item [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to display the menu below the emitting item, I dont know how to do that. Now it is displaying over the emitting item (material design. I use AppcompatActivity).
[link] ( this is what happening now. But i want it to display below the emitting item
like this
Any help is great help for me.
You should use PopupMenu. Read the following:
Menus and Popups

Android Material floating action button expanding menu effect [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Could someone tell me the name of the effect in the pink button (like the FAB button)?
It's called Circular Floating Action Menu. I'm not sure if it's supported directly from Google APIs, but I was looking into it just yesterday and I found this awesome git repo.
Take a look here

Android Action bar or tab layout or what [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i'm trying to design a menu/bar just like this one :
And i don't know if it is an action bar or a tab layout or something else.
some tutorials links will be so helpful.
This is what your looking for. android action bar
And android hive

Change notifiaction bar color [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm creating an app and i'm wondering it there's a possible way to change the color of the notification bar. Thanks.
KitKat + devices can get system bar tinted.
I just found this library, it may be close to what you are looking for :
But it will only work on KitKat+. Before that, there was no API to change these components, there were considered part of the system, not of apps.

