Menu item displying below emitting item [closed] - android

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to display the menu below the emitting item, I dont know how to do that. Now it is displaying over the emitting item (material design. I use AppcompatActivity).
[link] ( this is what happening now. But i want it to display below the emitting item
like this
Any help is great help for me.

You should use PopupMenu. Read the following:
Menus and Popups


How to create drop down like below image in android? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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is it possible to do? if possible then what element i should use for this. I searched so many time in google but not found functionality like this.
Just show and hide layout it will give you effect like drop down .
We can do every thing we are androider's look at this awesome example -
you can do like this also much easy -

Listview alternative 2 [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I need you to find the best way for build my view.
This is a page listing questions : I can use a listview, BUT,
The problem is :
Questions can be deleted
Questions can be added
Questions can be modified
..and the order can be changed.
I also thought to simulate a listview by adding fragment.
Can i make this method without weigh down the view ?
Thank you in advance for your ideas!
Use RecyclerView to implement that.

How to add paragraphs of contents in an Android app? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am creating an Android app for a college website. Now I want to add contents to each menu items, which on click should display paragraphs, images, etc. How to do this?
You have many ways to do this:
You can use two activities. ActivityA for the menu list and ActivityB for each list item's details when one is clicked on a menu item in ActivityA.
You can use an ExpandableListView.

How to make an action bar, up and down? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How do I make an actionbar up and down? I know that I can use android:uiOptions="splitActionBarWhenNarrow" to make the actionbar get down, but I also want one item to be up. I've searched alot but haven't got any good answers.
You would need to use a custom view in the ActionBar and handle its interaction yourself. The split actionbar always puts standard menu entries at the bottom when split.

How to create view similar to honeycomb gallery? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Please guide me to create view similar to honeycomb gallery where user can select from the ListView Fragment from the right and the contents are displayed in the left side. I want to replace the content as and when item is clicked in the ListView Fragment.
EDIT: Looks like you want to use Master/Detail Flow. Check this simple tutorial.

