What are some examples of bound services? - android

I was wondering why would one use a bound service? I get the it provides a "rich client interface" however, since it executes on the UI thread, I suppose one could not run a CPU/IO intensive operation on it, right?
Let me clarify, say I have a bound service StatService that exposes a method - getStats(). This method may perform some network IO. Now once the service is bound to my Activity, I could directly call getStats() however the whole activity would pause as the service is performing a network IO call.
Is the right way to use the bound service, is to launch a Thread within the service and have it perform the network IO while getStats() simply returns a data structure that is asynchronously populated by the Thread?

If your service executes in same process as activity, then, yes, you have to create worker threads to do IO/Network tasks. But if you move service in separate process then you won't have to do it.
Separating service has own pros and cons. For example if your activity is crashed, your service will continue working. But cross-processing transfer is more expensive than directly access in same process.


Why would anyone want to bind service (without creating it), instead of using a Thread?

Until today, I used services by starting them, using startService(), because I needed to do work also when all the activities was destroyed.
Now, I have a task that needs to be done in the background as long as my activity is alive.
Is there a reason for me to bind the activity to a service instead of doing the work in a separate thread?
It leads me to the question in the title:
Why would anyone want to bind service (without creating it before), instead of using a Thread?
Services and Thread have two different goals. As you mentioned, Service can live longer after the activity was destroyed. Depending on the Service you subclassed it runs or not on the UI Thread. They have their own life cycle and are a construct of the Android SDK. Threads are unit of executions whose flow is parallel to the ui thread. It allows you to execute long term tasks leaving the ui responsive. The Thread lives as long as its run's method. You should make sure that its execution is completed before your Activity or Fragment calls its onDestroy method.
Why would anyone want to bind service instead of using a Thread?
The answer is it depends. If you need to run your task also when you Activity is destroyed, then a Service is the natural choice. Otherwise you can use a simple thread. Think, for instance, about downloading a huge file from the net. You want to run this task also when the activity is not at screen but, at the same time, you want to show to the user the current progress (in percentage maybe) of the download. If you are using a Service to run this task, this one holds also those information. To update your UI, which is part of the Activity, you could either Broadcast those information, or retrive the Service object, the one you get when your service is bound, to retrieve this information (providing a delegate). Since you get an instance of your service, you can use it to send different kind of commands (e.g. stop the download).
Is there a reason for me to bind the activity to a service
instead of doing the work in a separate thread?
If your thread lives in a non static member variable of the activity and the activity is recreated after screen rotation your thread is lost or has to be recreated.
With a service you can reconnect to the service after rotation.
Instead of using a naked thread or a service i prefer to use a LoaderManager with an AsyncTask to do the background task while the activity is visible. The LoaderManager is also capable of reconnecting to the running AsyncTask
I avoid using static member variable for thread/AsyncTask because of memory leaking issues.

An Android Service constantly performing some different jobs depending on each other

I want to constantly, without stopping, perform 2-3 kinds of operations from my Service in Android. That is:
check if some hardware is connected and retrieve the data from it every 1 second and save it to the files
send those files a server
perform some calculations
The second job depends on the 1st one.
Note that the Service will have GUI as well if that matters, but the GUI will be used rarely. Most of them time the Service will work in "background" doing what it has to do.
How can I do that? Should there be 3 different threads or what? Or I don't need the thread because it'll be a service?
Any help is appreciated.
If you want to perform all operation in parallel in background then use android service and use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor class to achieve this.
Otherwise use timer or Executor(with onr thread) inside android service to perform all operation in serial manner.
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That depends on what type of service you are using, Intent Service or Service.
If you are using Intent Service, then you don't have to worry about creating a new thread, as it itself creates a worker thread.But, just keep in mind that, it takes one care of requests one at a time, in queue manner and stops itself when the processing is done.
But if you want to perform simultaneous request at once, extend from Service. You will have create a worker thread to run this service as it doesn't create a separate thread.
Check developer guide for more info:
To communicate between two services, you have to make use of Broadcast Receiver to receive intents which you can send from your first service or use listener callback, but i would suggest you to use Broadcast Receiver and intents.

Why use Service if it runs in the same thread in android

I was going through Bound Service in Android Developer website. I thought I understood the service enough but I just found another way of connecting service through Using a Messenger class especially for local service. There I got confused. Maybe I got the concept wrong.
Here is my understanding of Android Service. You create a service when
You want to do separate jobs in the background.
You want to make it a separate process.
You want to make it run in a lifecycle that's independent of the component that started it.
Confusion is the first item in the list, the definition of the background. Isn't the background a thread or process? I never thought that it can run on the main thread.
Here is the caution of service in the dev pages about.
Caution: A service runs in the main thread of its hosting process—the service does not create its own thread and does not run in a separate process (unless you specify otherwise). This means that, if your service is going to do any CPU intensive work or blocking operations (such as MP3 playback or networking), you should create a new thread within the service to do that work. By using a separate thread, you will reduce the risk of Application Not Responding (ANR) errors and the application's main thread can remain dedicated to user interaction with your activities.
Why does one choose to use service if the service function will anyway run on the main thread?
Do we have to write a service only to block ANR even if the time-consuming job is done in the main thread? Assume the service is only for my application.
Are there any practical cases or reasons to use a service as private and running in the same thread?
Application main thread is not always the UI thread. For example, when Activity is stopped, the onStop() is invoked, hence the UI thread is taken away from that Activity and moved to another Activity within the same or a different application. However it doesn't mean the application is no longer active, it can continue working in the background until it is closed either by OS or by user. Then who keeps it running in the background? It is the main thread and not the UI thread.
What are services
In Android, a Service is an application component that can perform
long-running operations in the background on the UI thread. By
background, it means that it doesn’t have a user interface. A Service
runs on the main thread of the calling Component’s process by default
(and hence can degrade responsiveness and cause ANRs), hence you
should create a new Thread to perform long running operations. A
Service can also be made to run in a completely different process.
Unlike Activity components, Services do not have any graphical
interfaces. Also Broadcast Receivers are for receiving broadcast
messages (broadcast, multicast, unicast) and perform short tasks
whereas Services are meant to do lengthy processing like streaming
music, network transactions, file I/O, interact with databases, etc.
When a Service is started by an application component like an Activity
it runs in the background and keeps running even if the user switches
to another application or the starting component is itself destroyed
Why use service
Services are given higher priority than other Background processes and
hence it’s less likely that Android will terminate it. Although it can
be configured to restart once there is ample resources available
again. You should go through the different processes and their
priority/important level in the documentation on processes and
threads. Assigning them the same priority as foreground activities is
definitely possible in which case it’ll need to have a visible
notification active (generally used for Services playing music).
Use IntentService if you don't want to fiddle with managing threads on your own. Otherwise, use AsyncTasks.
Please read this excellent article to understand more in detail and also read this answer.
Service basically runs in UI thread or main thread.But,if we are going to perform long running operations in service,we need to create a background thread and perform that task.
But why we have to use service?
Now let's think of Music Application.We need songs to be played continuously even if we leave music app.If we use activities,we can't achieve above requirement.So,service helps in these kind of scenarios.Even if the app is not in foreground, service keeps on running and we are able to listen to songs.This is why we use service even though it runs on main thread.
In short, Services runs on the background of the UI thread.
You can perform tasks like client-server authentication or write to a database where the tasks are done in the background with no graphical interface.
But if you're doing a really long processing tasks that could freeze the interface, you use a service on a separate thread.
eg of a Service on a separate thread is IntentService

How do I use the Service feature in Android

I am new to android development and having trouble understanding how I should use service's and more specifically which kind. I am developing an simple system that only will do to things. One of those to is to continuously ask a server simple telnet questions. The answer to these questions should be prompted on the screen.
So to simplify my question. What kind of service should I prefer? bound, intent service etc?
I presume it has to run a own thread since it is suppose to do network comm, so how should I do that.
Finally and most importantly, how do I supply/give the MainActivity the information the service has gathered and post it on the screen?
What kind of service should I prefere? bound, intentservice etc?
A bound service runs only as long as another application component is bound to it. With other words, if an activity bounds to that service, and later that activity gets finished, the service also gets destroyed.
So, first decide the behaviour of the service you want to have. Do you want it to be destroyed when the activity bound to it gets destroyed? If yes, then perhaps a bound service is the right thing to do, if not then use a started service instead which can run in the background indefinitely, even if the component that started it is destroyed.
I presume it has to run a own thread since it is suppose to do network
comm, so how should I do that.
Yes, you are right. You can use the Service class and create a thread inside it that will do the heavy work, or, you could simplify things by using an IntentService which provides its own worker thread.
Finally and most importantly, how do I supply/give the MainActivity
the information the service has gathered?
If you decide to go with a bound Service, then you'll be able to communicate with the service through a so called binder object. On the other hand if you go with IntentService then you could use a ResultReceiver, or a BroadcastReceiver to send the result back.
Suggested readings:
Here is a quick summary on services in Android, hopefully this will help in deciding what approach to go. Reading Android Services is highly recommended
Android Service
"A Service is an application component that can perform long-running
operations in the background and does not provide a user interface"
runs on the main (UI) application thread.
it is given preference over activities in termination when resources
are low
it is not intended to interact directly with an activity/fragment (an activity may be destroyed at any time) no simple callback ability due to above... however there are some ways to address this using Intents, Handlers and Messages
an activity can be bound to a service which
basically gives an instance of the service to call methods, the methods will run on the main thread, a suggested way to use a separate thread, is to use Executors

Android background work scenario

This is the scenario:
User has a main activity used for UI.
Program needs to communicate with peers and keep connection and wait for messages
When a message comes it is shown in the main activity.
So the question is should I use a service for the communication and what type of service?
And also should I use AsyncTask in the service in order to keep my UI responcive and why?
The important thing here is that any CPU intensive work or blocking I/O (including waiting for incoming network connections) occurs in a thread separate from your main UI thread.
If you just need network communication to stay running while your activity is alive, then use a second thread within your activity. If you need to maintain network communication even after your activity has been killed, you'll need to use a service.
Keep in mind that default behavior is for a service to share the same process and thread as anything else in the same application (including the activity that provides your UI). For this reason, even if you use a service, you'll still need to spawn a new thread to get the desired effect.
AsyncTask is used to perform a task in a separate thread that will eventually terminate and return a result. If this sounds like your application, then feel free to use it. But if you're keeping a port open across several requests (meaning you don't have a single return value), using this class would just be a burden.

