How to add spinner to Action bar with tabs and fragments? [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to add spinner to action bar to use it as filter drop down , I am using tabs with fragments on my app .
Any hint is very much appreciated .

You can Use this link..
i mean Actually someone will defenately Donwvote Your Question and My answer But ..
user can use this links to Use a Dropdown list(snipper) dropdown navigation.. customize action bars
3. android sample dropdown
If you want more Please design post a Expected out put using paint.. that will be helpful to every one..


Is it possible that many layout in one layout in android? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to design that layout , like my photo , there are three buttons , can let me show different function in screen , I don't know how use fragment to
achieve my goals?
Does anyone any suggestion can help me ?
Edit : I have already solved.
Activities consist of different layouts.Only one layout can run in one activity.But Fragments can be used in this respect.You need to add frame layout at the places where you need different layout.Fragments have similar life cycle as compare to that of the activities.You will need to create fragments and add it in the activity through its java file.
Hope this helps you.Reply back for more details.

how to insert navigation drawer and button inside AutoCompleteTextView [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Basically I want to insert navigation drawer and button inside AutoCompleteTextView like search text in google map.
How do I do that ?
thank you very much.
First you need to define your layout (the searchbox), which will have an ImageView. Then you can add an OnClickListener() to open the NavigationDrawer.
You could combine it with something like this:
Add search toolbar over google map like in native android app

FAB Button using on ActionBar [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a problem. I'm working an android project and I want to using FAB button in ActionBar. Just like ActionBar item. Is it possible or impossible? I'm looking for a lot tutorial but I've never seen just like I want.. Thanks a lot.
Try it using toolbar instead of action bar, use custom layout for toolbar

android- How to make screen helpers [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've seen this in lots of applications , when you open the application for the first time, to shows a semi transparent screen and mark a tools and shows some description about it .
like this :
as you can see,it marks an icon on menu and shows some text about it and there is a button at the end of the page .
How can I make something like this ?
Try this way to get Showcase
View showcasedView = findViewById(;
ViewTarget target = new ViewTarget(showcasedView);
ShowcaseView.insertShowcaseView(target, this, R.string.showcase_title, R.string.showcase_details);
OR you can try with TourGuide

How to implement search view for a ListView in android [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a ListView that contains data from data base! I want to implement search view for this that items has searched elements should be shown! I tried more and saw examples but they was hard for me to understand! any way? easy please!
This logic should help : -
1) get the search bar on your ActionBar
2) Add a SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() to your search bar.
3) Override the onQueryTextChange() method and perform a search function on your DB against the string entered.
4) Once you have the data, pass it to the same function you used to structure your ListView in the beginning so as to form an adapter which can be set to your listview.
P.s. be better if you posted your code for us to help out. The above logic worked for me....

