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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've seen this in lots of applications , when you open the application for the first time, to shows a semi transparent screen and mark a tools and shows some description about it .
like this :
as you can see,it marks an icon on menu and shows some text about it and there is a button at the end of the page .
How can I make something like this ?
Try this way to get Showcase
View showcasedView = findViewById(;
ViewTarget target = new ViewTarget(showcasedView);
ShowcaseView.insertShowcaseView(target, this, R.string.showcase_title, R.string.showcase_details);
OR you can try with TourGuide
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Closed 2 years ago.
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Button with image and Text
if it is not possible with button than please recommend the other way.
Instead of a button, use any layout eg. Linear Layout and place the image and text on it and add a click listener to the layout. It'll work the same way, plus more customization.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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how to Slide an activity like the image below, after sliding the trail of the activities must be visible like the below image.
enter image description here
you can use this library DiscreteScrollView just you need to customize the adapter layout as your requirement.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want home page like this and after selecting the category this view should overlap the homepage with slide in from right animation & slide out from left on back pressed
For you own sake try to learn using google. That is called a navigation drawer, the blurred part is backgroundtint and backgroundtintmode, note that those are available in later APIs.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to create the following help view for android application. This image is from Zapya application and it's appear after first open.
You can try TourGuide(
Or MaterialIntroView(
Or you can do it simply.
Change layout to :
<your rootView/>
<your guideView/>
When people enter this page,you show your guideView.When people click the next,you hide guideView.The transparent area can be implemented by adding a same view in your rootView or changing the ondraw of your guideView.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am creating one app for solve quadratic equations, this app is for a work to school. I am very estressed because I don't knkow how start. I am a aficionated and I work hard but I have a lot of doubts. One this is How I do to open keyboard in my app when I click in the label?
Use an EditText, and the input will be handled automatically.
You can get the text with yourEditText.getText().toString(); in your Activity
DonĀ“t forget to define your EditText there (in OnCreate()) first:
EditText yourEditText = (EditText)findViewById(;
(youredittext is the id of your EditText in your XML-Layout)