I am coding a demo for a prototype with a build in Z1 android phone watch. Problem is that the default contrast setting for its display is pretty bad. Depending on my brightness setting I can choose between black looks like grey or white looks like grey.
So I went out and found an app called "Screen Adjuster" to change the screen contrast. But the thing is that this only let me lower the contract, but I need to raise it to get rid of the grey-color-problem.
Now I looked how to change the screen-settings on my own and did that at least for brightness. But now I got stuck searching for a way to get to some sort of contrast setting handle. I wonder if the app did that by some sort of filter overlay or something?? At least this would explain why its not possible to raise the contrast...
I need ideas!
edit: The device runs Android 2.2.1 and is already rooted.
I have a old problem to put my app in (almost) full screen mode (short edges) in my Android 11 (and now 12) Samsung cell phone as I've explained here.
My app has this look
And I would like this look
Today I've discovered that my app, can be configurated in
Settings, Display, Full Screen Apps.
My app is between the listed apps that allows to select between full screen mode and app default. Many apps don't appear on this list. I don't know what criterion Android uses to select the apps where it's posible to change the screen.
So I managed to change the app screen the way I wanted.
The only question is that the system displayed a white background navigation bar, so I had to add to the style setting in Styles.xml the following line:
<item name="android:navigationBarColor">#android:color/black</item>
However, I would love to do it programmatically. But I don't get it, as you can see here. I did a lot of research, a lot of Stackoverflow research, but nothing.
Could anyone try to help me?
Finally, I've found the solution, which can be read as an answer that I wrote here to my original question .
I have noticed that if I put a slightly grey background on a view, in the emulator is rendered as white.
Pairing with another developer we realized that all the colors are slightly lighter than what actually has been set in the code.
In the picture you can see the difference between what is shown "live" on the emulator and a screen record of the emulator itself taken with Android Studio.
So the code is correct, also in an actual device the grey is displayed correctly, but the emulator show the result in slightly lighter color. Don't know why.
Anyone knows how to fix this? It's such a pain when you need to have a pixel perfect interface.
I have a Geniatech ATV1220 android set top box running android 4.2.2 and am using an arduino with motion sensor connected to it to modify content on a website when someone is in front of the sensor via NodeJS.
This works great, but what I would like to do is to manipulte the complete system viewport of the android system. For example if someone steps in front of the sensor, the whole system should be displayed in a reduced size like 1/4 original at the bottom right side of the screen while the other area should just display black or basically nothing.
It is really hard to find something because of the pretty common keywords like display, viewport, size and so on. I could probably do it dependent on individual applications but I also want to use it in third party applications, which I cannot modify.
Currently I am sometimes using commands like this:
echo 1 >/sys/class/graphics/fb0/blank
to modify the actual content that is displayed, in this case it all turns black/blank and I wonder if there is a similar way to achieve what I want to do. Any help is greatly appreciated.
What worked in the end was using the Xposed Framework and installing "One-handed mode" like explained here: How to get a one-handed mode on almost any rooted Android device.
I want to zoom in out on any screen including home screen or any other app screen.I have tried to change Screen resolution by changing lcd_density in build.prop file by rooting device but it requires rebooting of device.Can't it be done just like iphone where text/screen zooming can be done at runtime without rebooting.
This is an accessibility thing, most Android have a setting for this under settings>accessibility
If you search around on the web it should be there.
I have seen some rooted devices that let you change the default text size can't remember what the app was called though sorry.
What I want to achieve here is to shrink all of the Android's OS UI (everything inclusive) to use only 70-80% of the screen.
The reason is that I wish to have my area to put in whatever I want - apps icons which exist and are always visible (no matter if I am in a browser, or playing angry bird etc).. its like Windows's quick launch or Mac's dock which always stays there . I can also put some important text that I wish to see throughout my interaction with the device or anything else.
I just want to use 20-30% of the screen-size all by myself and run Android on the remaining portion of the screen.
Do you think it is possible? If so, can you please give me pointers?
Thanks much,
There are two solutions for me:
1) create custom Android build. Change WindowManager code a little.
2) create own virtual keyboard which will serve keyboard and your stuff (