Is it possible to invoke "bu" (backup) service directly from android app or native shell on non-rooted phone? I know it is possible to do it via "adb shell backup". However, the main requirement is to be able to initialise this request without any prior usb connection.
Is it possible to connect and access to any android device on the same network over wifi using adb command:
adb connect
If phone is rooted then its possible. Otherwise you have to use 3rd party application for that.
I'm trying to make call for testing purposes in my bluestacks android emulator.
I tired
telnet localhost 5555
but my cmd goes blank after this.
Command prompt after telnet command
Why is it showing blank?
Is there any other way to call to an android emulator.
I need to process incoming call in my android application, so I need to generate a fake call.
The application I'm trying to build also require root(Super User) access.
I tried using Android Studio AVD, it can make incoming calls using telnet or ddms but what I want to do requires root permission.
I tried genymotion but the free version doesn't allow calling feature.
So I'm stuck with Bluestacks, it rooted by default & I just need way to generate an actual incoming call just like
gsm call 123456789
Could anyone tell me is it possible to test an android application that connects two phones using wifi(or any network connection) with the help of two Emulator instances.
We would like to make an social networking app that uses location services in android.But since I don't have an android phone I would like to know whether we could test the application using two Emulator instances.
Of cause you can connect to devices as many as you have. First you can connect to your phones via USB and run "adb tcpip" to set all the device to restart ADBD on network interface. The you can do "adb connect IpAddressOfEveryDevice". To direct command to specific device, use adb -s IP:PORT command
I have a requirement to integrate an android application with the ADB Daemon in order to pass commands to it (my Android application) through the USB interface.
Is this possible ?
My intention, is to plug this Android device to a Linux device and allow the Linux device to pass commands to the Android application via USB.
Therefore, since ADB is already implemented, and the ADB drivers for Linux also exist, I was wondering whether it would be easier to leverage this to allow the kind of communication I require.
You can use Activity Manager through adb shell.
For example, "adb shell am broadcast " will send broadcast intent to attached device.
Then your app can handle it with broadcast receiver.
Is it possible to communicate with the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) from inside an app if the service has been loaded through USB?
Here is the use case: I can take a screenshot of the framebuffer through ADB on an unrooted phone with no problem, but it is a little slow to transmit the entire raw buffer over USB, especially if I want to take more than a frame every 2 seconds. What I would like to do is access the framebuffer from inside an app on the phone which can then either transmit it over Wifi or do some compression first. ASL doesn't work on Jellybean (they shut down the loophole to install native services on /data/local), so I would just like to connect to the ADB service via some socket or whatever and issue the framebuffer request that way.
I am ok with having to connect via USB to load the ADB service, but once connected, I would like to do processing on the phone itself before transmission. And it must work on unrooted phones.
Is this possible?
$ adb shell screencap -p \| gzip -c \> /mnt/sdcard/s.png.gz; adb pull /mnt/sdcard/s.png.gz;